And there is traducir español
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There is fear, and there is beauty.
Hay miedo, y hay belleza.
And there is a very good reason...
Y hay una muy buena razón...
And there is a logic and problem-solving portion.
Y hay una parte de lógica y resolución de problemas.
And there is some comfort that we can take from that... in the rarity of such terrible things.
Y hay algo de consuelo que podemos tomar de eso... en la rareza de tan terribles cosas.
Hey, Frank, I try so hard to protect her, and to not let her know I'm scared, and there is a creep out there preying on nurses.
Oye, Frank, intento tanto protegerla, y no dejo que sepa que estoy asustada, y hay un asqueroso ahí fuera asediando enfermeras.
There is a flow of the energy of the universe around you, and a flow of the energy of the universe inside of you.
Hay un flujo de la energía del universo que te rodea, y un flujo de la energía del universo dentro de ti.
Now, we are discovering there is another invisible field, at the source of the material world, that is all around us, and in large quantities.
Ahora, estamos descubriendo que hay otro campo invisible, en la fuente del mundo material, que es todo alrededor de nosotros, y en grandes cantidades.
And sometimes there is massive criticism about the idea because it's a different way of thinking.
Y a veces hay críticas masivas sobre la idea porque es una manera diferente de pensar.
They told us that there is this background energy, which is the force that creates stars, planets, and life.
Nos dijeron que hay esta energía de fondo, que es la fuerza que crea estrellas, planetas y vida.
And the only person he'll talk to is you,'cause he thinks that you're up there with him.
Y la única persona que va a hablar con usted es, Porque él piensa que estás ahí arriba con él,
There is no time for you to get into a plane and get all the way up there. Plus, if I don't push this capsule into the atmosphere within the next... 180 seconds.
No hay tiempo para usted para entrar en un avión y llegar todo el camino hasta allí, Más, si no me empujo esta cápsula en la atmósfera dentro de la próxima,
All right, all I have to do is, uh, time my jump, grab that crack up there, uh, pull myself up, swing a leg over, and, uh, we should be good, you know.
Todo lo que debo hacer es, medir mi salto, tomar esa grieta de allí y empujarme hacia arriba, deslizar una pierna y estaremos bien, ya sabes.
And you blink, and... there it is.
- Y parpadeas y... - Ahí está.
Now, you can kill them, and I'm pretty sure there is nothing I can do about it, but if you do... you're gonna have to kill me too.
Puede matarlos, y estoy seguro de que no puedo hacer nada al respecto, pero si lo hace... tendrá que matarme a mí también.
See, the thing is... there are so many gaps, but one thing I could always hang onto... was you and the girls.
Veras, la cosa es... Que hay muchas lagunas, pero una cosa a la que siempre podía aferrarme era a ti y a las niñas.
I maybe have no idea who Mayfair is, but it seemed important to you, and I needed you guys to get me out of there, but the rest is totally true.
Es posible que no tenga ni idea de quién es Mayfair, pero parecía importante para vosotros, y os necesitaba para sacarme de aquí, pero el resto es todo cierto.
And his target is right there.
Y su objetivo está justo aquí.
And whatever it is that waits, we will go there together.
Y lo que sea que allí nos espere, iremos juntos.
And there it is.
Y ahí está.
Yeah, and someone who is still out there.
Sí, alguien que sigue por ahí suelto.
I can't just sit by and wait. The Queen is out there, and she's got more wishes.
La Reina anda suelta y le quedan deseos.
And the one thing that I do know about chess is that there is nothing more dangerous than a pawn that thinks it's a queen.
Y lo único que sé de ajedrez es que no hay nada más peligroso que un peón que se cree la reina.
Right, which is why you need to re-examine MacLeish's files and see if there's a connection.
Bien, por eso necesitas reexaminar los documentos de MacLeish y ver si hay alguna conexión.
Mr. Ambassador, there is a big difference between not sending back a petty criminal who was arrested for marijuana and a fugitive who we consider a threat to our national security.
Sr. embajador, hay una gran diferencia entre no traer de vuelta a un criminal de poca monta arrestado por marihuana y no traer a un fugitivo al que consideramos una amenaza para nuestra seguridad nacional.
Emily, I think there's a traitor in the White House, and I need you to help me find out who it is.
Emily, creo que hay un traidor en la Casa Blanca, y necesito que me ayudes a descubrir quién es.
All right, he might be a doctor, but the woman in blue is dying and the hostess is right there, not worried at all.
Bueno, él puede ser médico, pero la mujer de azul se está muriendo y la anfitriona está ahí tranquila.
Everyone is putting in all this work and she's just standing there.
Todos nos estamos esforzando y ella solo está ahí parada.
There is nothing you can do, and the drones will be here in seconds to make sure of it!
No hay nada que puedas hacer y los drones estarán aquí en segundos para asegurarse de ello.
Jerome's been round the whole place, and there literally is only one safe area to get on, and he's telling us it's that rock face over there.
Jerome ha estado por todo el lugar, y sólo hay literalmente un área segura donde bajar, y nos está diciendo que es esa pared de roca de allí.
Is there any reason why you can't be a fair and unbiased juror?
¿ Hay alguna razón por la que no pueda ser jurado justo e imparcial?
Good,'cause the cloud is now entering the cemetery, and I don't think it's there to pay its respects.
Bien, porque la nube está entrando al cementerio y no creo que esté ahí para presentar sus respetos.
Even if â € œWally and Timboâ € become. BFF's forever there's no getting around the fact that Scorpion is Walter's team.
Incluso si "Wally y Timbo" se convierten en los mejores amigos por siempre, no se dan cuenta del hecho de que es el equipo de Walter.
There is one body and one Spirit... that belongs to your call.
Hay un cuerpo y un Espíritu... que pertenecen a tu llamada.
There is one God and one one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all...
- Hay un Dios y una... una fe, un bautismo, un Dios y Padre de todos...
Indeed there is, Mr Farrel, and now the jury have been alerted to it.
Ciertamente lo hay, Sr. Farrel, y el jurado ya ha sido advertido de ello.
His work is off-putting and overrated, in my opinion, but there's no accounting for taste, is there?
Su trabajo es poco atractivo y sobrevalorado, en mi opinión, pero no hay explicación para el gusto personal, ¿ no?
There is a connection between the girls and the dog fights.
Hay una conexión entre las chicas y las peleas de perros.
There is nothing to indicate a breach of contract and it remains valid.
No hay nada que indique un incumplimiento de contrato... y sigue siendo válido.
The drive there and back is insanely long.
El camino de ida y vuelta es insanamente largo.
And now, I could not, I went through all the files trying to find this picture of her holding my hand, but there is a picture that was snapped just as I walked away.
Y ahora, no pude, yo Pasó por todos los archivos Tratando de encontrar esta imagen De ella sosteniendo mi mano, Pero hay una foto Que se rompió
I've just gotten word that there's an update on the Emily Parker case... and this is breaking news.
Acabo de saber que hay una novedad en el caso de Emily Parker... y esto es noticia de última hora.
I say the show always comes first, but there is a line, and last night I crossed it.
Digo que el programa es lo primero pero hay una línea y anoche la crucé.
There is nothing connecting him and Alan.
No hay nada que lo conecte con Alan.
But there's been chatter that it's a cover, and that what they're really doing is developing a tsunami bomb.
Pero ha habido habladurías de que es una tapadera y lo que en realidad están haciendo es desarrollar una bomba tsunami.
Uh, you see, there is a small control group, okay, and they will have access to your product.
hay un pequeño grupo de control, está bien. Y tendrán acceso a su producto.
"After midnight, you're rolling out there, â I want a burgerâ " but you can't find it and the place is closed.
Después de la medianoche, estás rodando quiero una hamburguesa, pero el lugar está cerrado.
It is mostly muscle. I'm not... I'm not saying there's not other stuff in there, but it is mostly muscle and bone and things of structure.
Es principalmente músculo, No estoy, no estoy diciendo que no hay otras cosas allí.
Hey... And why is there no orange juice?
Oye... ¿ y por qué no hay zumo de naranja?
As the snow line retreats further and further up these peaks, there is less and less space for wildlife, and that is a challenge for one of the most majestic of all mountain creatures.
Cuanto más disminuyen las nieves perpetuas en estos picos, menos espacio hay para la vida salvaje, y ese es un desafío para una de las criaturas montañosas más majestuosas.
But there are times when snow leopards must come together, and the event is often violent.
Pero hay momentos en los que los leopardos de las nieves deben reunirse, y el evento normalmente es violento.
Snow leopards meet so infrequently that there is uncertainty and tension.
Los encuentros de los leopardos de las nieves son tan poco frecuentes que hay incertidumbre y tensión.
and there you go 56
and there are 45
and there you have it 52
and there's more 69
and therefore 143
and there 292
and there i was 26
and there it is 180
and there it was 64
and there's 117
and there are 45
and there you have it 52
and there's more 69
and therefore 143
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and there i was 26
and there it is 180
and there it was 64
and there's 117
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there you were 36
and there's nothing 21
and there we are 37
and there you are 57
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
and there was 39
and there were 18
and there's something else 41
and there you were 36
and there's nothing 21
and there we are 37
and there you are 57
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
and there was 39
and there were 18
and there we go 24
and there she was 52
and there they are 27
and there she is 48
and there he was 70
there isn't 382
there is no such thing 30
there is no need 45
there isn't any 54
there is no escape 44
and there she was 52
and there they are 27
and there she is 48
and there he was 70
there isn't 382
there is no such thing 30
there is no need 45
there isn't any 54
there is no escape 44
there is no god 74
there is nothing 106
there is hope 43
there is no time 77
there is someone 42
there isn't time 60
there is 1445
there is no way 73
there is no hope 26
there is a problem 53
there is nothing 106
there is hope 43
there is no time 77
there is someone 42
there isn't time 60
there is 1445
there is no way 73
there is no hope 26
there is a problem 53