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It hasn't been easy traducir español

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It hasn't been easy for you either, has it, dear?
Tampoco ha sido fácil para ti, ¿ verdad, querido?
It hasn't been so easy as all that.
No crea que ha sido tan fácil.
It hasn't been so easy for us to go on dates.
No nos ha sido fácil quedar.
Keep it up, kid. I know it hasn't been easy.
Sigue así, hijo Sé que No fue fácil.
- It hasn't been easy, has it?
- No ha sido fácil, ¿ verdad?
Darling, it hasn't been easy for you, either.
Cariño, ya sé que no es fácil para ti.
Nora, I know it hasn't been easy for you.
No es fácil para mí.
From what I've heard it hasn't been easy.
Por lo que he oído no ha sido nada fácil.
It, uh, hasn't been easy to make up a table, I must say.
Eh, debo decir que no ha sido fácil encontrar el grupo.
- It hasn't been easy to talk about.
No es fácil hablar de ello.
It hasn't been an easy year for you either.
También ha sido para ti un año muy duro.
And I know it hasn't been easy. But at least you have the children.
Estás sufriendo, pero al menos tienes a tus hijos.
And it hasn't been easy.
Y no ha sido fácil
It certainly hasn't been easy, though
- No me ha sido fácil llegar aquí.
Since Father died, it hasn't been easy.
Desde que papá falleció, no ha sido fácil.
It hasn't been easy bringing you up without a father.
No ha sido fácil criarte sin un padre.
First, I want you to know that... it hasn't been easy for me.
Lo primero que quiero que sepas es que no fue fácil para mí Lo siento.
It hasn't been easy, I can tell you.
Pero no es nada fácil.
Well, you've done it. And I know it hasn't been easy.
Sé que no fue fácil.
I've been searching for you, and it hasn't been easy.
Le he estaba buscando, y no sin esfuerzo.
I've been waiting 16 years, and it hasn't been easy.
Dieciséis años esperando este momento. No ha sido fácil para mí, ¿ sabes?
I know it hasn't been easy for you.
Sé que no ha sido fácil para ti.
I've devoted myself to her welfare, and it hasn't been easy.
Me he dedicado a su bienestar, y no ha sido fácil.
It hasn't been easy on Spock.
No fue sencillo criar a Spock.
Of course everything's always been easy for you, hasn't it?
Claro, para ti todo siempre ha sido fácil, ¿ verdad?
It hasn't been easy for me, Jane.
No ha sido fácil para mí, Jane.
It hasn't been easy, smiling through the makeup.
No ha sido fácil sonreír a través del maquillaje.
I know it hasn't been easy for you.
Sé que no es fácil para ti.
My husband and I just separated recently and it hasn't been easy on the children, but...
Mi marido y yo nos hemos separado hace poco y no ha sido fácil para los niños, pero...
- It hasn't been easy.
- No ha sido fácil.
It hasn't been easy, but you can do anything in this country.
No ha sido fácil, pero se puede hacer cualquier cosa en este país.
It hasn't been an easy day, but any day I carry the US mail l count myself a lucky and useful human being.
No ha sido un día fácil, pero cualquier día me llevan el correo de los EE.UU. Me considero un afortunado y como ser humano útil.
It hasn't been easy.
No es fácil.
I know that this move has been difficult for you. It hasn't been easy for any of us. I'd like to think that if you're having problems, you'd come and talk to me about it.
mira Morgan se que este cambio ha sido dificil para ti pero no ha sido facil para ninguno de nosotros me gustaria pensar que si estas teniendo problemas puedes venir y hablarme de eso
Believe me, it hasn't been easy at my end, either. - In what way?
Creame, tampoco ha sido facil para mi.
It hasn't been easy. But I got hold of important data.
No ha sido fácil, pero logré conservar datos importantes.
It hasn't been easy taking over this place.
No ha sido fácil mantener este lugar.
I know it hasn't been easy growing up in such a clinical environment.
Se que no ha sido facil crecer en ese ambiente clinico.
It hasn't always been easy.
No siempre ha sido fácil.
It hasn't been easy, Harry, but this bitch is ready to run.
No ha sido fácil, Harry, pero esta putita esta lista para correr.
It hasn't been easy.
Ha sido muy duro.
From what she's been telling me, he hasn't made it easy for her either.
Por lo que ella me dice, él tampoco se lo ha hecho fácil.
It hasn't been easy staying in my rut.
No ha sido fácil mantener mi rutina.
Well... it hasn't been an easy time for any of us, Mrs. Rieper.
Es un momento difícil para todos nosotros, Sra Rieper.
Finding someone who understands that, well, it hasn't been easy.
Encontrar a alguien que comprenda eso, bueno, no ha sido fácil.
It hasn't been easy, sir.
- No ha sido fácil, señor.
It hasn't been easy.
No ha sido fácil.
It hasn't been easy for you, I'm sure keeping your Captain and friends in the dark like this.
No le ha resultado fácil guardar el secreto.
It hasn't been easy, you know.
No es fácil.
It hasn't been easy for him, both his boys going off at the same time.
Es duro que tus dos hijos se marchen a la vez.
It hasn't been easy.
No ha resultado fácil.

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