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Not a bad idea traducir español

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Maybe that's not a bad idea that Elaine had.
Quizá no sea mala la idea de Elaine.
- Not a bad idea.
- No es una mala idea.
That is not a bad idea.
No sería mala idea.
Which is not a bad idea.
Que no es tan mala idea.
- Hey, not a bad idea.
- Oye, no es mala idea.
It's not a bad idea.
no es una mala idea.
It's not a bad idea, brother-in-mind.
No es mala idea, hermano en la mente.
It's not a bad idea, brother-in-mind.
No es una mala idea, hermano en la mente.
It's not a bad idea, though.
Aunque no es una mala idea.
Not a bad idea.
No es mala idea.
Not a bad idea to change direction now.
Es una buena idea cambiar ahora.
That's not a bad idea, is it?
¿ No es mala idea, verdad?
That's not a bad idea.
No es mala idea.
That's not a bad idea, having a portrait done.
Eso no es una mala idea, con un retrato hecho.
- Not a bad idea! - Everyone will buy it.
Te creearán, y te compadecerán.
Of course. That's not a bad idea.
Por supuesto, no es mala idea.
- It's not a bad idea.
¿ Verdad?
Hollywood's not a bad idea.
Hollywood no es mala idea.
- Not a bad idea.
No es una mala idea.
- It's not a bad idea in theory.
- No es una mala idea en teoría.
- That's not a bad idea.
- No es una mala idea.
Not a bad idea.
Buena idea.
You know, that's not a bad idea.
No es mala idea.
It's not a bad idea if you needed a timer.
No es mala idea si necesitas un contador de tiempo.
It's not a bad idea. Why don't I like it?
No es mala idea, pero ¿ por qué no me gusta?
It's not a bad idea. It's not a bad idea, really. Get a little juiced before you get in there.
No es mala idea que te emborraches un poco antes de entrar, que entres en calor.
That's not a bad idea!
¡ No es mala idea!
- And so it was not a bad idea.
- Y no sería mala idea.
It's not a bad idea.
No es mala idea.
So if we write "ideal" in the beginning, that's not a bad idea.
Así que si le escribimos un "Ideal", no es una mala idea.
Mrs. Hazeltine, when you're writing a novel that takes place on a submarine,..... it's not a bad idea to know the name of the instrument..... that the captain speaks through.
Sra. Hazeltine... cuando escribe sobre un submarino, no es una mala idea... saber el nombre del instrumento del cual habla el capitán.
Hey, Woodchuck, not a bad idea.
Oye, la marmota, no es una mala idea.
Not a bad idea.
- No es mala idea.
Not a bad idea.
No es una mala idea.
It's not a bad idea to cover the knee with a few sheets of cotton wool so as to avoid internal haemorrhaging.
Es buena idea cubrir la rodilla con una tela de lana de algodón para evitar hemorragias internas.
Olvdalo is a bad idea, do not leave the house.
Olvídalo, es una mala idea, no salgan de la casa.
- That's not such a bad idea.
- No es mala idea.
If one of you is guilty, which I find hard to believe, it's a bad idea to hide because there's nothing worse. It's better not to hide but, on the contrary, to confess and repent.
Si alguien es culpable, cosa que me niego a creer, en vez de esconderse - no hay nada peor que esconderse - será mejor que no lo haga, y que al contrario, confiese y se arrepienta.
Yeah. Might not be a bad idea... give some of the rest of us a shot at some lovin'.
Tal vez eso no sea mala idea.
you know, if we were sitting in a bar, I'd throw a drink right in your face... but under the circumstances, it's not such a bad idea.
Sabes, si estuvieramos sentados en un bar, te arrojaría un trago justo en tu cara... pero bajo las circunstancias, no es tan mala idea.
Not a bad idea. Hold onto this, bro. Chill out.
no mala idea sosten esto relajate, esta bien muevete este chico necesita un estilo de vida buenas noticias America recibanlo
Not a bad idea!
- ¡ Sáquenlo! - ¡ Bien!
Watching your weight might not be such a bad idea.
- No estaría mal vigilar el peso.
it might not be a bad idea
A lo mejor no es mala idea.
And, you know, it might not be a bad idea to wire an alarm into this pressure plate here where the glass fits, so if anybody does lift it...
Y, ya sabe, no sería una mala idea instalar una alarma dentro de esta placa de presión aquí donde el vidrio calza, si alguien quisiera levantarlo...
Not a bad thought.
No es mala idea.
- That's not such a bad idea. - That's a great idea.
- Es una gran idea.
- No, as a matter of fact, I didn't. But it's not a bad thought.
- No, la verdad es que no, pero me gusta la idea.
Oh, I need a vacation. That's not a bad idea.
Necesito unas vacaciones.
It might not be a bad idea to start playing it a little safe.
Quizá no sea mala idea tomar algunas precauciones.
Not a bad choice.
No es mala idea.

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