And what's his name traducir español
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Stewart to tea and mister- - what's his name- - the little man with the squeaky voice.
En su evidencia, Srta. Mitcham dijo que oyó voces femeninas acaloradas. - Sí, señor, así fue.
And that funny little man what's his name?
Y luego ese hombre pequeño y gracioso... ¿ Cómo se llama?
Please convey my compliments, to Mr., uh, uh, uh, what's-his-name, and tell him that I don't really resemble him on purpose.
Por favor, salude de mi parte al Sr. "como se llame"... y dígale que no me parezco a él adrede.
Look here, jill, is there anything between you and this young what's-his-name rolf?
Jill ¿ hay algo entre tú y ese joven. ¿ cómo se Ilama? ¿ Rolf?
Just'cause you're going to be ate tonight by Lord and Lady what's his name.
Sólo porque esta noche vas a ser comido por Lord y Lady como-se-llamen.
When that final curtain hits the floor... and what's his name, this Bellamy, when he comes out to take his bows... they're all gonna be yelling, "Renault! Renault!"
Cuando caiga el telón... y como-se-llame, ese Bellamy, cuando salga a saludar... todos gritarán, " ¡ Renault!
Oh, Uncle John, why don't you ask Colonel what's-his-name to come over here and we all 5 could be together.
Oh, tío John, ¿ por qué no le pides al coronel como se llame que venga a sentarse aquí y así los cinco podríamos estar juntos?
Suppose this old'what's his name'is alive and I prove it..
Suponga que ese viejo está vivo y lo demuestro.
I'm being the way I want. And this what's-his-name don't fit into my idea of a pleasant evening.
Y este fulano no cuadra en mi concepto de velada agradable.
And this what's-his-name don't fit into my idea of a pleasant evening.
Yo me pongo como quiero. Y este fulano no cuadra en mi concepto de velada agradable.
¿ Y qué hay de dejar limpio y puro el nombre de tu esposa?
but you've taught me to appreciate the higher things in art, my aunt the sublime not to be compared to daily life marriage has nothing to do with art it's a matter of interest of the state and the interest of the state must tell him that he cannot marry his... what's her name anyway?
pero usted me ha enseñado a apreciar las cosas superiores en el arte, mi tía, lo sublime para no ser comparado a la vida diaria el matrimonio no tiene nada que ver con el arte es una cuestión de interés de estado y el interés del estado debe decirle que no puede casarse... ¿ cuál es su nombre?
What's his name? And you're not the type to rot, sister.
No creo que quiera eso.
And what a plug. He's grabbed off the Metropolitan Opera House with the full orchestra... conducted by this fellow Tommaso... whatever his name is.
Ha conseguido la Metropolitan Opera House con toda su orquesta... dirigida por este tipo, Tommaso, o como se llame.
Go and get the first aid man, what's his name?
Ve a buscar al del botiquín. ¿ Cómo se llama?
- Sister Bates and what's-his-name...
- La Hermana Bates y como-se-llamaba...
If you'll accept a reasonable salary against 10 % of the profits, you can take Ike and Mr What's-his-name?
Digamos el 10 % de los beneficios. Podrá llevarse a Ike con usted y al señor... - Twiddle.
I often wondered what happened to him... then one day I'm breezing through here, and there's his name up on a sign.
Desde aquí. Muchas veces me pregunté qué había sido de él. Un día pasaba por aquí y vi su nombre en un cartel.
And his name is Dunstan. That's what it is.
Y se apellida Dunstan, ya lo sabes.
And you wish to enter your brother here for treatment. What's his name?
Y usted desea internar a su hermano para un tratamiento. ¿ Cómo se llama?
Raniero the Adventurer, and what's-his-name - -
Raniero el Aventurero, y... ¿ Como se llamaba ese otro? ...
This, what's his name, McCleary person, and the things he writes about!
Ese... cómo se llama... McCleary. ¡ No vean las cosas sobre las que escribe!
You and what's-his-name.
Y cuál es su nombre.
They were all kind of bughouse... caesar and cicero, what's-his-name.
Todos eran unos petardos. Cesar, Cicerón, y cómo se llame.
I saw a booth in disorder. And what's his name?
Vi que había una cabina averiada.
And right after that, what's-his-name...
Y justo después...
And there'll be that French baron, Andre what's his name.
Y estará ese barón francés, André como se llame.
And I understand him too.. and what the reverend here said, what's his name,.. Mr. Cardone.
Lo entiendo también a él... lo que ha dicho aquí el reverendo, como se llame, el señor Cardone.
We're gonna slice his name into him, and that's what we're gonna do.
Cortaremos su nombre en su cuerpo, eso haremos.
And let's see what else. Oh, yes, there was a man by the name of Louton who murdered his wife.
Uno que aún todos recordamos es eI de un tipo llamado Louton.
I've seen him on the stairs, watching me come in and out. What's his name?
Lo he visto en las escaleras observándome, entrando y saliendo. ¿ Cómo se llama?
- What's his first name and address?
- ¿ Cuál es su apellido y su dirección?
-? And what's his name?
- ¿ Y como se llama?
There's only one man in the world strong enough to do what I saw him do. There is only one man, and his name is... Goliath.
Solo un hombre en el mundo es capaz de hacer lo que él ha hecho, y ese hombre se llama Goliat.
You and that boss of yours. What's his name, Mustolino?
Tú y ese que os dirige, ¿ cómo se llama, Mustolino?
War and Peace by what's his name.
Guerra y paz de cómo-se-llame.
Marco and what's his name?
Marco y... ¿ cómo se llama?
And what's his name, sir?
Y ¿ cómo se llama, señor director?
My friends, we have gathered ourselves together... within these bog-grieved walls... to pay homage to the departed soul of... what's-his-name... whom the pious and unyielding fates have chosen to pluck... from the very prime of his existence... and place in the bleak sarcophagus of all eternity.
Amigos, nos hemos reunido... dentro de estas paredes afligidas... para rendirle homenaje al alma difunta de... Fulano de Tal... a quien las obstinadas diosas del destino han decidido... arrancar de la flor de la vida... y meter en el sombrío sarcófago de toda la eternidad.
Johnson or whatever his name is - get him on the wire and tell him what's what.
Johnson o como se llame -... le llames y le digas unas cuantas verdades. No voy a llamar a nadie.
And you can tell what's-his-name that any man with a wife like you who spends every night with a can of soup must be even less than human.
Y dile a como se llame que cualquiera con una mujer como tú que decide pasar las noches con una sopa es aún peor que mortal.
And there was a second chap, and the second chap says, "What's the name of his other leg?"
Había otro señor y le dijo : "¿ Cómo se llama la otra pata?"
And what's his family name?
¿ Y cuál es su apellido?
And yours, what's his name? . Lutero.
- ¿ Y el vuestro cómo se llama?
And what's... oh'What's-His-Name there going to be doing all this time?
Y qué... oh'Y quién sea ese va a estar haciendo eso todo el tiempo?
I personally want to avenge the death of my very good and dear friend, Dr. What's-his-name.
Quiero vengar personalmente la muerte de mi muy querido amigo, el doctor como se llame.
You can take Mr what's-his-name upstairs and settle him in.
Acompaña al Sr... a su habitación.
- And why the policeman... What's his name?
- Y el policía... ¿ Cómo se llama?
And speaking of wrong environment where's what's-his-name?
Hablando de ambiente equivocado ¿ dónde está "como-se-llama"?
And Fraser and Quince and that negro, what's his name?
Y a Fraser y a Quince y a ese negro, ¿ cómo se llama?
Look, Petulia, go home and save what's-his-name.
Mira, Petulia, vete a casa y salva a como se llame.
and what's more 117
and what's worse 41
and what's that 303
and what's that supposed to mean 44
and what's this 102
and what's your name 81
and what's wrong with that 29
and what's 22
and what's her name 17
what's his name 1333
and what's worse 41
and what's that 303
and what's that supposed to mean 44
and what's this 102
and what's your name 81
and what's wrong with that 29
and what's 22
and what's her name 17
what's his name 1333
what's his name again 79
his name is dr 18
his name is 110
his name is ethan 17
his name 264
his name is mr 17
his name was 49
his name's 23
and welcome back 16
and what are you doing 48
his name is dr 18
his name is 110
his name is ethan 17
his name 264
his name is mr 17
his name was 49
his name's 23
and welcome back 16
and what are you doing 48
and welcome 74
and what about you 352
and what are you doing here 62
and well done 16
and what 818
and what are you going to do 22
and whatever you do 86
and what happened 146
and who is she 20
and who knows 137
and what about you 352
and what are you doing here 62
and well done 16
and what 818
and what are you going to do 22
and whatever you do 86
and what happened 146
and who is she 20
and who knows 137