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It hasn't traducir español

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I'm mean, from my perspective, it already hasn't... Worked out.
Quiero decir, desde mi perspectiva, desde ya no ha... funcionado.
It hasn't been used in a while.
No se han usado desde hace tiempo.
It hasn't even been a day yet.
No ha pasado ni un día todavía.
It hasn't even been 24 hours yet.
No han pasado ni 24 horas todavía.
You've been chasing a nobody... who likes to be chased, and it hasn't worked out, and that's fine, it's okay.
Has estado persiguiendo a un don nadie que le gusta ser perseguido. Y eso no ha funcionado, y está bien, está bien. Está...
Hasn't it given you everything you've asked for, everything you've wanted?
¿ No te ha dado todo lo que has pedido, todo lo que has querido?
- Jack hasn't read it?
- ¿ Jack no lo ha leído?
It hasn't.
No ha caducado.
It aggravates them more if they see it hasn ’ t touched you.
Agrava más, si ven que no te ha afectado.
It hasn't been the right time to tell him, okay?
No es todavía el momento adecuado de decírselo, ¿ de acuerdo?
Graham, it hasn't!
¡ Graham, no sirve!
It's kind of why it hasn't been working.
Es la razón por la que no ha funcionado.
Maybe there's a reason it hasn't happened yet.
Talvez hay una razón por la cual aún no ha sucedido.
I thought the peace and quiet may help, but... it hasn't worked so far though.
Por eso reservé este lugar. Creí que la calma podría ayudarme pero no ha funcionado hasta ahora.
It hasn't been the same since Dad died but we'll figure it out.
No ha sido igual desde la muerte de papá, pero lo resolveremos.
I don't know, at some point I realized it wasn't going to be special and I just wanted to get it over with, and it hasn't been special ever since.
No sé, en algún momento me di cuenta que era no va a ser Especial y sólo quería para acabar de una vez, Y no ha sido especial desde entonces.
The outskirts of the lack of faith. Hasn't it crossed your mind, just for a minute, that you might be elected as the new pope?
ANA : ¿ Y no se le ha pasado por la cabeza, aunque sol a mente sea un segundo, pero que usted puede ser elegido el nuevo Papa?
Right, so our honeymoon hasn't seeped it's way into your thick skull yet?
Cierto, entonces nuestra luna de miel no te ha sido de esta manera.
He asks you to send his regards to Massa Kilian and to tell him that life hasn't been as cruel as it could have been, in spite of everything.
A Ia jma bio na ólyo botakóm... Te pide que saludes a massa Kilian de su parte y que le digas que... que Ia vida no Io ha tratado tan mal a pesar de todo.
She hasn't been gone that long, and it's really not that late.
Ella no ha estado fuera por mucho y no es tan tarde.
It's strange that your dad hasn't called, and you're just gonna have to trust me.
Es raro que tu padre no haya llamado, y tú vas a tener que confiar en mí.
If it hasn't been good then I hope it changes... All right.
Y si no ha sido un buen día, entonces espero que eso cambie...
Yet it hasn't been an easy day.
Pero no ha sido un día fácil.
I don't want to know what ThunderBolton69 means, but she hasn't changed it in years.
No quiero saber lo que ThunderBolton69 quiere decir, pero ella no lo ha cambiado en años.
Just because your life hasn't been worth a damn since Harry booted you, don't think we can't very easily make it even less satisfactory.
Hecho de que su vida no ha sido vale nada desde que Harry le arranca, No pensamos que podemos no muy fácilmente hacerlo aún menos satisfactoria.
The only reason the sentence hasn't been carried out is that I've been delaying the vote in hopes that you might help me find a way to get that gold, or as much of it as possible, off that beach.
La única razón de que no se llevara a cabo la sentencia es que estuve demorando el voto esperando que pudiera ayudarme a hallar el modo de sacar ese oro o tanto como fuera posible, de esa playa.
Two whole months since chemo and it hasn't come back.
Dos meses enteros sin quimio y todavía no ha vuelto.
I had a great time tonight, and even though it hasn't been long, I feel like I know you really well, Jessica.
Me lo he pasado muy bien esta noche, a pesar de que ha sido corta, tengo la sensación de que te conozco de siempre, Jessica.
It hasn't changed since the last time you called.
No ha cambiado desde la última vez que llamaste.
- It hasn't just been me.
- No solo he sido yo.
It hasn't cost me a cent.
No me ha costado nada.
But it's common, and anybody who says it's not hasn't been there.
Pero es común, y cualquiera que dice que no es No ha estado allí.
Been a while, hasn't it?
It hasn't impaired my judgment on the bench.
No ha afectado mi juicio en el tribunal.
So, I guess it hasn't been all that much fun, huh?
Entonces, adivino que no ha sido todo muy divertido, ¿ no?
She's read it wrong, hasn't she?
Entendió mal.
- It hasn't been that long.
No ha pasado tanto tiempo. ¿ Ah, no?
- Oh, it hasn't? How long?
¿ Cuánto?
He hasn't read it.
No lo ha leído.
Hasn't done us any good, though, has it?
Sin embargo no nos ha hecho ningún bien, ¿ cierto?
It hasn't been tested.
No ha sido probada.
It hasn't spread across town.
No es en toda la ciudad.
The cement still hasn't dried, but it should be fine by tomorrow night.
El cemento todavía no se ha secado, pero debería estar bien mañana por la noche.
Joe, hasn't it been, like, 25 years since your father left?
Joe, ¿ cuánto ha pasado, 25 años desde que tu padre no está?
It hasn't even been a week.
No ha pasado ni una semana.
Maybe, but it hasn't stopped people from looking for the last 2,000 years, and a lot have died trying.
Puede, pero no ha detenido a la gente de buscarla durante los últimos 2.000 años, y muchos han muerto intentándolo.
There are times when it seems she hasn't really gone.
Hay veces en las que parece que no se ha ido.
Louise... it hasn't hurt you to see the road not travelled?
Louise... ¿ No te ha dolido pensar en lo que podríamos haber pasado juntos?
No. It hasn't.
No, no me ha dolido.
I'm sure it hasn't even crossed his mind.
Seguro que no se le ha pasado eso por la cabeza.
but it hasn't been very much.
pero no ha sido mucho.

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