Even worse traducir español
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I mean, that was - - that was even worse than what happened to your dad, wasn't it?
Quiero decir, eso fue... eso fue incluso peor que lo que le pasó a tu papá, ¿ no fue así?
It's gonna be even worse at home.
Sera aún peor en casa.
She looks even worse than before. She wouldn't mind a cup of coffee.
se ve aún peor que antes.
I suppose..... I think it must've been even worse for you, losing a twin.
Supongo Creo que debe haber sido peor para tí, perder a un mellizo.
The worst thing would be not realize it, or even worse, be cowardly to accept it, and remain a slave, lobotomized by this shitty Artificial Intelligence ( "A.I." ).
Lo más grave sería, de no llegar a conscienciarse. O aun peor, por cobardía, de no querer jamás aceptarlo, y quedarse como esclavo, lobotomizado por esta imunda inteligencia artificial.
But he's even worse!
¡ Pero él es aún peor!
Even worse, it'd contain his cancers.
Incluso peor, contendría a sus cánceres.
It's probably even worse for Shane, you know?
Probablemente sea aún peor para Shane.
This one's even worse!
¡ Este es aún peor!
So the Father goes "Ugh, that's even worse than the last one."
El padre dice, "Eso es peor que la anterior".
That's even worse.
Peor aún.
They are even worse.
Ellos son los peores.
Things weren't great in peak season, now it's even worse.
No fue bien en temporada alta, ahora peor.
Well, if that's true, it's even worse.
Bueno, si es verdad, es incluso peor.
But the first male did even worse.
Pero el primer hombre hizo algo peor.
But if girl number two was bad, the guy was even worse.
Pero si dos números chica era malo, el tipo era aún peor.
That's what's even worse.
- Mi hermano lo hizo.
He's even worse than Hwang
Es incluso peor que Hwang.
You know, that's even worse than
Eso es aún peor que...
It's so bad, and the sequels are even worse.
Es tan mala... y la secuela es incluso peor.
She is despicable and... the person who chose her even worse.
Ella es despreciable y... la persona que la eligió es aún peor.
And now the situation has got even worse.
Y todo empeora aún más.
You look even worse than you did in hospital.
Estás peor que cuando estabas en el hospital.
That's correct, it's looks like we may be dealing with an elder, or even worse, a diablerie.
Eso es correcto, parece ser que estamos tratando con un anciano o mucho peor, un demonio.
But I gotta say, I feel even worse for Adrian.
Pero la verdad, es peor para Adrian.
- Well, I have even worse news.
- Bueno, nosotros tenemos aún peores ntoicias.
Makes it even worse.
Lo hace incluso peor.
After all this arguing about my scheming, what you've been doing is even worse.
Después de todo lo argumentado, acerca de mi intriga, lo que has estado haciendo es incluso peor. Pero lo puedo explicar.
What Darryl does to Bear is even worse.
Lo que Darryl le hace a Oso es peor.
You're even worse, you fancy my brother.
Dime la verdad, ¿ te gusta mi hermano?
Excellent. So when a team falls apart, no one's got your back... or even worse, their on your back.
Así que, cuando un equipo se rompe, nadie te cubre la espalda, o incluso es peor es que estén a tu espalda y empieces a preocuparte...
It's nothing but niggers and even worse today, I hear.
¡ No hay nada más que negros... o incluso cosas peores hoy en día, he escuchado!
But I knew those same eyes were gonna see me coming home drunk and crazy or maybe even worse.
Pero yo sabía que esos mismos ojos me verían llegar a casa borracho y loco. O tal vez algo peor.
And what's even worse is... I have to wear a dress that doesn't fit right.
Y lo peor es... que tengo que llevar un traje que no me sienta bien.
Mine was even worse.
El mío era aún peor.
It's even worse if they're black or white.
Sobre todo las blancas y las negras.
Which makes the betrayal even worse.
Lo que hace la traición aún peor.
But Anthony, I mean, he had it even worse.
Pero Anthony, quiero decir, él lo tenía mucho peor.
i'll never understand how men like you can cause so much damage or even worse, how women such as myself can even stand it.
'Nunca entenderé cómo hombres como tú pueden causar tanto daño, o peor aún.' '¿ Cómo mujeres como yo siquiera soportamos?
That's even worse.
- Eso es peor.
I'm even worse... I start to shake, why not, why not...
Es que me pongo malo, me dan tiritonas, porque no...
And there it was even worse because... we could see... a lot of people shouting, calling for help.
y ahí era peor, porque podías ver a un montón de gente que chillaba que les ayudases.
It's even worse, Ben.
Está aún peor, Ben.
Do not look for another excuse Bernardo. Quite annoying that you want to steal the munkásaimat, and even worse, when you look foolish.
No busques más excusas, Bernardo, ya es muy enojoso que intentes robarme a mis trabajadores para que lo empeores tratándome como a una necia.
- Tomorrow will be even worse!
Mañana estaré peor, te lo aseguro.
That's why it makes you feel even worse.
Esto hace que se sienta peor que nunca.
When it is worse than even rocky road can fix... ♪ did I make you up just so I could believe ♪ ♪ a hopeless notion ♪ Then I will kill you myself.
Cuando es peor que incluso un camino complicado puede arreglar... entonces yo misma te mataré. ¿ No es una locura?
Even if he ends up deformed or deaf and dumb or loses the use of his legs, he'd be no worse off than he is now, and he'd have money!
Aunque terminara deforme o sordo y tonto o perdiera el uso de sus piernas, no estaría peor de lo que está ahora, ¡ y tendría dinero!
Such a gene, even if it was bad for the possessor of the gene, as long as it was worse for distantly related people, it could evolve and we might be genetically programmed to be murderers.
Un tal gen, incluso si esto fuera malo para el poseedor del gen, mientras fuera peor para la gente más distante, podría evolucionar y podríamos estar genéticamente programados para ser asesinos.
Even though I've told you all this, You now do not understand anything... What I am worse for you I love you more.
Pero aunque te diga todo eso y tú ahora no entiendas nada, cuanto peor te trate, más te estaré queriendo.
There's this kid that you wish would disappear, and that makes you feel guilty, and worse, he could end up being a part of your life even though he's not yours and you didn't ask for him.
Hay un chico que te gustaría que desapareciera, y te hace sentir culpable, y peor, podría acabar siendo parte de tu vida aún sabiendo que no es tuyo y sin pedirlo.
worse 583
worse than that 69
worse still 28
even if you don't 27
even better 478
even if it hurts 20
even more 72
even though 141
even if it is 23
even if i wanted to 108
worse than that 69
worse still 28
even if you don't 27
even better 478
even if it hurts 20
even more 72
even though 141
even if it is 23
even if i wanted to 108
even if 79
even so 574
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even me 139
even in death 43
even today 54
even for me 84
even after all these years 30
even so 574
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even me 139
even in death 43
even today 54
even for me 84
even after all these years 30