Let her go now traducir español
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I can't let her go now, but I will let her go when you come back with the evidence.
Ahora no puedo dejarla marchar, pero lo haré cuando vuelvas con las pruebas.
Let her go now.
Dejadla ir.
Let her go now.
Déjelo ir.
Let her go now.
Suéltalos ahora.
You can let her go now.
Puedes dejarla ir.
Let her go now.
Suéltenla ahora.
Let her go now, or we all die.
Déjenla libre, o moriremos todos.
- [Al] Don't let her go now.
- No la sueltes ahora.
I'm gonna let her go now?
Voy a dejarla ir ahora?
Can you let her go now?
Ya puedes soltarla.
Let her go now!
¡ Ya déjala ir!
He has his daughter back and he's not gonna let her go now.
Ahora que tiene a su hija de vuelta. No la va a dejar ir.
Let her go now.
Suéltela ya.
Let her go easy now.
Que vaya despacio.
Let her go, now.
Dejadla ir.
Now I won't let go of her until you tell me I can keep her.
No voy a soltarla hasta que Ud. me diga que me la puedo quedar.
Now, let her go.
Ahora, deja salir tu ira.
Ahora que la he encontrado, no dejaré que se vaya.
I let her stand on my head to let her eat her supper and now she... now she, now she won't go to bed until her mother tells her story.
He tenido que hacer de todo-- - para conseguir que cene y ahora-- - no quiere irse a la cama hasta que su madre le cuente un cuento.
Now's the time to let her go!
Ahora es el momento de dejarla correr.
- Don't let her stay here and go to seed. - Go on now.
- No dejéis que se quede y siembre semillas!
Did you think for one second we'd let you take this child from us, that we'd let her go alone with that vicious, sadistic woman? Did you honestly think that? Even if we have to die right here and now.
Si piensa que va a separar a la niña de nosotros y que se irá con esa sádica está muy equivocado.
Shall I let her go on as she is now or attempt a cure?
¿ Dejo que siga como está ahora, o intento curarla?
Neither can I. Let's go tell her right now.
Yo también. Vamos a decírselo ahora mismo.
Now, she's all right now and if I get the money I'll let her go.
Por ahora ella está bien y si recibo el dinero la dejaré marchar.
Let her go.You did your job, now it's her life ; wish her luck, and let her go
Déjala irse. Tú hiciste tu trabajo, ahora es su vida ; deseale suerte, y déjala ir
Now I think if we let her go, I personally could follow, and then arrest all of them!
Si la dejamos salir, podría seguirla personalmente ¡ y arrestarlos luego a todos!
So I won't let her go for now :
Así que no le dejaré irse por ahora.
Now, to really get distance, you lean back like this... and really let her go!
Para lograr una buena distancia... te echas hacia atrás, así... y lo sueltas.
We've made her tame, and it's too late to try to let her go wild now.
La hemos domesticado y es demasiado tarde para que se vuelva salvaje.
- $ 300. Now let her go, damn you!
- 300 dólares. ¡ Suéltela, maldito!
Now, go back and ask your readers if America intends to let her enemy get away with this outrage without reprisal.
Ahora, pregunten a sus lectores si América debe dejar a su enemigo... sin castigo por esta afrenta.
Would she be yours if you let go of her now?
¿ Sería tuya si la soltaras ahora?
still. still. now let her go.
Quieto, quieto... ahora suéltala.
If the baby cries, just let her. Don't go spoiling her now.
Si llora déjala tranquila, sobre todo no la mimes demasiado.
Please, tell her I am an schizophrenic and now if you let me, it is time for me to go but, you haven't finished your coffee!
Y, al propio tiempo, pido permiso para despedirme. ¡ Pero su café!
Right, you're going to let her go and we'll leave now and forget everything.
Bien, la vas a soltar y ahora nos iremos y olvidaremos todo.
You call him right now and tell him to let her go.
Llámalo ahora mismo y dile que la deje marchar.
But now please go on now and let us take care of her.
Pero les ruego que ahora dejen que nosotros nos ocupemos de ella.
It is pointless to dwell on it. Our task now is to find her. Mr. Green, let us go back to that moment by the lake yesterday morning.
... no tiene sentido quejarse de ello nuestro objetivo ahora es encontrarla Sr. Green retrocedamos al momento junto al lago el dìa de ayer a la mañana.
Now, you already complain a lot that the lady won't let you enter her bathroom,... but instead you go along with her ban on us getting in the odd swim.
Ya, usted mucho quejarse de que la señora no lo deja entrar en su baño, pero en cambio le parece bien que nos prohíban a nosotras remojarnos un poquito.
I share no enmity with her but with you! Because you are the reason why the police are on the prowl now. If I let both of you go, you'II have the military pursuing me!
Suéltala... a mi me gustaría ser un niño pequeño y que tu me adoptaras.
I know I can't keep her like that for ever. But... I can't let her go right now.
Sé que no puedo mantenerla así para siempre, pero... no puedo dejarla ir en este momento.
We let her go, we might as well... get a head start and arrest the baby right now.
La dejamos ir, también podemos aprovechemos para arrestar al bebé.
Now let her go!
Ahora suéltala.
Now is the end. Let her go in peace.
Déjala irse en paz.
Now, let her go and I'll come with you.
Ahora, déjala ir, e iré contigo.
I gave you the money, now let her go.
Te dí el dinero, ahora déjenla ir.
Now let her go.
Ahora suéltala.
Let me ask you. When I had conversations with you and I told you about Jack and how he was always getting hurt that I thought that he was out of his mind and that I would never date anybody like that again, a little bell didn't go off in your head and say, "Well, maybe I should tell her now what I do for a living?"
Cuando te conte sobre Jack y como siempre estaba lastimado,..... y como yo nunca saldria con nadie parecido de nuevo..... nunca pensastes, "Tal vez debería decirle lo que hago para ganarme la vida"?
Now, you might as well let her go.
Será mejor que la dejes marchar.
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let him wait 26
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let him go now 17
let him up 33
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let him stay 21
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let him alone 35
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let him stay 21
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let him alone 35
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