Even for you traducir español
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- Not even for you.
- Ni siquiera por ti.
Even for you, that was mean.
Hasta para tu nivel, esto fue malo.
Extravagant, even for you.
Extravagante, incluso para ti.
Shooting me from behind - - Poor form, even for you.
Dispararme por detrás... qué triste, incluso para ti.
Even for you, Fergus, this is a new low - - a cruel, shameful, disgusting low.
Incluso para ti, Fergus, esto es una nueva cosa vil.. una cruel, vergonzosa, asquerosa cosa vil.
And, you know, I shouldn't even be telling you this because she wasn't going to, but if you need a little bit more evidence of what we do for each other, then take a look at Rachel,
Y, sabes, ni siquiera debería estar diciéndote esto porque ella no iba a hacerlo, pero si necesitas un poco más de pruebas de lo que hacemos el uno por el otro, entonces dale un vistazo a Rachel,
And... you hope for a miracle, even if you don't believe in them.
Y... esperas que suceda un milagro, aunque no creas en ellos.
Do you even know what's right for you? It's my life, Jack!
¿ Sabes lo que es correcto para ti?
'And with the planter placed at the front of the stage,'you'd even planned a place for the melted water to drain off, leaving no trace.
Y con la maceta situada delante del escenario, incluso había pensado en un sitio en que el agua drenara, sin dejar huellas.
Ain't you even going to lend a smashing hand here for crying out loud?
¿ No levantarás ni una mano destructora por amor de Dios?
It makes it really hard for me to do that or even care about doing that when you don't seem to care at all!
Se me hace muy difícil hacerlo o preocuparme por hacerlo ¡ cuando no parece importarte en absoluto!
Then you got to do a little something, even if you just invite her over and take her out for ice cream.
Entonces tienes que tener algún detalle, aunque solo la invistes a venir y llevarla a comer helado.
But for ten minutes, no-one can interrupt you, not me, not Mrs Bowen, not even if Nev himself walked in.
Pero por 10 minutos nadie puede interrumpirte. Ni yo... ni la Sra. Bowen, ni aunque entrara el mismo Nev...
Sondra, I am really sorry that this is happening to you, and I know we are not the best of friends or... even friends at all for that matter.
Sondra, siento mucho que te este pasando esto, y sé que no somos los mejores amigos o... incluso amigos en cualquier caso.
In the 13 years that we've lived together, we've shared meals shared the same bathroom and even farted in front of each other so you're the awkward one for feeling so weird about it all of a sudden.
Hemos vivido juntos durante trece años, comiendo, aseando, e incluso pedos. De ningún modo. Eres torpe fabricando un problema de ello.
I was really longing for Russia even just 30 seconds ago but looking at you now, I think that maybe Ki Ha Myung was right.
Esto es porque a diario, sin perder, estás mal.
If what you're saying is true then as painful as it may be for me, it may be even more painful for you.
¿ Cómo puedo hacer la solicitud?
But you didn't, and you didn't even apologize, so I'm doing it for you instead.
Usted no se disculpó, así que lo estoy haciendo por usted ahora.
He still would've found out the truth at some point even if it hadn't been for you.
Incluso si no fuera por ti, algún día habría sido descubierto.
- I don't care. For all I know, you're probably not even an orphan.
Por lo que sé, probablemente ni siquiera seas huérfano.
What, you mean... even for a token or two for our loyalty to Texas?
¿ Quiere decir... por un par de recuerdos por nuestra lealtad a Texas?
You don't even know if she's with him for definite.
Ni siquiera sabes si ella está con él en definitiva.
I am trusting you by even telling you that much, and if you have feelings for him, it puts you in an especially bad situation.
Confío en ti incluso molestándote, y si tienes sentimientos hacia él, te pone en una situación particularmente mala.
Even just a dinner party or having a few friends over for some binge watching... bringing people into your home, you feel like your entire identity's being judged.
Ya sea una cena o invitar a unos amigos de parranda, al recibier visitas
Maybe Mr. Eight pounds here will even answer a few questions for you.
Tal vez hasta el Sr. Tres Kilos y Medio de aquí podría contestar algunas preguntas.
I mean, you know, there's things, there's people, feelings... that I want to experience differently than I have before, or maybe even for the first time.
Quiero decir, sabe, hay... hay cosas, hay... gente, sentimientos que yo quiero experimentar de forma diferente a lo que he hecho, o incluso por primera vez.
Look, you guys, the point is, he feels responsible for Trubel, if she's even still alive.
Miren, el punto es que, se siente responsable por Trubel, si ella todavía sigue viva.
Kirsten, you gave Lisa Keller back her voice, even if only for a short time, to finish what she started.
Kirsten, usted dio Lisa Keller atras su voz, aunque solo sea por un corto tiempo, para terminar lo que empezo.
Even after he started working for me, he was still working for you!
Incluso después de empezar a trabajar para mí, seguía trabajando para ti.
I wanna thank you, for trying to save my dad's research, and even though I'm obviously still furious about the hot tub incident, and will be, probably, for years to come, I can see how you- - you, Archer, could have misconstrued the situation, and even though it's kinda hard for me to admit it, you are family to me, and not just because of A.J.
Gracias por intentar salvar la investigación, y aunque estoy todavía furiosa... por el incidente del jacuzzi, y probablemente siga así, puedo entender por qué malinterpretaste la situación, y aunque me es difícil admitirlo... eres mi familia, y no solo por A.J.
We don't give refunds for people who are too thick to figure out the game, and even if we did, you haven't paid your bill in two months, so you're operating on borrowed time as it is.
No le damos reembolso a personas que están demasiado viciadas para entender el juego, y aunque lo hiciéramos, no has pagado tu cuenta en dos meses, así que estás operando en tiempo prestado tal como lo veo.
And so even though I'll always have a special place for you in my heart, and obviously in my slide show, I- - Your what?
Si bien siempre tendrás un lugar especial en mi corazón, - y obviamente en mi presentación... - ¿ Tu qué?
Do you want me to risk my life for some ideas you don't even share?
¿ Queréis que arriesgue mi vida por ideas con las que vos no comulgáis?
I think even... even... even Baird might have something for you.
Pienso que... hasta Baird podría sentir algo por ti.
I just wanted you to know that, even though we were only married for a short time, you were the love of my life.
Solo quería que sepas que, aunque estuvimos casados por muy poco tiempo, fuiste el amor de mi vida.
And we'll even have a mojito for you.
E incluso nos tomaremos un mojito por ti.
Until you asked me for my gun, I didn't even know it was missing.
Hasta que me preguntaste por mi arma, ni siquiera sabía que había desaparecido.
You're gonna pay for his murder even if you weren't holding the knife.
Vas a pagar por su asesinato aunque tú no le clavases el cuchillo.
I'm sorry I had to leave you, but I want you to know that even though I'll be gone for a while, I'll be watching out for you.
Siento haber tenido que dejarte pero quiero que sepas que aunque me vaya por un tiempo estaré cuidándote.
Oh, Mitchell, where did you even find the time for this?
Mitchell, ¿ de dónde has sacado el tiempo para esto?
Even if I gave you the address for the wedding, will she agree?
Incluso si yo te dijera la dirección de la boda, ¿ Ella tendrá que estar de acuerdo?
I find out that you come back here even for a beer, I'm gonna collar your ass.
He averiguado que vienes aquí a algo más que a tomarte una cerveza. Voy a detenerte.
Recognize this rather fortuitous opportunity for you to begin to make things even.
Reconoce esta oportunidad bastante fortuita para que empieces a emparejar las cosas.
Even if you weren't there for me. [Chuckles]
Incluso si usted no estaba allí para me.
You know, even if it's just for a trim and a shave.
Ya sabes, aunque solo sea por un corte o afeitarse.
I even put on a new perfume for you, Leonard.
Incluso me he puesto un perfume nuevo para ti, Leonar.
If you make a grand gesture, you can get any girl you want, even if she's completely wrong for you.
Si haces un gran gesto, puedes tener a la chica que quieras, incluso si ella es completamente incorrecta para ti.
Mum, do not stick up for him cos you don't even deserve to be here.
Kelly. Mamá, no das la cara por él porque ni siquiera mereces estar aquí.
You being there for her, even if she thinks she doesn't want you to be there for her, that's good for both of you.
Estando ahí para ella, incluso si ella piensa que no necesita que estés, es bueno para ambos.
I'm telling you because even if you don't trust me and even if you don't like me, I'm still going to be looking out for you the way I should have been looking out for her.
Te lo estoy contando porque incluso si no confías en mí e incluso si no te gusto, voy a seguir cuidándote... igual que debí haberla cuidado a ella.
Even if you don't trust me, I'm still going to be looking out for you...
Aunque no confíes en mí, aún voy a seguir cuidándote...
even for me 84
even for us 24
even for him 23
even for a moment 21
even for a second 21
for you 2938
for your information 371
for your birthday 37
for your own good 102
for your own sake 81
even for us 24
even for him 23
even for a moment 21
even for a second 21
for you 2938
for your information 371
for your birthday 37
for your own good 102
for your own sake 81