Look at that thing traducir español
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Look at that thing.
¡ Mire eso!
Look at that thing, handing us the ha-ha.
Mira esa cosa, burlándose de nosotros.
Look at that thing of beauty.
Mira qué belleza.
- Look at that thing.
- Mira esto.
- Look at that thing.
- Mira eso. - Oh, fantástico.
Man, look at that thing.
Mirad esa cosa.
The whole world is gonna want to come here and take a look at that thing down there.
El mundo entero querrá echarle un vistazo a esa cosa.
He never did come out to look at that thing that flew overhead.
Él no salió a ver esa cosa que nos pasó por encima.
Just look at that thing.
Mira eso.
'Ere, let's have a look at that thing. There.
Eh, vamos a echar un vistazo a esa cosa.
- Damn! Look at that thing!
¡ Maldición!
Right, you keep tracking it, because I want a very good look at that thing when it does surface.
Derecho, a mantener el seguimiento de ella, porque quiero un aspecto muy bueno en cosa que cuando lo hace la superficie.
Look at that thing go.
Mirad eso.
Look, I know that you are mad at me and that you don't really like to do this sort of thing, but can't you just cover for me?
Mirad, sé que tú estás enfadado conmigo y que a ti en realidad no te gustan este tipo de cosas, ¿ Pero no puedes cubrirme a mi?
Oh, my Lord. Look at that thing.
¡ Dios mío!
- I just think, like, makeup is very important because the moment people look at you, that's the first thing you see.
Las personas vienen a ver mis shows. Yo creo que el maquillaje es muy importante, porque en el momento en que las personas te miran Es lo primero que ellos ven en ti.
Look at the size of that thing.
Vean el tamaño de esa cosa.
One has only to look at that moon to realize that love is the only thing in the world worth having.
Uno sólo tiene que mirar esa luna para darse cuenta que el amor es lo único en el mundo que merece la pena.
Look at that thing.
Fíjese, sigue igual.
Is that the only thing you see when you look at me?
¿ Eso es lo único de mí que te ha llamado la atención?
You're such a little thing, nobody'd think, to look at you... you had that much brains.
Usted es tan pequeña, nadie creería, con mirarla... que tiene tanto cerebro.
You know, it's a funny thing. That Lawson used to be about as graceful as a Texas steer. Now, look at him.
Es cómico.Este Lawson era tan gracioso como un joven buey texano.
And when you've had a good look, you'll see, likely as not... that good old human nature's at the bottom of the whole thing.
Y cuando lo hayas estudiado a fondo, descubrirás Que la naturaleza humana es la base de todo.
You can't just look at a person and tell a thing like that.
Es imposible averiguar algo así con sólo mirar a una persona.
You grab that stick and go out that way and I look through this thing and wave at you.
Tú coges ese palo y te alejas. Yo miro por aquí y te hago señas.
Whole thing is for him. if you look at it that way.
Todo esto es por él, si lo mira de esa manera.
Look at that thing.
Mira esto.
Look, Marty, the only thing that counts is that stuff you take to the bank, that filthy buck that everybody sneers at, but slugs to get.
Escucha, Marty... lo único que cuenta es lo que llevas al banco. Ese dinero sucio que todos desprecian pero que luchan por conseguir. Sé cómo te sientes.
But the thing is, when you look at the results, was it worth taking it that far?
Pero el tema es, ¿ a la vista del resultado, mereció la pena llevar las cosas tan lejos?
And the main thing is that they don't get away before you open up Number 3 Hatch again and look at some of those engine crates.
Y Io principal es que no se escapen antes de que Ud. Abra... la bodega 3 otra vez y mire las cajas de motores.
The main thing is that they have a look at our models.
A mí lo que me interesa es que Uds. Vean el artículo. Las cosas hay que verlas de verdad, ¿ comprende?
Look at that poor, pathetic old thing there.
Mirad a esa vieja patética.
Look at that. Isn't that the prettiest thing you ever saw?
Mira eso. ¿ No es la cosa más bonita que has visto?
Only thing I want to look at is that helmet.
Lo único que quiero es hallar ese casco.
I had to repair that wretched thing and now look at it, I can't see a thing!
Tenía que haber reparado ese maldito trasto y ahora fíjate, no se ve nada.
If you look at the thing my way, you'll just go back to your office... and tear up that contract.
Si lo vieran como yo... volverían a su oficina... y romperían ese contrato.
The way I look at it, 99, there's only one thing that can save us.
Como lo veo, 99, solo hay una cosa que nos puede salvar.
Well, the way I look at it, 99, there's only one thing that'll save us.
Bueno, como yo lo veo, 99, solo una cosa puede salvarnos.
Look at the size of that thing.
Mira el tamaño de esa cosa.
Look, this is the same thing that was at the last elections.
Bueno, ya está todo como en las anteriores elecciones.
No, no, no, I mean just look at them, and the first thing that comes in your mind, talk about them, all right?
No, mírelas y lo primero que le venga a la mente, hábleme de ellas, ¿ está bien?
I mean, look at that stock, stupid, brutal thing.
Quiero decir, mire ese semental, esa cosa brutal y estúpida.
Look at this thing that I am and learn the meaning of love.
Mirad lo que soy y aprended lo que significa el amor.
Gee, that thing makes you hungry just to look at it.
Con sólo mirarlo me da hambre.
When you hear that kind of thing, look at the person...
Cuando oigas ese comentario fíjate en la cara de los que lo dicen.
Well, first thing I'm gonna do is take me a long look at that pacific ocean, cos I been wantin'to see that booger all my life.
Lo primero será ir a echarle un buen vistazo al Pacífico, porque llevo toda la vida deseando verlo.
Look at the size of that thing.
- ¡ Miren el tamaño de eso!
Look at this. It's got an altimeter or something. That airplane thing.
Mire, un altímetro o cosa similar, Similar de los aviones.
Have a good look at the controls in that thing before you go down.
Estudia a conciencia los controles de ese aparato antes de bajar
- Look, I don't want to stand on protocol or anything like that, but couldn't you at least do the done thing and take me to your leader?
- Mira, yo no quiero... romper el protocolo ni nada de eso,... pero no puedes, al menos, llevarme ante vuestro líder?
And when I was there, Wally, I remember being in the woods... and I would look at a leaf, and I would actually see that thing... that is alive in that leaf. And then I remember just running through the woods as fast as I could... with this incredible laugh coming out of me... and really being in that state, you know, where laughter and tears seem to merge.
Cuando estaba allí, estaba en el bosque, miraba una hoja y veía... aquello que estaba vivo en esa hoja... y corría como un loco por el bosque... con una risa increíble...
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look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
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look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
look at us 558
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look at you go 18
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look at this view 22
look at him go 61
look at this mess 66
look at it 733
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at you go 18
look at this picture 28
look at the bright side 75
look at this view 22
look at him go 61
look at this mess 66