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Zamaninin translate English

12 parallel translation
Insan gelisimi eksikliginin bu umumi zamaninin ayni zamanda bütünleyici bir yönü de vardir ( simdiki üretim tarzina dayali tüketilebilir bir zaman biçimi ve günlük yasamda kendini sahte devirli bir zaman olarak göstermek.
the general time of human non-development... exists as well in the complementary aspect... of a consumable time which returns... to the daily life of society, from this determined production, as pseudo-cyclical time.
Marx'in teorisinin zayifligi, dogal olarak zamaninin proletaryasinin devrim mücadelesinin zayifligiyla iliskilidir.
The flaw of Marx's theory... is naturally the flaw in the revolutionary struggle... of the proletariat of his epoch.
B ¡ r meyve bahçes ¡ ndeym ¡ sçes ¡ ne... meyve toplama zamaninin kiymet ¡ n ¡ b ¡ Id ¡ g ¡ m ¡ z g ¡ b ¡... agaçlarin çiplak oldugu günler ¡ n de kiymet ¡ n ¡ b ¡ lel ¡ m.
As in a garden of the earth, let us learn to accept and appreciate the times when the trees are bare as well as the times when we pick the fruit.
Kadinlarlayken, kapinin açik olup, tohum atma zamaninin geldigini veya defolup gitme vakti olduğunu her zaman kestiremezsin.
With women, you can't always tell if the door's open and if it's time to add a seed, or get the hell out.
Artik genisleme zamaninin geldigine inaniyorum.
Well, I believe it's time we expanded.
Oysa zamaninin büyük kismini Tahran Hilton'da benimle oynasarak geçirdi.
Truth is, he spent most of his days in the Tehran Hilton, shagging me.
Düsmanligin içimize yerlesmesine izin vermeme zamaninin geldigini hissettim.
I felt it was time to stop all the speculation... and infiltrate the enemy camp.
Gloria bana çok zamaninin kalmadigini söyledi, ama hastalikla mücadele etmekten yorulmus, benden sana sormami istedi eger mümkünse infazin öne alinmasini istiyor.
Gloria tells me he hasn't got long to live, but he's tired of fighting the disease, so he asked me to ask you if it would be possible to move up the execution.
Zamaninin geldigini düsündüm.
I thought it was time.
He deeply regrets having to dash off.
Einstein da dahil zamaninin kabul görmüs tüm bilimcilerinin beklendigi gibi kafasi karismisti.
Not surprisingly, all the established scientists of the day, including Einstein, were baffled.
Ve Humps, zavalli yasli Humps, zamaninin cogunu bu problemin icinden cikmak icin harcayacak.
And Humps, poor old Humps, has to spend most of his time digging him out of trouble.

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