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He's coming out traducir español

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He's coming right out.
Enseguida viene.
Ya viene.
Until I've made the echoes out to be the echoes of all the footsteps that are coming by and by into my father's life and mine.
Hasta que he distinguido los ecos de los ecos de todos los pasos que vendrán pronto a la vida de mi padre y a la mía.
I'm coming out of the kitchen minutes later, he's mopping up the floors with them.
Al salir de la cocina unos minutos después, se estaba peleando con todos ellos.
he has been hurt and angered to the core all the same, it's going too far to throw one's own children out just because of a stranger he's coming back alone
Ha sido herido y enojado en lo más profundo. De todos modos, es ir demasiado lejos echar a sus propios hijos de la casa paterna por una desconocida. ¡ Regresa solo...!
He go out one hour ago, but he's coming back.
Salió hace una hora, pero volverá.
I'll just go out and see if he's coming.
Es decir... Voy a ver si viene.
He's figuring on coming out here to marry you?
¿ Y piensa venir aquí para casarse contigo?
I don't mind tapping a guy out if he's got it coming.
No me importa pagar a quien se lo merece.
- You mean he's coming out now?
- ¿ Saldrá ahora?
He's coming out!
- ¡ Sale del castillo!
- I wonder how he's coming out.
- Me pregunto cuándo saldrá.
I was coming out of Huntsinger's, he was coming in.
Salía de la tienda Huntsinger, y él entraba.
Rocklin said if you don't come out, he's coming in here to tear you apart.
Rocklin dice que si no sales él entrará aquí para hacerte pedazos.
- He's coming out.
- Va a salir.
L "m supposed to help out, cause he" s not coming to Rotterdam.
Tengo que ayudar aquí, porque él no va a ir a Rotterdam.
I found out he " s coming from Sell Reeser.
Me enteré de que llega por Sell Reeser.
He's... Well, he's like a man who's coming out of the darkness into the light.
Bueno, es como un hombre que camina de la oscuridad hacia la luz.
- He's coming out. Quick, hide!
Que sale. ¡ Escondámonos!
He's coming out.
Él está saliendo.
Find out what time he's coming by.
Averigüe a qué hora vendrá.
Parkson averiguó donde estás.
He's coming out of it, Doctor.
Está despertando, doctor.
I saw your brother coming out of Marval's room.
Al salir del camerino de Marval he visto a su hermano.
He's coming into the home stretch. He's okay out of the north turn.
Es la última recta, a la salida de la curva norte.
I don't know what Mr. Andersen's going to say, when he finds out Frank isn't coming in today.
No sé lo que dirá el señor Andersen cuando sepa que Frank no vendrá hoy.
He got out! He's coming to kill me! He got out!
Ha salido, viene a matarme, ¡ ha salido!
And he's coming out.
- Él tira los dados.
Maybe he's coming out of it, then.
Está recuperándose.
He's coming out now.
Parece que va a salir.
The doctor's out and they don't know when he'II be coming back.
El médico ha salido y no saben cuándo volverá.
He's got campaign ribbons coming out of his ears.
Sólo sabe conquistar galones.
A friend of mine cut me out of a big deal, and he's got this coming to him.
Un amigo mío no me pagó mi parte y se merece esto.
He's coming out.
Ya sale.
He's coming out as soon as we get the ranch house rebuilt.
Vendrá en cuanto la casa esté lista.
- Look, he's coming out.
- Ah, mira, está saliendo.
Ah, look, you're lucky, he's coming out now.
Ah, mire, ha tenido suerte, es el que sale ahora.
Look out, Morgan! He's coming at you!
¡ Cuidado, Morgan, viene por Ud!
He played at her daughter's coming-out party.
Él tocó en la fiesta de bienvenida de su hija.
He's coming out of it now, sir, heading about 080 degrees.
Está saliendo de ello, con rumbo 080 grados.
I mean, now that Waldren's coming. Well, I mean, he might think it looks out of place.
Ya que viene WaIdron... pensará que está fuera de lugar.
Tell me he's gone out of town and he ain't coming back.
Diga que se ha ido y que no va a volver.
He's coming out.
Está saliendo.
This is serious. He's the marines coming to bail me out.
Viene a ayudarme.
When's he coming out?
¿ Cuándo sale?
- Bien. ¿ Grabaron todos los datos?
But he's coming out now, and I'll ask him...
Pero aquí viene ahora, le preguntaré...
He's not coming out with me tonight.
Esta noche no viene conmigo.
He's coming out.
No ha cambiado.
When you see he's coming, better cut out on the double.
Cuando lo veas venir, más te vale salir por pies.
So look out now'cause he's coming after you.
Así que ándate con ojo, que va a por ti.

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