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I proposed traducir español

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I proposed and Mr. Tyson accepted.
Yo lo propuse y el Sr. Tyson aceptó.
It was Captain Wiles here who persuaded me to call and tell Mrs Rogers what I proposed to do.
El capitán Wiles me convenció para que se lo contara a la Sra. Rogers.
I proposed her to marry me, but she said I was too poor.
Le he propuesto matrimonio pero dice que soy demasiado pobre.
I proposed marriage to her just yesterday.
Le he pedido ayer matrimonio.
Would you laugh if I proposed marriage?
Si te propusiera casarte, ¿ te reirías?
I was with the mayor and I proposed to him that I marry his daughter.
Estuve con el corregidor y le propuse casarme con su hija.
The night I proposed, I cried like a baby.
La noche que me declaré, lloré como un niño.
I proposed myself.
Me declaré yo.
I proposed you for the gold medal.
Le he propuesto para una medalla.
Gustavo has been kept at the conference, so I proposed to take your mother to the opera.
Gustavo ha tenido que quedarse en la charla, así que le he propuesto a tu madre ir a la ópera.
I wanted the sensation of something very alien to be, to so that I proposed German area.
- Quería un lugar que me fuese completamente extraño,.. -.. es por eso que propuse un lugar en Alemania.
When I proposed to her to run away with me to America or Switzerland, perhaps I did it out of the most complete respect, and I did more harm to myself than to anyone else.
Pues, al proponerle huir conmigo a los EE.UU. o a Suiza, quizás yo haya tenido sentimientos muy respetuosos hacia ella, en mi perjuicio, y no en el de ella.
Two years ago, sire, when I proposed that your majesty's ships should invade England immediately...
Hace dos años, señor, cuando propuse que los barcos de Su Majestad invadieran Inglaterra inmediatamente... Sí.
I told them I proposed replacing Nikolasha with myself and was leaving for headquarters to take command.
Les propuse reemplazar yo mismo a Nikolasha y que me iba al cuartel general a asumir el mando.
Therese, there is a much better method than the one that I proposed to proceed with our project.
Therese, hay un método mucho mejor Que el que propuse para continuar con nuestro proyecto.
In spite of it, Pilot and I proposed to send two people in a rocket to Eolomea.
Por ese motivo, el piloto y yo propusimos enviar dos personas... en una nave espacial a Eolomea.
Tony Benskin proposed to me last night and I accepted him.
Tony Benskin me propuso matrimonio anoche y acepté.
I haven't proposed and she hasn't accepted.
Yo no me he declarado ni ella ha aceptado.
- He then proposed that I...
- Luego propuso que yo...
If I didn't, I wouldn't have proposed it
Si no, no te le propondría.
I'm interested in some proposed air bases your army's building in Portugal.
Me interesa cierta base aérea que planeais contruir en Portugal.
I was 18 years old, too when your father proposed.
Yo tenía 18 años también... cuando tu padre me pidió la mano.
I've only proposed twice in my life, both times to the same man.
Sólo lo he hecho dos veces... y las dos al mismo hombre.
And finally I realized... I wasn't just another girl in another port when you proposed.
Finalmente me di cuenta... que no era una muchacha más cuando me pediste la mano.
And to think I actually proposed marriage.
Y pensar que te he propuesto matrimonio.
I might've proposed a little later, but it was inevitable.
Quizá hubiera tardado más, pero era inevitable.
Fifteen years ago he proposed to me, and I turned him down.
Me propuso matrimonio hace 15 años, y lo rechacé.
So I just up and proposed that we get married.
Así que le he propuesto que nos casemos.
And it was here that you proposed. I wanted to set the date but your mother was ill, you remember and so you decided to wait.
Yo quería fijar la fecha... pero tu madre estaba enferma, ¿ recuerdas?
I have proposed an engagement to the future sovereign of Mersabad... And I would not feel worthy of the esteem she has shown to me... In granting me her hand, if I did not succeed in exterminating all those...
Me he impuesto esta obligación frente a la futura soberana de Mersabad, y no me sentiría digno del aprecio que me otorga concediéndome su mano si no lograra exterminar a todos los que han cargado con una culpa tan infame.
Tell him I've proposed to you.
Dile que yo te ofrecí mi mano.
I've been proposed to a few times.
Siempre me proponen.
He has no ethics, Maestro, I've proposed the deal.
No sienta reparo, maestro.
I agree with the senior staff officer, who has proposed that £ 5 be paid for the head of every rebel brought to Fort Augustus.
Estoy de acuerdo con la proposición de pagar 5 libras por cada cabeza de rebelde llevada a Fort Augustus.
- I proposed?
- ¿ Yo?
First you agree with me, then I find out you've proposed to Gabriella.
Hablas conmigo y me das la razón... ¡ Y luego me entero que le has hecho proposiciones!
Come on. Well, I've had a look at that preliminary report... and I'm satisfied that the proposed cutbacks are our best line of defence.
Bien, leí el informe preliminar... y estoy convencido de que los recortes son nuestra mejor defensa.
In my more tender years, I once proposed to a girl on a terrace just like this.
De joven, una vez me declaré en una terraza como ésta.
I've been thinking that the terms of my proposed contract... could be amended to cover this.
He pensado que los términos del contrato propuesto Podrían modificarse para cubrir esto.
I never proposed yet I got a wife and three kids and a grabbing ulcer.
No es tan fácil. No propuse matrimonio pero aún así tengo una esposa, tres hijos y una maldita úlcera.
I have proposed that she retires to a convent.
Le he propuesto que se retire a un convento.
I feel bound to say that I consider it a great honor that you have chosen my candidate, the man that I was first to be proposed as your representative in the State Senate.
Me siento agradecido para decir que es un gran honor que hayan elegido a mi candidato, el hombre que yo propuse para representarlos en el Senado del Estado.
I proposed hiring an orchestra. I do not need an orchestra.
Puedes trabajar aquí.
We found, to our surprise and shock, I might say... that Harriman was already saying that he proposed to negotiate the settlement... by suggesting that there had to be some reciprocal military action... in return for the final cessation of the bombing.
Nos encontramos, para nuestro asombro y sorpresa, que Harriman decía que él había propuesto negociar el arreglo sugiriendo que debía darse alguna acción militar recíproca a cambio del paro final del bombardeo.
I know that my own life won't be enough compensation for my error but, please... allow me to do what you've proposed.
Sé que ni mi propia vida podrá compensar mi error pero, por favor... permíteme hacer lo que has propuesto.
I only seriously proposed marriage once in my life, Susan.
Solo he pedido la mano en serio una vez en mi vida, Susan.
Since I'd already proposed to her once, I figured it was just a waste of time.
Como ya le pedí la mano una vez, creí que era perder el tiempo.
If I'd meant that I'd have said that. Shall I take it, then, that it's the feeling of this board that the proposed merger with e.G.O.
No es tan simple como eso, Jones.
I don't proposed to go into the seriousness of this, Crow, - but if the press do get hold of this - - - We'd have a disaster on our hands.
No voy a profundizar el asunto, pero si la prensa descubre algo tendremos un desastre.
In view of your recent actions, Harold I find you have left me with no recourse but to listen to the solution proposed by your uncle.
En vista de tus últimas acciones, Harold no me has dejado otra alternativa que escuchar la solución propuesta por tu tío.
No, madam, I must object again, most strongly against this proposed marriage between Mary and this gentleman.
No, Señora, debo discrepar nuevamente, con fuerza, contra su propuesta de boda entre María u este caballero.

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