Could i just traducir español
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Could I just ask firstly, can you walk more than 50 metres unassisted by any other person?
¿ Es capaz de caminar más de 50 metros sin la ayuda de otra persona?
I had a little too much to drink, got into it with some locals in the parking lot, and jeez, I just... I could not get a good look at their face.
Tomé demasiado, me peleé con gente del pueblo en el estacionamiento, y, vaya, solo... no pude verles bien los rostros.
Look, I'd be really grateful if we could just stick to the issue in hand here, which is the murder of Lindsay Denton.
Veamos, agradecería mucho si pudiéramos centrarnos en el asunto que tenemos entre manos, que es el asesinato de Linsay Denton.
Maybe I could just...
- Quizá podría...
I could just leave you in there, you know.
Podría dejarte ahí, sabes.
I could just forget about everything I've done, but I can't.
Que podria olvidar todo lo que he hecho. Pero no puedo.
Just... You need to believe me when I say it's possible... I could've killed her.
Solo debes creerme cuando te digo que es posible... que la haya matado.
Maybe I should turn gay just so I could date you.
Tal vez debería volverme gay, así podría salir contigo.
I just gave Pearl some of my makeup, so she could look nice for you.
Acabo de darle a Pearl algo de maquillaje Para poder verse bien para ti
Yeah, you know, I never thought I could actually be friends with just, you know, a friend that you actually like.
Sí, sabes, nunca pensé que realmente podría ser amigo de... un amigo que realmente me guste.
Well, I suppose we could if you want to, but... then again we could just take a break from it all and relax a bit.
Supongo que podríamos, si quiere, pero también podríamos tomar una pausa y descansar un poco.
I know, but if we could just push back the tasting just an hour.
Si pudiéramos retrasar la degustación solo una hora...
Just so you could lure Nick into an ambush? Well, I didn't know you were gonna go with him.
¿ Solo para atraer a Nick a una emboscada?
You know, Kori, you and I could just...
Sabes, Kori, tú y yo podríamos...
I thought I just could Walk away. It would be... H would be easy.
Pensé que simplemente me alejaría, que sería que sería fácil.
If I could just call them...
Si solo pudiera llamarlos...
I think you could just put his name, and then... Where is he? What prison is he in?
Creo que bastaría con que pusieses su nombre y... ¿ Dónde está?
Yeah, I know, but that could just..... be my effortless overwhelming charisma.
- Sí, lo sé, pero eso podría ser solo... por mi apabullante natural carisma.
Maybe i could just go look in her bedroom?
¿ Puedo buscar en su habitación?
I-I mean, I get that the whole thing is a covert op. I'm just saying... I could be your secret weapon in taking Loksat down.
Entiendo que es una operación encubierta, sólo digo que... yo podría ser tu arma secreta para acabar con Loksat.
I did whatever I could just to be you, including date Javi, but it was pretty clear that he still had feelings for you, that I would never be enough for him.
Hice todo lo que pude para estar contigo, incluso salir con Javi, Pero era claro que aun sentia algo por ti, que nunca seria suficiente para el.
You think I could just replace him?
¿ Cree que podría reemplazarle?
So if I could just have a little peace and quiet,
Así que si tan sólo pudiera tener un poco de paz y tranquilidad,
I was just wondering if you could squeeze this for me as hard as you can.
Me preguntaba si podría exprimir esto para mí tan duro como puedas.
So I had James Tech put the word out that I have a stolen Winton Miller and I just got an e-mail from the guy who said he could sell it for me.
Le pedí a James de informática que corriera el rumor de que tengo un Winton Miller robado y acabo de recibir un correo de un tipo que dijo que podría venderlo por mí.
I mean, even if someone did knock out the security camera, that means they could've been in the evidence room, switching the coats while Boyle and I were just moments away.
Digo, incluso si alguien apagó la cámara de seguridad, eso significa que podrían haber estado en el cuarto de evidencias, cambiando los abrigos mientras Boyle y yo estábamos a momentos de llegar.
Or I could just call a friend at the NSA.
O podría llamar a un amigo en la NSA.
It's just that I... I had to figure out what I was dealing with, so I could know what to do with it.
Es solo que... tengo que descubrir a qué me estoy enfrentando, para poder saber qué debo hacer.
I just wish I could go back.
Ojalá pudiera volver atrás.
He said, "I have never seen anybody who could just stand up and speak with no notes, look around at kids who won't listen and mesmerize them with just raw communication."
Él dijo : "Nunca vi a nadie que pueda pararse y hablar sin notas, mirar alrededor a chicos que no escuchan e hipnotizarlos solo con la comunicación".
If I didn't have this darn plate in my head, we could just erase him with the memory gun when he steps inside my mind.
Si no tuviera esta placa en mi cabeza, podríamos borrarlo con esto mientras estuviera dentro de mi mente.
Do you wanna, I mean, well, if I could just carry on cooking...
¿ Quieres... quiero decir...?
I'm good at it, so I could just really get in there and just...
Lo hago bien, así que solo me puse a ello y, bueno...
I wish I could just bury that entire part of my life.
Desearía poder enterrar esa parte de mi vida.
Um, today I would just like to focus on the medicine if I could, okay?
Um, hoy lo haría igual para centrarse en la medicina Si pudiera, ¿ de acuerdo?
I mean, maybe we could just...
Quiero decir, tal vez podríamos simplemente...
I just thought maybe I could spend the night, learn the Bassett experience from the inside out, you know?
Pensé que tal vez podría pasar la noche y sentir la experiencia Bassett desde adentro, ¿ sabes?
I just wish I could tell him I was sorry.
Solo desearía poder haberle dicho que lo siento.
Yeah, he could just pretend there was a problem with the app and then offer a discount if the rider pays cash and cancels the car they already ordered. Mm-hmm. I love ya!
Sí, podría fingir que ha habido un problema con la aplicación y ofrecer un descuento si el pasajero paja en efectivo y cancela el coche que ya había pedido. ¡ Te adoro!
I just wish I knew how we could help him.
Ojalá supiera cómo podríamos ayudarlo.
I'll try and let this go, but I'm just saying, we could have gone to the Taste of Bushwick, and we'd still be closer to the court.
Haré un esfuerzo y dejaré pasar eso, pero solo estaba diciendo, que podríamos haber ido al Taste of Bushwick. y aún así estaríamos más cerca de la cancha.
I just wish I could get some traction.
Sólo desearía poder conseguir algo de motivación.
Hey, uh, listen, do you think tonight maybe you and I could just... I don't know.
Oye... escucha, ¿ crees que esta noche tal vez tú y yo podríamos...?
I was just coming to the conclusion that you could take that threat and shove it up your ass.
Estaba llegando a la conclusión de que puedes irte al diablo con tu amenaza.
I just... could not handle that.
Solo... no pude enfrentarlo.
I could've spent the last 30 years just being her grandfather...
Podría haber pasado los últimos 30 años sólo ser su abuelo...
I guess you could say I'm just sort of a zombie whisperer.
Supongo que puedes decir que soy como un encantador de zombis.
It was just something that I... I could think about.
Eso era solo algo que podía pensar.
I just think it would be great if they could hear that from Dan.
Solo pienso que sería fantástico si pudiesen oír eso de Dan.
Professor, I've just been in the Museum of Art, to say goodbye to your work, but I could not.
Profesor, acabo de estar en el Museo de Arte, para despedirme de su trabajo, pero no pude.
If I got dragged in an alley somewhere, I co... I could just stop walking past that alley.
Si fuese arrastrado a un callejón en algún sitio, po... podría dejar de pasar por ese callejón.
could i ask you something 32
could i have a glass of water 17
could i ask you a question 18
could i 329
could it be 107
could i talk to you 20
could it 82
could i speak to you 16
could i talk to you for a second 33
could i have a word with you 33
could i have a glass of water 17
could i ask you a question 18
could i 329
could it be 107
could i talk to you 20
could it 82
could i speak to you 16
could i talk to you for a second 33
could i have a word with you 33
could i have your attention 27
could i talk to you for a minute 21
could i have a word 57
i just 13298
i just want to sleep 24
i just want you to be happy 100
i just did it 38
i just want to talk to you 112
i just want to say 190
i just wanted to hear your voice 33
could i talk to you for a minute 21
could i have a word 57
i just 13298
i just want to sleep 24
i just want you to be happy 100
i just did it 38
i just want to talk to you 112
i just want to say 190
i just wanted to hear your voice 33
i just want to be with you 40
i just got here 258
i just don't 165
i just did 342
i just wanted to let you know 58
i just wanted to check in 19
i just wanted you to know that 44
i just want to say thank you 23
i just can't 470
i just wanted to introduce myself 20
i just got here 258
i just don't 165
i just did 342
i just wanted to let you know 58
i just wanted to check in 19
i just wanted you to know that 44
i just want to say thank you 23
i just can't 470
i just wanted to introduce myself 20