And there you are traducir español
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Car door slams, and there you are.
La puerta del coche se cierra, y ahí estás.
You know, every time something goes wrong, I look up and there you are.
Sabes, cada vez que algo sale mal, subo la mirada y allí estás tú.
Now if you really are more human than a machine, maybe there's a way we can... we can take down Vice once and for all.
Ahora, si eres realmente más humana que máquina, quizás hay un modo en que podamos derribar Vice de una vez por todas.
There are cameras and microphones in this house, and I need you to keep your voice down.
Hay cámaras y micrófonos en esta casa, y necesito que baje la voz.
There's one thing that you are focused on, and that is to perform, to win.
Hay una cosa que se centran en, y que consiste en realizar, para ganar.
We are playing kickball. So we need, like, the bases and the whole, like, official field that you guys don't need. So is there some kind of compromise where, like, we could have this bit and you could have that?
Vamos a jugar kickball... así que necesitamos las bases y un campo reglamentario... que ustedes no necesitan... así que ¿ podríamos negociar... para que ustedes tengan eso y nosotros esto?
'Dear Lord...'.. there are times that I rage at you'for what you have done to me and my wife.
"Querido Señor..." Hay veces que me enfado contigo Por lo que nos has hecho a mi esposa y a mi.
There is just a whole world of people that are just waiting to love you and Amy for who you both are.
Hay todo un mundo de gente que está esperando amarte a ti y a Amy por quien son.
You know, you can blame me all you want, but the story is out there, and I'm just as angry about it as you are.
Cúlpame todo lo que quieras, pero la historia está... publicada, y estoy tan enojada por como tú.
And I imagine you can guess it's because there's information those men are privy to that we'd just as soon not have plied out of them by your girls.
Y yo imagino que te imaginas que se debe a información que ellos tenían que preferiríamos no sea sonsacada por las muchachas.
I wouldn't ask if it was just for the money or the perks that come with fame, and, yes, there are some good ones, but... I will ask you to do it for America.
No se lo pediría si fuera solo por dinero o las ventajas que acompañan a la fama, y sí, hay algunas buenas, pero pediré que lo hagan por América.
( man ) Well, if you're feeling like there are too many pressures and demands on you, you're not alone.
- Perdona. La última vez hablaste todo tú. Este es mi turno.
A bumble bee stung one and then there were five and there is no hive here and there are no bees, so what are you going to do now, Mr Unknown Owen?
Un abejorro picó a uno y entonces fueron cinco y aquí no hay colmena ni abejas, así que ¿ qué vas a hacer ahora señor Owen?
There is no why, you are here and that's all.
No hay un por qué. Estás aquí y basta.
There are 3,000 of them and 713 of us, so I tell you if those bears ever get organized...
Ellos son 3000 y nosotros 713, así que si estos osos se organizases...
You think there's something valuable enough to make the British Navy forget that you and I are pirates?
¿ Crees que hay algo lo suficientemente valioso para hacer que la Armada Británica olvide que tú y yo somos piratas?
- Because I think it will give me some insight into where you are creatively and I can see if there's a link to the work that we're doing together.
Porque creo que me podría indicar donde va tu creatividad y ver si existe un lazo hacia el trabajo que hacemos juntas.
There are mirrors from floor to ceiling and golden chandeliers, and the minute you walk in, all you can smell is shampoo and red roses.
Hay espejos desde el suelo hasta el techo y candelabros dorados y desde el momento en el que entras, huele a champú y rosas.
There are rules about you and the gas.
Hay reglas acerca de usted y el gas.
Nurse Gilbert, you're back on midwifery, there are three delivery packs to be dropped off and a home inspection.
Enfermera Gilbert, vuelve a ser comadrona, hay que dar tres paquetes con los utensilios para el parto y una inspección domiciliaria.
There are no courts for me to turn to, but at least have the decency to look me in the face and tell me what you are.
No hay tribunales para mí a quien recurrir, pero por lo menos ten la decencia de mirarme a la cara y decirme lo que eres.
I'm sure you're not aware, but there is a big auction happening over Ellen's new book, and I would be tickled pink if you could show me what you guys are proposing.
Estoy segura de que no eres consciente, pero hay una gran subasta sobre el nuevo libro de Ellen, y estaría muy agradecida si pudieras enseñarme lo que vais a proponer.
Okay, look, in seven seconds, you come in there, Ben, you grab me by the hair and you drag me out, okay? Are you listening? - Yeah.
En siete segundos, ve, Ben tómame del cabello y sácame, ¿ sí?
Uh, for instance, that, um, that otter is the flanker, those two bears there are the props, and that little guy over there who you know gets fucked by the entire scrum is the hooker.
Por ejemplo, ese peludo de allá... es el ala. Y esos dos osos son los pilares. Y el pequeño de allá... a quien todos le hacen el amor... es el hooker.
You think there's something valuable enough to make the British Navy forget that you and I are pirates?
¿ Crees que haya algo con suficiente valor para que la Marina británica olvide que tú y yo somos piratas?
So tell me... are you really a guest. Or is there something cooking between you and my son?
Dime... ¿ eres de veras una invitada o hay algo entre mi hijo y tu?
When you decide what you're interested in and it's, if you're not seeking, then there's no part, and you are in a moment of your life where you are seeking.
Lo que dijiste fue muy interesante y es... Si no estás buscando, entonces no hay papel. Estás en un momento de tu vida donde estás buscando.
Because I love you so much. And I really feel like we're at a place in our relationship where there's more than enough love to go around. And I know that I'm not afraid of that and I don't think that you are either.
Porque te amo mucho y siento que estamos en un lugar de la relación en el que hay amor más que suficiente sé que no me asusta y creo que a ti tampoco.
I mean, don't you think that there are some people that die and with their death, the world becomes a slightly better place instantly?
¿ No crees que haya personas que mueren y con sus muertes el mundo se vuelve un lugar un poco mejor instantáneamente?
There are two types of people in this world - - people like you and me and assholes.
Hay dos tipos de personas en el mundo... gente como tú y yo e imbéciles.
I know you can't use your dominant hand for six weeks, and there are things a man does with his dominant hand that you can't do.
Sé que no puedes usar tu mano dominante durante seis semanas, y hay cosas que un hombre hace con su mano dominante que tú no puedes hacer.
As you can see, there are a number of cards, and on each card there are several lines.
Como se puede ver, hay una serie de cartas, y en cada tarjeta hay varias líneas.
And do you have any idea how many trees and flowering plants there are on this island?
¿ Y tienes alguna idea de cuántos árboles y flores hay en esta isla? Eso podría llevar meses.
Well then, you need to call them on a different frequency and tell them there are still people here.
Bueno, entonces necesita llamarlos en una frecuencia diferente y decirles que - aún hay personas aquí.
And those who have dreams will see that there are no limits to what you can achieve.
Y aquellos que tienen sueños verán que no existen límites para lo que pueden lograr.
And as I have told you, there are about 100 surnames in China, such as Zhaoqian Sun Lee.
Y como les dije, en China hay casi 100 apellidos comunes. Tales como Zhao, Xun, Lee...
We know that there's only a group of four or five guys that are - - that are causing this problem, but then they excite 300-odd guys, and when you have mob rule, what can we do?
Sabemos que sólo hay Un grupo de cuatro o cinco chicos que son - - Que están causando este problema, Pero luego se excitan 300 chicos extraños, Y cuando usted tiene regla de la multitud, ¿ Qué podemos hacer?
And the things that he hangs on there are all aspects of, you know, cinema poetry.
Y lo que él cuelga de esa siga son aspectos... de poesía cinematográfica.
You know, there are certain rules, and he pulled the pin and rolled a grenade into the middle of that conference room and destroyed all those rules.
Ya sabes, hay determinadas reglas, pero él agarró y metió una granada en esa sala de conferencias y destruyó todas esas reglas.
There are good schools everywhere and you hate your mother.
Hay buenos colegios en todos los sitios y odias a tu madre.
We've been waiting for over two hours now... with our luggage all packed and you are telling me there is no driver.
Hemos estado esperando durante más de dos horas, ahora con nuestro equipaje todo empacado. Y me estás diciendo que no hay conductor.
I'll tell you, in a war, there's really only two things that are gonna ruin your day and you know what those are boys... officers and orders.
En una guerra, sólo hay dos cosas, que pueden arruinarte un día. Sabes cuales son? No cierto muchachos...
Go rampaging up there like the unholy monster you are and let the consequences be on your head.
Ve a causar estragos por ahí como el abominable monstruo que eres y deja que las consecuencias permanezcan en tu cabeza.
And there are those who could love you... and shall.
Y existen aquellos que pueden amarte... y lo harán.
" Dear Sally, I know that you're frightened and there are many decisions I can't prepare you for, but you must immediately tell the hospital and the funeral director that I'm to be interred intact in the family plot in West Laurel.
" Querida Sally, sé que estás aterrorizada y hay varias decisiones, para las que no puedo prepararte, pero inmediatamente debes hablar al hospital y al director de la funeraria que debo ser enterrada intacta en el terreno de la familia en West Laurel.
It--I just want to say that we are about to embark on an amazing adventure, and whatever happens, just know that Ben and I are always there for you.
Es... Sólo quería decirles, que estamos por embarcarnos en una increíble aventura, y pase lo que pase, sepan que Ben y yo siempre estamos ahí para ustedes.
There's a rumor the governor of Indiana isn't going to run again, and my friends at the DNC are very interested in you as a candidate.
Hay un rumor de que el Gobernador de Indiana no volverá a postularse. Y mis amigos del CND están muy interesados en usted como candidata.
- [Cheers and applause] - Oh! There you are!
¡ Aquí estás!
Just tell me where you are and I'll find a way to get there.
Dime dónde estás e iré hasta allí.
You and I know that, Sergeant, but there are plenty of gullible people who think otherwise.
Nosotros lo sabemos, sargento, pero mucha gente crédula piensa otra cosa.
I think what we'll do is we'll send you the list, and then if there are any red flags, you can send those back to us, and... and we'll adjust accordingly.
Lo que haremos será enviarte la lista. Si ves algo que te alarme, remítela, y la corregiremos según corresponda.
and there you go 56
and there you have it 52
and there are 45
and there's more 69
and therefore 143
and there i was 26
and there it is 180
and there 292
and there it was 64
and there you were 36
and there you have it 52
and there are 45
and there's more 69
and therefore 143
and there i was 26
and there it is 180
and there 292
and there it was 64
and there you were 36
and there's 117
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there's nothing 21
and there we are 37
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
and there is 20
and there was 39
and there were 18
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there's nothing 21
and there we are 37
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
and there is 20
and there was 39
and there were 18
and there we go 24
and there she was 52
and there they are 27
and there she is 48
and there he was 70
there you are 4720
you are 6060
you are so sweet 63
you are amazing 104
you are my friend 67
and there she was 52
and there they are 27
and there she is 48
and there he was 70
there you are 4720
you are 6060
you are so sweet 63
you are amazing 104
you are my friend 67
you are beautiful 191
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
you are the best 102
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are right 482
you aren't 92
you are good 169
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
you are the best 102
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are right 482
you aren't 92
you are good 169