It's only me traducir español
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I know, it's like the end of miracle on 34th street, only everyone's calling me a bitch.
Lo sé, es como el final del milagro de la calle 34, solo que todo el mundo me llama zorra.
He only wants to play when I have it. TJ's not letting me play.
TJ no me deja jugar.
And it's the only thing holding me together right now.
Y es la única cosa que hace que esté entera ahora mismo.
I'm surprised I'm the only one that turned around, but, hey, that just makes me winning this competition easier. Make it easier for me, guys. That's cool with me.
Estoy sorprendido, soy el unico que se dio vuelta pero eso solo me hace ganar esto mas facil me lo estan haciendo mas facil, chicos Eso esta muy bien para mi
Adam : I love when I win a four-chair turnaround, especially when it's the only one of the day.
Me encanta cuando soy el que gano de los cuatro, especialmente cuando es la única del día.
I think that it's a really hard competition, because I've got six acts, but I can only take four through with me to live shows.
Creo que es una realidad competencia dura, porque he Tiene seis actos, pero sólo puede tomar cuatro a través de mí para espectáculos en directo.
Right now there's only one person doing it for me.
Ahora, solo hay una persona que lo logró. Solo tuvieron 3 semanas juntas.
listen... where it's warm and cozy, and the only person who'll be grabbing you is me?
Escucha, que se está calentito y cómodo, y donde la única persona que te pueda agarrar soy yo.
Of course, you must understand for me it's only two months ago that I took you to the pier.
Desde luego, tienes que entender que para mí solo hace dos meses que te llevé al muelle.
And the only reason I can figure out those crime shows is because it's always the big guest star who's guilty.
Y la única razón que me puedo imaginar sobre esos crímenes es que siempre la más grande estrella invitada es culpable.
It's only... I can't bear to think of her being worried when I know very well that if anyone's to blame, it's me.
Es solo que... no puedo soportar que se preocupe cuando yo sé bien que si hay alguien a quien culpar, es a mí.
It's funny. I feel as if I'm only half myself without him.
Es curioso, siento que sin él me falta una mitad.
It's the only part of my life that I ever seem to be able to do halfway good, so... it means something to me.
Es la única parte de mi vida en la que siempre parezco ser capaz de hacerlo medianamente bien, así que... significa algo para mí.
It's the only way to play this game, you get me?
Es la única manera de jugar a este juego ¿ entiendes?
And if you hide me, I think it's only fair that you be the one to find me.
Y si me escondes, creo que será justo que seas quien me encuentre.
It's only after Betty came out with the one her brother gave her that I knew something was wrong, that we were being played.
Cuando Betty me enseñó la carta que le había dado su hermano supe que algo iba mal. Que nos estaban utilizando.
It's like her only mission in life is to try to outdo me.
Es como si su única misión en la vida fuera tratar de superarme.
And I'm told that the only way to reverse the astrolabe's effect is for me to use it again.
Y me dijeron que la única manera de invertir los efectos del astrolabio era usándolo otra vez.
It's only a question of time before these people catch up to me.
Es solo cuestión de tiempo antes de que esas personas me alcancen.
It's for her I have fought on, only for her and now I don't know whether there's any fight left in me.
Es por ella que he luchado, solo por ella - y ahora no sé si hay o no alguna lucha que quede en mí. - ¡ Suficiente!
Durant says it's the only way he'll let me have this place.
Durant dice que es la única manera para que me deje este sitio.
You can't stop me, because it's already done, the damage. You hurt me, you're only hurting yourself.
Si me lastimas, solo te lastimas a ti mismo.
It's the only thing that brings me any happiness besides my extreme couponing and muscle relaxers.
Esta es la única cosa que a mí me da alguna alegría, además de mi compulsividad por la lotería y mi adicción a los relajantes musculares.
But not only did you save me and my friends, it's like you guys saved our jobs, too.
Pero no solo me salvaste a mi y a mis amigos, es como si también hubiesen salvado sus trabajos.
But it's cold at night and i skooch over and an arm comes and maybe a leg, and then i'm, "all right." it's only flesh and blood.
Pero hace frío en la noche, se me acerca... y un brazo aparece, quizá hasta una pierna... Y no me queda más... Soy carne y hueso.
My intellect may be diminished slightly, but it's the only way to hold on to the man I've become.
Mi intelecto podría disminuir levemente, pero es el único modo de aferrarme al hombre en el que me convertí.
It's the only way to hold on to the man I've become.
Es la única forma de mantener el hombre en que me he convertido.
It's just a piece of paper and he only made it for me after I specifically asked for it while crying loudly, but...
Es solo un trozo de papel y él solo lo hizo después de que yo específícamente se lo solicitase llorando desconsoladamente, pero...
It's the only time I get to go blue.
- Es el único momento en que me puedo comportar así.
But please tell me that's not the only place you wrote it down.
Pero por favor dime que ese no es el único sitio en el que lo has escrito.
Oh, they wouldn't let me in the Chill Zone because it's men only.
No me dejaron entrar en la Zona Relax porque solo es para hombres.
If he's going to do my girl it's only fair I get to do his.
Si se va a tirar a mi chica... es justo que yo me tire a la suya.
She said that if I find out what happened during that time, I would only get distressed and hurt, so it's a relief that I don't remember.
Dijo que si sabía todo lo que ha pasado... sólo saldría lastimado y me haría desdichado.
It's only right for me to disappear.
Yo soy la que debería desaparecer.
She told me that the only way out of a chick flick is through it, that it's not whether I go to the airport or not, it's what I do when I get there that matters.
La única manera de salir de una película románticona es através de ella, por eso no importa que vaya al aeropuerto o no, lo que importa es lo que haga cuando llegue ahí.
I don't like drinking but it's the only way I can bear those bastards.
No me gusta beber pero es la única manera como puedo soportar a esos hijos de puta.
The only thing standing between me and the playoffs is Kevin's shit pile of a team, which I plan on taking and pushing so far down his throat he chokes on it.
Lo único que me separa de los playoffs es el equipo de mierda de Kevin, al cual pienso metérsela tanto en la garganta que se ahogue.
It's my lunch hour, and I only have 43 minutes left.
Es mi hora de comer y solo me quedan 43 minutos.
- Well, it's unsterile and it's unlikely, but it's his only chance.
- ¿ Me tomas el pelo? - Bien, no esta esterilizado y es improbable, pero es su única oportunidad.
It's the only play we got left.
Es la única obra que me queda.
It's the only thing I wouldn't believe.
Es lo único que no me creería.
Seriously? Mm-hmm. It's for demonstration purposes only, so, please indulge me.
¿ En serio? Es solo para proponer una demostración, así que, dame el gusto.
Okay, well, he, um, just asked me to do a chole with him... and it's the only thing that's calmed me down on a day full of people trying and failing to calm me down.
Bueno, me ha pedido que haga una colostomía con él... y es lo único que me calma en un día lleno de gente que lo intenta y fracasa.
- It's the only thing I love!
- ¡ Es lo único que me encanta!
Because it looks to me like the only reason you want to break Elena's sire bond is to restore her original factory team Stefan settings.
Porque a mí me parece que la única razón por la que quieres romper el vínculo de Elena es para restaurar su configuración original de fábrica a favor del equipo Stefan.
- I don't need some clown borrowing my garden hose only to never see it again except when he's watering his lawn with it!
- ¡ No necesito que un payaso... me pida prestada la manguera, para volver a verla... sólo cuando esté regando su césped!
It's only fair that you get the chance to do the same thing to me.
Es justo que tengas la oportunidad de hacerme lo mismo.
Let me get this straight, Steve- - the only reason that you kissed Leslie was'cause you were at Zach's party and this girl Camille dared you to do it?
Déjame entender esto, Steve... ¿ la única razón por la que besaste a Leslie fue porque fuiste a la fiesta de Zach y esta chica Camille te retó a hacerlo?
If it's 90 points... Then there are only 10 points left for me.
Si son 90 puntos... entonces sólo quedan 10 puntos para mí.
It's because the only one that can destroy me is... Moo Young.
Ya que Moo Young es el único que puede hacerme algo.
It's only made me appreciate everything else in my life that's still really concrete and the same even more.
Me ha hecho apreciar todo lo demás en mi vida y lo mismo incluso mas.
it's only fair 72
it's only a dream 23
it's only natural 75
it's only money 39
it's only you 17
it's only a matter of time 121
it's only temporary 79
it's only 370
it's only gonna get worse 25
it's only been 58
it's only a dream 23
it's only natural 75
it's only money 39
it's only you 17
it's only a matter of time 121
it's only temporary 79
it's only 370
it's only gonna get worse 25
it's only been 58
it's only been a few days 19
it's only a game 35
it's only a 17
it's only been a week 24
it's only for a few days 18
only me 129
mexico 335
metro 61
menu 31
merci 624
it's only a game 35
it's only a 17
it's only been a week 24
it's only for a few days 18
only me 129
mexico 335
metro 61
menu 31
merci 624