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It has traducir español

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It has long been my wish to form an alliance between our two great nations with a marriage of our son and heir, Prince Arthur, and Princess Catherine.
Hace tiempo que deseo formar una alianza entre nuestras dos grandes naciones con el matrimonio de nuestro hijo y heredero, el príncipe Arturo y la princesa Catalina.
This thing... burrowed into David's brain when he was a boy, maybe even a baby, and it has been there, feeding on him, ever since.
Esta cosa... se metió en el cerebro de David cuando era un niño, quizás incluso un bebé, y ha estado ahí, alimentándose de él, desde entonces.
You're saying it has power, not David?
¿ Dices que eso tiene poder, no David?
it has too many secrets.
hay demasiados secretos.
Since we were kids, it has always been you.
Desde que éramos niños, siempre has sido tú.
It has to be in here somewhere.
Tiene que estar en un lugar por aquí.
Like my manhood, it has far greater value to me than to you.
Al igual que mi virilidad, tiene mucho más valor para mí que a ti.
But in the future, Wally suggesting something does not mean it has been approved.
Pero en le futuro, cuando Wally sugiera algo, no significa que le hayan dejado.
It has been so difficult to find a literate German speaker.
Está siendo muy difícil encontrar un germanoparlante alfabetizado.
It has to be you. Babe, if you're in there, you need to wake up right now!
Cielo, si estás ahí, ¡ tienes que despertar ahora mismo!
It has nothing to do with you and your beautiful white world, and mine, right?
No tiene nada que ver con su mundo blanco perfecto, ni el mío.
Sometimes, it has a way of setting you free.
A veces, hay una forma de liberarse.
So it has a 4K resolution... Totally sharp...
Tiene una resolución 4K para mayor nitidez...
Your whole life you've felt it.
Lo has sentido toda tu vida.
How long has it been?
¿ Cuánto tiempo ha pasado?
Welcome to the Anxious Clown Restaurant, where everybody has a good time whether they like it or not.
Bienvenidos al Payaso Ansioso, donde todos se divierten, quieran o no.
I understand that losing your parents and your home has had an emotional effect, as I imagine it would have on many people.
Comprendo que perder a sus padres y su hogar los ha afectado profundamente, como le ocurriría a muchos.
During the off-season, Lake Lachrymose has very few visitors, which is why the ferry company has added two words to the bottom of their schedule in fine print, a phrase which here means "you might miss reading it until it was too late."
En la temporada baja, el lago Lacrimógeno tiene muy pocos visitantes, así que la empresa del ferri ha agregado cierta letra chica, una frase que quiere decir "tal vez no la leas hasta que sea tarde".
It is for that reason that "out of the woods" has come to mean "a return to safety, away from menace and disturbing revelations."
Por esa razón, al salir del bosque sentimos que recuperamos la seguridad y superamos amenazas y revelaciones.
You've been chasing it, haven't you?
Has estado persiguiéndolo, ¿ no es así?
Then kill me if you think it's a lie, but you know deep down it's the only thing that has ever made any sense.
Pues mátame si crees que es mentira, pero en el fondo sabes que es lo único que ha tenido sentido.
Your brain has a rhythm to it.
Tu cerebro tiene un ritmo para eso.
And rumor has it that Colonel Eli McCullough, himself, is gonna put in an appearance.
Se rumorea que el coronel Eli McCullough se va a pasar a saludar.
You lose track of it?
¿ Lo has perdido?
No one has to know I was here, we could just pretend it never happened.
Nadie tiene que saber que estuve aquí, podríamos fingir que nunca pasó.
Now that I think about it, Lord Bothwell has also been missing for most of the evening.
Ahora que lo pienso, lord Bothwell también lleva desaparecido la mayor parte de la noche.
On the other hand, she has taken my money and I should probably go and get it back.
Por otra parte, ella ha cogido mi dinero y probablemente debería ir a buscarlo.
Your desire for power is no surprise, but you've taken it a step too far.
Tu deseo de poder no es una sorpresa, pero has dado un paso demasiado lejos.
There has to be another way, and I will find it, as long as I have you by my side.
Tiene que haber otro camino, y lo encontraré, mientras te tenga a mi lado.
It's not public knowledge yet, but my friends at home in England are saying that our marriage has pressured Queen Elizabeth to take a husband, the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria.
No es de conocimiento público todavía, pero mis amigos de Inglaterra están diciendo que nuestro matrimonio ha presionado a la reina Isabel para que tome un marido, el archiduque Fernando de Austria.
Yes, Charles has struggled, but he has finally adjusted to the crown and he will fight for it.
Sí, Carlos se ha esforzado, pero finalmente se ha adaptado a la corona y luchará por ella.
All right, well, if you haven't forgotten it, then what is it?
Está bien, bueno, si lo has olvidado, entonces ¿ qué pasa?
Is it because you've rethought your decision?
¿ Es porque has vuelto a pensar en tu decisión?
I think you should wait to see if clive has any luck tracing it.
Creo que deberías esperar para ver si Clive ha podido rastrearlo.
Was it about your clothes, or maybe about a guy?
Has dicho que Cindy te juzgaba. ¿ Era por tu ropa o quizá por un chico?
It's important we make contact. Our colleague doesn't know if we're alive and has no way to reach us.
Nuestra colega no sabe si estamos vivos y no tiene manera de llegar a nosotros.
But if he has been captured. And is in your custody, it would reflect poorly on me.
Pero si ha sido capturado y está bajo su custodia, eso dice poco en mi favor.
I did everything you said, but it wouldn't...
He hecho todo lo que me has dicho, pero no...
Brooke has figured out a way to hijack it. - [Electricity crackles]
- Gracias por salvarme la vida.
Your presence in her life has turned it into what it is today.
Tu presencia en su vida la ha convertido en lo que es hoy día.
He has his own dance, like "Gangnam Style," except it's got a little more with the hands.
Tiene su propio baile, como Gangnam Style, excepto que usa las manos un poco más.
But the zookeeper lady, she has, like, you know, just sitting there all sad, you know, trying to think how she's gonna tell it, and the gorilla picked up on the vibe.
Y la mujer del zoológico se quedó ahí sentada pensando en cómo le iba a contar. Y el gorila lo notó.
Your daddy and I tried to protect you from that, but now that you've seen it, you've got a choice.
Tu padre y yo intentamos protegerte de eso, pero ahora que lo has visto debes hacer una elección.
I know why you said it.
Sé por qué lo has dicho.
But it seems, finally, she has decided to seek the forgiveness of God.
Pero parece, finalmente... que decidió buscar el perdón de Dios.
So, more than likely, she has something to do with it.
Entonces, muy probablemente, ella tiene algo que ver con eso.
It states that every prisoner has the right to meet in private with a spiritual advisor or representatives thereof.
La que establece que cada prisionero tiene derecho a reunirse en privado... con un consejero espiritual o los representantes del mismo.
The leader has the crown, and now it's all said.
El líder tiene la corona, y eso es todo.
You said it was my choice, didn't you?
Has dicho que la elección era mía, ¿ no?
- I bet you aced it.
- Seguro que lo has clavado.
If you're not too busy, now that you're done your test, it would be nice to see you a little more often. Yeah?
Si no estás muy ocupada, ahora que has hecho el examen, estaría bien verte más a menudo. ¿ Vale?

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