I got angry traducir español
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I got angry.
Me enfurecí.
If I got angry with Monsieur Bagnolet, tell me you and I'll stay friends.
Aunque me enfadara con el Sr. Bagnolet... asegúreme que seremos amigas.
They were insulting you and I got angry.
La estaban insultando y yo me enfadé.
When I was small, I got angry and afraid if anyone surprised me.
Cuando era pequeño me enfadaba y me asustaba cuando me sorprendían.
That night I got angry because I felt sorry for you.
Esa noche me enfadé porque sentí pena por Vd.
Me... me enojé con él.
I'm sorry I got angry.
Siento haberme enfadado.
I got angry... but I never got to that.
Estaba enfadado... pero no tanto como para eso.
Every time I got angry, the brother-in-law made an issue of it.
Cada vez que le gritaba, el cuñado hacía un informe.
- I'm exhausted and I got angry.
- Estoy agotado y me enfadé.
- No, no. I got angry.
- No, no. me enfadé yo.
- No, I got angry.
- No, me enfadé yo.
I got angry. It's bothered me the whole weekend.
Eso me ha atormentado todo el fin de semana.
I got angry and treated her harshly.
Me enfadé con ella y la traté demasiado severo.
I got angry because he told me it was a false alarm.
Me he enfadado porque me ha llamado pera decirme que era una falsa alarma.
I got angry and demanded to know what his plans were.
Yo me enojé y quise saber qué planes tenía.
But I was just thinking that... I got angry at him once.
Pero recuerdo que una vez... me enfadé con él.
I got angry, confused, scared.
Me enojé, me confundí, me asusté.
Not the money, it's that I got angry.
Que me enojé.
I got angry because you were right and I knew it.
Me enfadé porque tenías razón y yo lo sabía.
You said get angry, and I got angry.
Me dijiste que me enojara, y me enojé.
Earlier I was shaking and almost got angry.
Hace un rato temblaba y casi me encolerizo.
I didn't like his angry reaction, so I got up to leave.
Como no me gustó su reacción, me levanté para marcharme.
I'll tell him you got angry with them and ordered to slaughter them.
Le diré que te irritaron y ordenaste apuñalarlos.
- I got to especially angry lot here tonight.
¿ Cómo se atreve usted a venir por aquí?
Please don't be angry, but it's late, and I've got early classes tomorrow.
Por favor no te enojes, pero es tarde, y tengo clases mañana temprano.
Remember how angry you got... when I asked you about your wife?
¿ Recuerda lo mucho que te enfadaste... cuando te pregunté por tu mujer?
Do you understand why I've got angry?
¿ Comprendes por qué me enfado?
I've got an idea! Are you angry?
- ¿ Te molesta si tengo una idea?
Pam, I've got some news for you... and maybe it's going to make you angry.
Pam, tengo noticias para ti y quizá te enojes al oírlas.
I asked to marry Yae and he got angry.
Le pedí casarme con Yae... y se enfadó.
I got stupidly angry before and decided to leave.
Me puse estúpidamente furiosa y decidí marcharme.
- Nothing. I had an argument with dad..... and I got a little angry, but you go to school now.
- Nada. Me he peleado con papá y me he enfadado un poco, pero tú ahora vete a la escuela.
It got very angry that you were struck, and I felt like I was your father.
Me dio mucho coraje que te hayan pegado, y sentí como que fuera tu padre.
He got angry because I asked him to intervene in La Fides'affairs.
Se ha puesto así porque me he permitido pedirle que interviniera en algo de La Fides.
I do not care what you find deplorable or not the current theater, but in one of his last criticisms got angry with The rabbit and the silk den of Mr. Junco Alpuente, son of one of our advisers.
A mí me da igual que encuentre usted deplorable o no el teatro actual, pero en una de sus últimas críticas se ensañó con "El conejo y la madriguera de seda" del señor Junco Alpuente, hijo de uno de nuestros consejeros.
I've got a feeling she's angry.
Me parece que no le gusta mucho.
Freddie, I hope you won't be angry with me, but I've got something to tell you which you won't be happy about.
Freddie, no te enfades conmigo, pero... tengo que decirte una cosa que seguramente no te va a gustar.
So I got angry and told him a few words
Me he enfadado.
You saw how angry he got when I forgot the stool. Kid!
¡ Usted vio lo enfadado que se puso Kid cuando se me olvidó el banquillo!
I gave him a hand and he got angry.
Yo le he dado una mano y se ha enojado.
Well, what right have I got otherwise to be angry with him if he goes with that horrible old woman?
¿ Qué derecho tengo yo a enfadarme con él porque salga con esa horrible vieja?
[Phone Ringing] You know, on first instinct, I got angry.
Sabes, mi primera reacción fue enojarme.
I've got the 6 : 00 news locked in my office, and 12 angry citizens... - cooling their heels in roll call.
Los periodistas están en mi oficina, y hay 12 ciudadanos enfadados... tranquilizándose abajo.
Klinger, now that I've got my specs... I'm officially no longer angry at you.
Klinger, ahora que ya tengo mis lentes, ya no estoy enojado contigo.
I got so darn angry I took the cab and then that damn fool couldn't even find the Village.
Me he enfadado y he cogido el taxi pero ese idiota tampoco sabía llegar aquí.
I almost got angry.
Casi me enfado, Pierre.
And then I got really angry.
Y me enfadé.
She was so angry, I just got up and left.
Se enfadó tanto, que me levanté y me fui.
He took it as if I were despising him and he got angry.
Lo tomó como si lo despreciara, y se enojó.
- I've got a lot to be angry about.
- Tengo muchos motivos para enfadarme.
i got it 7988
i got you 2294
i got your back 246
i gotcha 166
i gotta go 3018
i got this 1718
i got it wrong 28
i got to go 1926
i got' em 146
i gotta 283
i got you 2294
i got your back 246
i gotcha 166
i gotta go 3018
i got this 1718
i got it wrong 28
i got to go 1926
i got' em 146
i gotta 283
i got you something 203
i gotta go pee 16
i gotta pee 85
i gotta go home 47
i gotta hand it to you 53
i gotta admit 71
i got your message 312
i got a 294
i got your text 208
i got a hit 41
i gotta go pee 16
i gotta pee 85
i gotta go home 47
i gotta hand it to you 53
i gotta admit 71
i got your message 312
i got a 294
i got your text 208
i got a hit 41