Both of us traducir español
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- To both of us.
- A los dos.
We have been given a second chance, Walt, both of us.
Se nos ha dado una segunda oportunidad, Walt, los dos..
You don't need both of us.
No nos necesitas a las dos.
I've been working hard to blend Phil's and my stuff together in a way that makes both of us happy.
Me lo he currado mucho para combinar las cosas de Phil y las mías de modo que nos hagan feliz a los dos.
I saw that he almost killed both of us, and I'm not willing to risk that anymore.
- Sí. Vi que casi nos mata a ambos y no estoy dispuesta a arriesgarme más.
Because Liam wanted both of us dead for some reason.
Porque Liam nos quería a los dos muertos por alguna razón.
I'll speak for both of us.
Hablaré de los dos.
Maybe it'd be good for the both of us.
Quizá sea bueno para las dos.
I got enough dough for the both of us.
Tengo suficiente pasta para los dos.
You need to apologize to both of us.
Debes pedirnos disculpas a los dos.
- I've decided that what would be best for me, and for Eric- - would be best for both of us, - Uh-huh. - Is if we were to have... a little break from you and whatever effect that you may be having on our lives.
He decidido que lo que mejor sería para Eric y para mí... que sería lo mejor para ambos, que nos tomáramos un pequeño descanso de ti y de cualquier efecto que puedas tener en nuestras vidas.
Either they catch me or both of us.
O me cogen a mí o a los dos.
Either they catch me, or both of us.
O me cogen a mí, o a los dos.
And you're forcing me into a corner, and there's not gonna be room in that corner for both of us.
Me estás llevado a un rincón y no hay espacio para los dos en ese rincón.
And the only way I see out of this for both of us is for you to go to Norma Bates and get back the flash drive.
Y la única solución que encuentro para que lo haya es que tú vayas a Norma Bates y recuperes la memoria USB.
Everything will go better for both of us.
Todo irá mejor para ambos.
This timeline isn't big enough for the both of us.
La líneas del tiempo no es lo suficientemente grande para los dos.
Let's hope it holds for both of us.
Esperemos que tiene para los dos.
But I have to protect both of us.
Pero tengo que proteger a los dos.
Okay, I'll just worry for the both of us.
Vale, solo me preocupar de las dos.
And, of course, my brother is furious at both of us for not obeying his wishes.
Y, por supuesto, mi hermano está furioso con nosotros por desobedecer sus deseos.
You could've got both of us shot, you stupid son of a bitch!
¡ Podrías haber hecho que nos dispararan, estúpido hijo de puta!
- Okay, good. Both of us!
- Vale, bien. ¡ De los dos!
Oh, I think it worked out for the both of us.
Oh, creo que funcionó para nosotros dos.
You said this would make killers out of both of us.
Dijiste que esto podría convertirnos a ambas en asesinas.
Both of us?
¿ Los dos?
I told you, my sister took the hit for both of us.
Te lo dije, mi hermana se echó la culpa por los dos.
- He's waiting for both of us.
- Está esperándonos a ambos.
After all, he is me, and I am him, so... Maybe it's time that both of us answered for our sins.
Después de todo, él es yo, y yo soy él, así que... tal vez sea hora de que ambos respondamos por nuestros pecados.
... invited the Prime Minister to join me tomorrow for breakfast so that we can discuss in more detail the efforts that both of us are making to secure a more peaceful world.
... invitado al Primer Ministro a unirse a mi mañana para desayunar y poder discutir con más detalle los esfuerzos que ambos estamos haciendo para asegurar un mundo más pacífico.
Noelle trains both of us.
Noelle nos entrena a las dos.
Well, I'll speak for both of us, then.
Bueno, entonces, hablaré por nosotros dos.
I'm sure I speak on behalf of both of us when I say we'd be honored to have you as our guests.
Estoy seguro de que hablo en nombre de ambos si digo que nos honraría teneros como invitados.
That would be a little too painful for both of us.
Eso seria un poco demasiado doloroso para los dos.
Both of us.
Los dos.
W-With two kids and both of us working full-time, we barely saw each other during the week, and when we did, we-we really tried not to talk shop.
Con dos niños y ambos trabajando a tiempo completo, casi no nos veíamos entre semana, y cuando lo hacíamos, intentábamos no hablar de nimiedades.
You were able to forgive both of us all because you found it in your heart to see past it.
A nosotros nos perdonaste porque pudiste ver más allá de lo que hicimos.
I can do it for both of us.
Yo puedo hacerlo por los dos.
That she lied to both of us.
Nos mintió a ambos.
For both of us.
Para ambos.
Tanner saw both of us there. After she takes me down, she can go after you, too, And it'll be my fault...
Después de atraparme, puede ir detrás de ti, también, y sería mi culpa...
Tanner saw both of us there.
Tanner nos vio a los dos allí.
- And that would be bad for both of us.
- Y eso sería terrible para los dos.
Looks like a big day for both of us.
Parece un gran día para ambas.
You need to come with us, both of you.
Necesitan acompañarnos, los dos.
We both knew it would end like this for one of us.
Ambos sabemos cómo acabará esto para uno de nosotros.
You've got to get both of those to us as soon as you can, Alex.
Tienes que conseguirnos ambas tan pronto como puedas, Alex.
But from the very beginning, what has worked for us is to have both a male and a female point of view.
Pero desde el principio, lo que nos ha funcionado ha sido tener un punto de vista tanto masculino como femenino.
We both think we know how this is going to end, And one of us is wrong.
Ambos sabemos cómo va a terminar y uno de nosotros está equivocado.
We both think we know how this is going to end, and one of us is wrong.
Ambos pensamos que sabemos cómo esto va a terminar, y uno de nosotros.
The Hubble gave us an unprecedented view of both our closest neighbors and of galaxies unimaginably far from our own.
El Hubble nos dio una cifra sin precedentes vista tanto de nuestros vecinos más cercanos y de las galaxias inimaginablemente lejos de la nuestra.
both of you 1783
both of them 366
both of' em 29
of us 249
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usagi 51
usher 82
usual 64
usually 803
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both of them 366
both of' em 29
of us 249
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user 29
useless 232
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useful 59
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useless 232
uschi 33
usopp 23
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ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
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use your head 124
use me 43
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use mine 46
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use your power 21
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use your legs 22