Good for him traducir español
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Good for him.
Bien por él.
- Yeah, it's good for him.
Sí, no, es bueno para él.
Look, what you're doing is not good for him.
Mira, lo que estás haciendo no es bueno para él.
Good for him.
Me alegro por él.
Good for him, huh?
Bien por él, ¿ eh?
You're too good for him.
Eres demasiado buena para él.
Well, good for him.
- Bueno, me alegro por él.
The fresh air would be good for him.
El aire fresco le iría bien.
He's very comfortable with it.Good for him.
Se siente cómodo con ello. Bien por él.
I thought that... it was something he'd like, that was good for him... good for him to stay away a bit, on his own... while we worked things out.
y que era bueno para él, y que... y que era bueno que estuviera fuera un poco, mientras arreglamos las cosas.
So maybe that's still good for him.
Así que tal vez es aún bueno para él.
- Good for him.
- Bien por él.
Good for him.
- Eso es.
The police say his wife is now living with Mr Evans, a prize-fighter, and that we should keep 0 Nine Morgan here if we know what's good for him.
La Policía dice que su mujer está viviendo ahora con el Sr. Evans... un luchador profesional, y deberíamos mantener a Morgan 0-9 aquí... si sabemos lo que es bueno para él.
After what he did, we felt the true death was too good for him.
Después de lo que hizo, sentimos que la muerte verdadera era demasiado buena para él.
Yes, it will be good for him.
Que sí, que le irá bien.
It's good for him, to be touched.
Es bueno para él, que lo toquen.
And I don't think it's a good idea for anyone to pose as him right now.
Y además no creo que sea buena idea para nadie hacerse parar por él ahora mismo. Hablando de salpicar...
I told him I was sorry, but this is a good location for us.
Le dije que lo sentía pero este es un buen lugar para nosotros.
Whenever someone has to repent for his sins he's bequeathed with a good deed and makes him a medium.
Cuando alguien tiene que arrepentirse de sus pecados.. .. él deja que lo limpie con una buena acción.. .. convirtiéndolo en un medium.
No good at all that I can do for him
En absoluto es bueno todo lo que puedo hacer por él
There's a lot of good people out there looking for him.
Hay mucha gente buena buscándolo.
I leave it to you to tell him that he wasn't good enough for the big meme.
Te dejo decirle que no era lo sufiente bueno para el gran meme.
Did a conversion for him, he introduced me around. Good business.
Tuvimos una conversación, me presentó a su alrededor.
All I did for him, was eh... I just advised him... that if he wanted to sell his painting I could get him a good price for it.
Todo lo que hice para él fue avisarle que si quería vender la pintura, podía conseguirle un buen precio.
Perhaps someone has given him the wrong impression it would help if you would put in a good word for me.
Quizá alguien le ha dado una impresión equivocada. Ayudaría si le dijeras algo bueno de mi.
They sent you to silence him for good.
Te enviaron para silenciarle para siempre.
He has a good mind for warfare, his men worship him.
Es bueno para la guerra, sus hombres Io veneran.
Reliving that incident right now wouldn't be good for him.
Revivir ese incidente justo ahora no puede hacerle ningún bien.
Yet, ultimately, you wisely agreed to my suggestion to refreeze him, for the greater good of all.
Y así, útlimamente, concordaste sabiamente mi sugerencia de volver a congelarlo, Por el bien de todos.
In the meantime, good Signior Benedick, repair to Leonato's. commend me to him and tell him I will not fail him at supper ; for indeed, he hath made great preparation.
En el ínterin, apreciado signior Benedicto, entrad en casa de Leonato, saludadle en mi nombre y decidle que no faltaré a la cena, ya que, verdaderamente, ha hecho grandes preparativos.
Well, the only place that`s really good for it is Kapow, and Tom works there now so I can`t bring it to him.
Bueno, el único lugar que es realmente bueno para él, es Kapow, y Tom ahora trabaja allí, así que no puedo llevárselo a él.
I'm not good enough for him.
No estoy a su altura.
What good did his wealth do for him?
¿ Qué bien le hizo su fortuna?
Good enough to want to even the score for him now?
¿ Lo suficientemente buenos como para querer arreglar cuentas por él ahora?
Well, you see, when you got a pervert in custody, I could beat him until my arms are tired, which might make me feel good for the moment.
Bien, verás, cuando tienes a un pervertido en custodia, yo podría pegarle hasta que se me cansaran los brazos, lo cual podría hacerme sentir bien por el momento.
Not good news for him... Or Park.
Malas noticias para él... y para Park.
Well, we... we, we met for a few drinks and a quick bite to eat, chatted for a few minutes in his car, said good night and... and, er, that's the last time I ever saw him.
Bueno, nosotros, nos juntamos para unos tragos y comimos algo rápido, charlamos por un par de minutos en su auto, nos dijimos buenas noches
You want to get rid of the milk man, you've got to kill him, and kill him good and then you've got to go to the store for your stuff from then on.
Quieres deshacerte del lechero, Tienen que matarlo y matarlo bien y entonces tienes que ir a la tienda por tus cosas desde entonces.
Maybe I wanted to be one of the good guys for him.
¿ Qué pensarán si rompes la regla seis?
Molly kissed him good-bye, urged him to be careful, as she had done every day for the almost 30 years... that he served and protected this city.
Molly le despidió con un beso, le dijo que tuviera cuidado, como había hecho cada día durante los casi 30 años que juró servir y proteger a esta ciudad.
Certainly, Ancient, it is not a thing to rejoice at. For if, look you, he were my brother, I would desire the Duke to use his good pleasure and put him to execution, for discipline ought to be used.
Ciertamente, abanderado, no es la cosa para regocijarse, porque veréis, si fuese mi hermano, desearía que el Duque se proporcionase un buen placer y le hiciese ejecutar ; pues la disciplina debe cumplirse.
I'll write to the Fuhrer today and put in a good word for him.
"Yo le escribiré al Führer y le pediré por él."
I'm just checking him out to make sure he's good enough for you.
Sólo estoy comprobando que es lo suficientemente bueno para ti.
I'm a wheeler, I'm not good enough for him, right?
Yo soy una paralitica, no lo suficiente buena para él, ¿ correcto?
He's your best mate, I'm a wheelie. I'm not good enough for him, right?
Él es tu mejor amigo, yo soy una paralitica, no lo suficiente buena para él, ¿ correcto?
Tracy and a bunch of her grad student friends went on a white-water rafting trip with a Dr. Blakely, their professor, although it wasn't a good time for him.
Tracy y un grupo de estudiantes... fueron a navegar rápidos con el Dr. Blakely, su profesor, aunque para él no resultó bien.
Good a place as any for him to die, I guess.
Buen lugar como cualquiera para morir, supongo.
Well, he's calmed down a good bit since last you saw him. Hm. And what's in this for you?
Bueno, está más calmado desde la última vez que le viste. ¿ Y qué sacas tú de esto?
But firing him for negligence after all the work he's done for us, and the good work done, it's just mean.
Pero, echarlo por negligencia con la historia que tiene aqui... y el buen trabajo que hizo me parece muy injusto.
Nothing's good enough for him.
Nada es suficientemente bueno para él.
good for you 2168
good fortune 20
good for her 174
good for them 84
good for me 58
good for us 36
for him 328
for himself 17
himself 154
himura 39
good fortune 20
good for her 174
good for them 84
good for me 58
good for us 36
for him 328
for himself 17
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
good night 12775
good morning 12476
good luck 6133
good evening 5411
good morning to you 106
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
good night 12775
good morning 12476
good luck 6133
good evening 5411
good morning to you 106
good job 2434
good boy 1464
good luck tomorrow 38
good morning to you too 27
good afternoon 2327
good to see you 2547
good to hear from you 16
good to know 481
good girl 941
good work 1533
good boy 1464
good luck tomorrow 38
good morning to you too 27
good afternoon 2327
good to see you 2547
good to hear from you 16
good to know 481
good girl 941
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good day 1886
good one 705
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good to hear 75
good day 1886
good one 705
good luck to you all 17
good work today 50
good on ya 17
good to see you again 390
good times 259
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good to hear 75