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It has been traducir español

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It has been conclusively debunked.
Ha sido desacreditada concluyentemente.
Henley can only say what exists between our world and a second place, wherever it has been all this time.
Sólo Henley puede decirnos que hay entre este mundo... y el otro lugar o dónde sea que haya estado todo este tiempo.
And it has been for years.
Y lleva así años.
Look, I'm not gonna deny it, but it has been very difficult.
Mire, no voy a negarlo, ha sido muy difícil.
It has been hell.
Ha sido un suplicio.
No, only that it has been an honor to serve on this team and that... you may call on me again, whenever and as long as Miss Folch is not opposed.
No, simplemente que ha sido un honor servir con la patrulla y que... pueden volver a llamarme, siempre y cuando la señorita Folch no tenga inconveniente.
Ernesto, it has been an honor working with someone with your morals and that 70s'James Bond suit.
Ernesto, ha sido un honor trabajar con alguien con esa ética y con ese traje de James Bond de los 70.
Thousand times it has been said that in the new art To the mass it is fair to talk simple in order to entertain.
Cientos de veces ha dicho que en el arte nuevo al vulgo es justo hablarle en necio para darle gusto.
Um, Charles, I just want to say, regardless of what happens with Bobby, it has been so nice spending quality time with you.
Charles, yo sólo quiero decir, independientemente de lo que suceda con Bobby, ha sido tan agradable pasar tiempo de calidad contigo.
It has been so good seeing you, Diana.
Ha sido tan bueno verte, Diana.
- It has been in my family since..
- Ha estado en mi familia..
It shows you the places you've been.
Te muestra los lugares en los que has estado.
It is and always has been fragments of an idea, and without identity...
Es y siempre han sido fragmentos de una idea, y sin identidad...
The method of our figuring this value for each item has been recorded if either party wishes to know it.
La forma de calcular el valor de cada cosa... se ha registrado, si alguna de las partes desea revisarlo.
And anyone who thinks it's so easy to win a war by force has never actually been responsible for fighting one.
Quien piensa que es fácil ganar una guerra por la fuerza... es alguien que nunca fue responsable de liderar una.
You been putting this together all this time and never saying anything to me about it?
¿ Has estado pensando en eso todo este tiempo y no me habías dicho ni una palabra al respecto?
I had the desk where it was for a reason, though I suppose you haven't been here long enough to know how to sit in that chair.
Coloqué la mesa donde estaba por una razón, pero supongo que no has estado el tiempo suficiente para saber cómo sentarte en esa silla.
Just trying to help you out, Sap. Rumor has it you've been ducking shifts.
Estoy intentando ayudarte, Sap, hay rumores de que haz estado esquivando turnos.
How long has it been since you were home?
¿ Cuánto hace que no estáis en casa?
Of course. Well, I know you're finishing your Global Health paper today and you've been working really hard on it.
Es que hoy terminas tu artículo sobre Salud Mundial y sé que has trabajado mucho.
Well, we've only been here a couple of hours, and we don't have a place to live, and all our stuff has been stolen, but other than that, it's great.
Sólo llevamos un par de horas aquí... no tenemos dónde vivir y nos robaron todas nuestras cosas... pero aparte de eso, es genial.
It's unfortunate your stay has been needlessly extended.
Es desafortunado que su estancia se haya... prolongado innecesariamente.
When it comes to Mr. Ramse, his judgment has always been... unreliable.
Cuando se trata del Sr. Ramse, su juicio siempre ha sido... poco fiable.
It really has been a pleasure meeting you.
De verdad ha sido un placer conocerle.
How long has it been?
¿ Cuánto tiempo ha sido?
Her and I have been best friends forever, and she has really been through it.
Ella y yo hemos sido mejores amigos desde siempre, y ella realmente lo está superando.
How long has it been since we've been here?
¿ Cuánto ha pasado desde que estuvimos aquí?
I'm sorry I've been so bad lately, it's just that work has been super hectic and it doesn't help I've de-activated my Facebook, but that's not an excuse.
Lamento mi comportamiento últimamente. Pero el trabajo ha estado bastante agitado y no ayuda haber desactivado mi Facebook, pero no es excusa.
Well, it was your first time and the mission has been a success.
Bueno, era su primera vez y la misión ha sido todo un éxito.
Wash it. Have you been to Tibidabo?
Lávalo. ¿ Has ido al Tibidabo?
She's the only reason that this hellhole has been worth it.
Es la única razón que ha hecho que este infierno haya merecido la pena.
- It's where you've been for the past 12 years.
- Es donde has vivido los últimos 12 años.
You look repellant in that apron and you've been wearing it too long.
Te ves repelente con ese delantal y... lo has usado demasiado tiempo.
We found it. Been in our impound for a week.
Lo encontramos. ¿ Has estado en nuestro depósito municipal durante una semana.
It has never been rescheduled since.
Nunca se volvió a reprogramar.
Although, in fact, it actually is what "Star Trek" has always been about, which is meaningful issues about how to live.
Aunque, de hecho, lo que realmente es lo que "Star Trek" ha sido siempre, Cuestiones significativas que es acerca de cómo vivir.
I know that this has been a long process for you, but when it comes to the best interests of the children who come before this court, we always err on the side of caution.
Sé que este ha sido un largo proceso para usted, Pero cuando se trata de lo mejor para el interés de los niños que vienen ante este tribunal, Siempre optamos por la precaución.
I can sympathize with what you've been through and it might be good of you to understand our position as well.
Puedo entender todo lo que has pasado Y te pido que entiendas nuestra posición también.
There's a feeling here that, that this witness has held up pretty well this afternoon, and there has been a sense of apprehension about it.
Aquí hay un sentimiento de que este testigo lo hizo muy bien esta tarde. Y hay una duda sobre todo lo que está pasando.
And it's the type of deal that has been made in this library... countless times by my predecessors, but not by me.
Y es el tipo de acuerdo que se ha hecho en esta biblioteca... infinidad de veces... por mis antecesores, pero no por mí.
Actually, it looks like your room has already been paid for by Empirical Publishing.
En realidad, parece que su habitación ya ha sido pagada por Editorial Empirical.
It looks like Tao Tao has finally... been allowed to rejoin the family furball.
Parece que finalmente a TaoTao... lo dejaron unirse otra vez a la bola de pelos familiar.
It means the glass has been manufactured to the wrong specifications.
Eso significa que el vaso ha sido fabricado con las especificaciones incorrectas.
You have to know my chief concern has always been the well-being of this park and the people in it.
Tienes que saber que mi principal preocupación ha sido siempre el bienestar del parque y de la gente en él.
It ain't even been 12 hours since you found out the sky's not blue.
No han pasado ni 12 jodidas horas desde que has descubierto que el cielo no es azul.
See, if the cartel finds out you've been arrested, exactly how long do you think it'll be before they decide to tie up that loose end?
Verás, si el cártel se entera de que has sido detenido, ¿ exactamente cuánto tiempo crees que va a pasar antes de que decidan atar ese cabo suelto?
His career has been in... as dramatic as it is, has also been punctuated by bouts of injury.
Su carrera ha sido tan dramática como ahora, y también ha estado marcada por periodos de lesiones.
It's not been the perfect build-up, has it?
No ha sido la preparación más idónea, ¿ verdad?
You've been through it.
Ya lo has pasado.
I know it's hard to understand a hip party if you've never been invited to one, but Jesus.
Es difícil captarlo, si nunca has ido a una fiesta de onda. ¡ Pero, coño!
He has been held and we can't rule out that he put up to it himself.
Ha sido retenido y... No podemos descartar que él mismo se prestara a ello.

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