And there was traducir español
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I went on Trip Advisor, OK, and there was a review of Whitby.
Entré en Trip Advisor, ¿ sí? , y allí había una crítica de Whitby.
And there was one year I've never forgotten.
Y hubo un año que nunca olvidé.
And there was something with lower price that is my style.
Y había algo rebajada como mucho de mi estilo
And there was this one man named Mattathias who had five sons and probably some daughters, too- - but we may never know, because welcome to history- - and one son named
Y había un hombre llamado Matatías que tenía cinco hijos y también probablemente algunas hijas... pero nunca lo sabremos, porque, bienvenidas a la historia... y un hijo llamado
Well, remember that one Christmas when I was working, and I told you to go get the tree without me, then I came home, and there was no tree.
Bueno, recuerdó una Navidad, estaba trabajando, y te dije que fueras a buscar el árbol sin mí, Luego volví a casa, y no había árbol.
And there was music.
Y había música.
I am you. And there was a time when all you wanted was to tear Snow and Charming apart and kick Emma Swan out of your town.
Soy tú... y hubo un tiempo en que lo que más deseabas... era destrozar a Nieves y Encantador y echar a Emma Swan del pueblo.
And there was nothing that you could do.
Y no había nada que pudiera hacer.
The sense that it was made by men in aprons, that there are craft skills and traditional materials involved.
El sentido de que fue hecho por hombres en delantales, Que hay habilidades de artesanía Y materiales tradicionales involucrado.
Anyway, I'm glad we're still in Yorkshire, because last week we said there was no real motoring connection with the county, and it turns out that's not true.
Como sea, me alegro de seguir en Yorkshire, porque la semana pasada dijimos que no había conexión del motor con este condado y resulta que no es verdad.
After ten minutes on a motorway, you will have a headache, and you won't have any headache pills with you, because there was nowhere to put them.
Tras diez minutos en la carretera, tendréis jaqueca, y no tendréis nada para la jaqueca porque no hay dónde guardar nada.
You're saying because your car started, well, 50 yards away over there, wheelied, was uncontrollable, slammed back down and broke itself, it's the best on the track?
Salió haciendo "wheelie" de forma incontrolable... Chocó con fuerza en el piso y se rompió...
Eight years ago, the owner died and then there was an ugly inheritance battle between the survivors, which ultimately killed the company.
Hace ocho años, el dueño murió y se produjo una dura batalla por la herencia entre los supervivientes lo que, al final, acabó con la compañía.
There was really no one else and I... didn't want her to become a ward of the state.
No había nadie más y... no quería que ella acabase custodiada por el Estado.
I want you to get out there every day and remind people that an amazing woman's life was tragically cut short.
Quiero que salgas ahí cada día y recuerdes a la gente que la vida de una mujer increíble fue trágicamente arrebatada.
And I was just there.
Y yo justo estaba allí.
Look, even when Penny and I started living together, there was a-a learning curve.
Mira, aún cuando Penny y yo empezamos a vivir juntos, hubo una curva de aprendizaje.
I'm reticent to say that it's a club because I'm 33, but there was a dance floor, a DJ and I had on a little body glitter, okay!
No diré que era una disco porque tengo 33, pero había pista de baile, DJ, y usaba purpurina.
My point is, there was no day we all gathered in our town squares and threw our iPhones into the center so the military could use the scrap metal.
No hubo un día en que nos reunimos en las plazas y tiramos los iPhones al centro para que el ejército use el metal.
But I was there... and one night, I was walking back to my hotel, and... I came across this man... a traveler.
Pero yo fui... y una noche, volvía a mi hotel y me encontré a un hombre... a un viajante.
And then there was Tabitha, and then Glendon, and the youngest sibling was called Mouse.
Y después estaba Tabitha, y luego Glendon, y el más pequeño de todos los hermanos se llamaba Ratón.
So, one night, there was a lot of tequila, and boom...
Así que una noche hubo demasiado tequila y boom...
I told him there was an MVC, and I'm pretty sure at that exact moment, someone crashed their car'cause I lied.
- Sí. Le dije que había un choque múltiple y estoy bastante segura de que en ese preciso momento alguien chocó con su coche porque mentí.
And that there was good here, so...
Y que aquí estuviera bien, así que...
I was there only once and just by chance.
Sólo estuve una vez, y por casualidad,
It was a house of very miserable, decadent appearance. And a very poor family lived there. They were barefoot and dressed in ragged and dirty clothes.
era una casa de aspecto muy miserable, decadente, y vivía una familia muy pobre iban descalzos, y vestían con ropa sucia y andrajosa
Fire must've started and I guess there was no one to put it out.
El fuego debió empezar y supongo que no había nadie para apagarlo.
Now, I hired a few day laborers to relay a little bit of the foundation there, but vibrations from the jackhammer forced this fake wall to fall down and-and underneath it there was a-an old elevator shaft with the machinery in it.
Ahora, contraté a unos obreros para reforzar un poco la estructura de allí, pero las vibraciones del martillo neumático forzaron que esta pared falsa se derrumbara Y debajo de eso había un viejo hueco de ascensor con la maquinaria dentro.
But Mac would come over every day after school with my homework, and from there, a great friendship was born.
Pero Mac vino cada día después de clases con la tarea y desde ahí, nació una gran amistad.
Anyway, Justin was always into cars, so I called him up, and he said there's only one guy in town who does that kind of customization.
No importa, Justin siempre sabía sobre autos, así que lo llamé, y me dijo que hay una sola persona en la ciudad que hace ese tipo de personalización.
And he was sitting there for a second.
Se quedó ahí sentado un momento.
I was like, "I'm going in there, and I'm gonna be positive."
Yo pensé : "Voy a entrar y me van a decir que soy seropostivo".
That's why I was so mad'cause all I knew was that it was HIV, there was no cure, and that it turns into AIDS.
Mira, por eso me enfadé tanto, porque todo lo que sabía era que se llamaba VIH, que no había cura, y que luego se convierte en SIDA.
Well, I was on the apparatus floor, looking at the hose bed, and I thought, somewhere in the folds of that hose, there's a story.
Bueno, estaba en el piso de aparatos, mirando a la manguera y pensé, en algún lugar en las entrañas de esa manguera, ahí hay una historia.
So, I was introducing myself to my professors, and I think there's been a little mix-up.
Entonces, me estaba presentando a mis profesores, y creo que ha habido un pequeño malentendido.
We were staying in this house, and, um... there was an old Ouija board down in the basement.
Estábamos alojados en esta casa, y había un viejo tablero Ouija en el sótano.
I was the lead in the film and we-we were doing five scenes a day and I just couldn't be there every hour, so...
Yo era la protagonista de una película y hacíamos cinco escenas en un día y no podía estar allí a cada hora, así que...
See, the thing is... there are so many gaps, but one thing I could always hang onto... was you and the girls.
Veras, la cosa es... Que hay muchas lagunas, pero una cosa a la que siempre podía aferrarme era a ti y a las niñas.
There was a light, a bright light, and then black.
Hubo una luz, brillante, y luego oscuridad.
There was this real brute of a guard named Gun Wu, and let's just say Gun Wu had a real curious vibe to him...
Había un guardia muy bruto, llamado Gun Wu, y digamos que me mandaba unas vibraciones realmente curiosas...
She wouldn't tell me who took them and I knew there was somebody else and...
No me iba a decir quién se las sacó y sabía que había otro y...
I was putting stuff away, and... and suddenly there was a hand on my mouth.
Estaba sacando cosas y... y de repente tenía una mano en la boca.
Mr. Ambassador, there is a big difference between not sending back a petty criminal who was arrested for marijuana and a fugitive who we consider a threat to our national security.
Sr. embajador, hay una gran diferencia entre no traer de vuelta a un criminal de poca monta arrestado por marihuana y no traer a un fugitivo al que consideramos una amenaza para nuestra seguridad nacional.
And he was there for her when she needed him.
Y estuvo con ella cuando lo necesitó.
There was a lot of algae and bacteria by the shore, so I-I actually got it from your parents'driveway.
Había muchas algas y bacterias en la orilla, así que en realidad la tomé de la entrada de tus padres.
Pal, for the record, unhooking that cable and leaving yourself down there, that was tomfoolery of the first order.
Colega, para que conste, soltar ese cable y quedarse ahí abajo, eso fue una tontería de primera.
- my mom was at the plant and said that there was some kind of explosion.
Mi mamá estaba en la planta. Dice que hubo una explosión. VIOLET :
I came home and he was just there.
Fui a casa y estaba allí.
There was blood and brain matter found over 15 feet from where she lay.
Había sangre y materia cerebral a más de cuatro metros de donde yacía.
And then there was a woman... that he attacked with a hammer when he was 15.
Y luego había una mujer... que atacó con un martillo cuando tenía 15 años.
Leon Walker's DNA and fingerprints were found at the scene, there was a ballistics match on his weapon, and the money was recovered in his apartment.
El ADN de Leon Walker y sus huellas fueron encontradas en la escena, hubo coincidencias con su arma en las pruebas de balística y el dinero fue recuperado en su apartamento.
and there you go 56
and there you have it 52
and there are 45
and there's more 69
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and there i was 26
and there it is 180
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and there it was 64
and there you were 36
and there you have it 52
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and there you were 36
and there's 117
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there's nothing 21
and there we are 37
and there you are 57
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
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and there were 18
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there's nothing 21
and there we are 37
and there you are 57
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
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and there were 18
and there she was 52
and there we go 24
and there they are 27
and there she is 48
and there he was 70
there was this 68
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
and there we go 24
and there they are 27
and there she is 48
and there he was 70
there was this 68
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was a boy 17
there was an accident 105
there was nothing 90
there was a girl 56
there wasn't time 38
there was one 46
there wasn't any 16
there was a break 38
there was an explosion 49
there was a boy 17
there was an accident 105
there was nothing 90
there was a girl 56
there wasn't time 38
there was one 46
there wasn't any 16
there was a break 38