Hate them traducir español
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every dick i've ever seen has bummed me out, i hate'em, i-i hate them.
Cada polla que vi me deprimió completamente, Las odio, las odio.
I hate them.
Las odio.
I hate them all.
Las odio a todas.
¡ Bien! Los odio.
I know what it's like to feel like it's never going to end... to hate them that much, and then need them... to start blaming yourself for everything that's happening to you.
Sé que se siente como que nunca acabará sé cuanto los odias, y entonces necesitas culparte por todo lo que te está pasando.
Okay, well, so you hate them more...
- Está bien, a lo mejor tú las odias más.
You hate them with a passion.
Los odian con pasión.
I hate them.
Los odio...
He hates crime ; he hates criminals and he hates cops that don't hate them as much as he does.
Odia el crimen ; odia a los criminales y odia a los policías que no los odian como él.
- Oh, I don't hate them.
- Oh, no las odio.
- All right, fine, I hate them.
- De acuerdo, bien, las odio.
" Which is sort of whack, and I'd probably hate them if I wasn't one of them.
"que son ridículas, y si no fuera una de ellas, probablemente las odiaría."
The I hate them both!
¡ Los odio a los dos!
Do you hate them, by chance?
¿ Odia por casualidad su pato?
One minute they love bakers and next minute they hate them.
Un minuto aman a los panaderos y al minuto siguiente los odian.
So, your mother bought you these shoes, you hate them and you still wore them.
Así que tu madre te compró esos zapatos, tú los odias pero aún así te los pones.
I hated them yesterday, ill hate them today.
Los odiaba ayer, los odio hoy.
Is that why you hate them?
¿ Es por eso que los odias?
They know that I hate them, so they, like, buzz in my ears.
Saben que las odio, así que me zumban en los oídos.
So I'm driving to Walgreens, it was nightime and I see a deer and I fucking hate deer, I hate them because they're everywhere up there.
Asique voy manejando al supermercado, es de noche y veo un venado, y odio a los venados, los odio. Porque estan en todos lados ahi.
I really hate speeding drivers. I really hate them.
Realmente odio a los conductores que van a alta velocidad, realmente los odio.
I don't hate them.
No los odio.
Sabes porque las odio?
- I didn't hate them.
- ¡ Yo no las odiaba!
I hate them.
¡ Los odio!
Why do you hate them?
¿ Por qué los odias?
Makes it easier for you to rob them, hate them, kill them.
Hace más fácil robarles, odiarlos... matarlos.
Vale, cariño, es el tercer cumpleaños de Abby.
She's just a low rate, loudmouth drug dealer, in a shitty little dump like this, charging over the odds, more than they can afford, ripping them off, scaring people shitless, till they hate her fuckin'guts.
Ella es sólo una traficante de drogas bocona, en un vertedero como este, se encarga mas de la cuenta, más de lo que puede permitirse, asusta a la gente, hasta que llegan a odiarla, diablos.
Judges hate giving them out unless we can demonstrate a pressing need... and even then, they're spotty.
Los jueces odian darlos, a menos que podamos demostrar una necesidad urgente... y aún así, están manchados.
I couldn't believe anyone could have that much hate inside of them.
No podía creer que nadie tuviera tanto odio en su interior.
But to hate someone you have to really know them.
Pero para odiar a alguien, realmente debes conocerlo.
I'll hate it if anything hurt them.
No me gustaría que nada les pasara.
They wanted me to be just like them, to never leave, and I wouldn't, so now they hate me.
Ellos querían que fuera como ellos, que nunca me fuera y no lo hice, así que ahora me odian.
We've got senators running around proposing constitutional amendments that prevent them from enjoying the same freedoms heterosexuals have, never mind the proliferation of hate crimes where they're routinely beaten up, and multiply that bigotry times 10, times 50 — that's what Fitz faced while he was growing up.
Tenemos senadores proponiendo enmiendas constitucionales que les impidan... disfrutar de las mismas libertades que tienen los heterosexuales... sin importarle la aumento de crímenes de odio que enfrentan a diario... y multiplica esta intolerancia por 10, 50... esto es lo que Fitz enfrentó mientras crecía.
Even if you hate vampires, you can't let trash like the Rats go and drain them.
Incluso si odias a los vampiros, no puedes permitir a basura como los Rats los drenen.
I hate the idea of leaving without them.
- Odio la idea de irme sin ellos.
( Mimi ) Jocks, I hate them.
I hate lies and I don't tell them.
Odio la mentira y no miento.
Straight women, many of them hate men.
Las hetero, la mayoría odian a los hombres.
- I hate them too.
- yo tambien los odio.
Order fast. I'd hate for them to skip over you and take the black guy's order, cause a big racial incident.
Es tu día.
Throw your white ass in with cholos, hate you as much as you hate them. That what you want?
Cortando una zanahoria.
You say you hate the English, yet you volunteer to fight for them.
Dijiste que odiabas a los ingleses, y te anotaste como voluntario para luchar por ellos?
He says that the store is for ladies who hate men who made them fat.
La tienda es para mujeres que odian a los hombres por hacerlas gordas.
I would hate to disappoint them.
Odiaría desilusionarlos.
As father says, we don't hate our enemies, we pity them.
Como el padre dice, no odiamos a nuestros enemigos, los compadecemos.
You spoiled them and now they hate me.
Tú los consentiste y ahora me odian.
And most of all they hate those, who are close to them.
Y a los que más odia es a los que más cerca están.
Come on, preen harder! Make them hate you!
¡ Vamos, hazlo con mas ganas!
And I hate to see you wasting them.
- Y odio verte malgastarlas.
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
hate the game 20
hate you 53
hate me 35
hate it 31
hate to break it to you 32
hate him 20
hate to say it 19
hate you 53
hate me 35
hate it 31
hate to break it to you 32
hate him 20
hate to say it 19