To headquarters traducir español
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M-1 to headquarters.
M1 a base.
Gentry to Headquarters.
Gentry al Cuartel General.
Shouldn't you be getting back to headquarters?
¿ No deberías estar volviendo al cuartel?
Did I ever tell you about my trip to headquarters in Michigan?
Te conté alguna vez de mi viaje a la casa matriz en Michigan? .
I'm driving back to headquarters in the morning.
Volveré a mi puesto mañana.
For the weapon show tomorrow... it's being transferred to headquarters as we speak.
En este momento lo trasladan a las oficinas generales... para la exhibición de armas de mañana.
Go back to headquarters.
Regresa a la oficina central.
He says you must go to Headquarters.
Dice que usted debe ir al Departamento Central
She told me the Police went to Di Blast's house and took him to Headquarters. What do they want with him?
Ella me dijo que la policía fue a la casa de Di Biasi y se lo llevó a la Central ¿ Qué es lo que quieren de él?
On April 20, Iwas able to get early to headquarters.
El 20 de abril tuve la oportunidad de llegar al cuartel de madrugada.
The feed is going through to headquarters, sir.
La señal está pasando directamente a la Central, señor.
I'm gonna send you back to headquarters with a little message.
Te enviaré de regreso con un mensaje.
Once they got you back I'd hate to visit Psi Corps headquarters and see bits of you floating around in jars of formaldehyde.
Una vez hayas vuelto... odiaría visitar el cuartel del Cuerpo Psíquico... y ver partes de ti flotando en frascos con formol.
They want the kid over to official headquarters.
Quieren llevar al niño al cuartel general de la división.
They're going to need evidence. But if there is evidence of a Dominion plan to attack Romulus it's probably buried deep in the bowels of their headquarters on Cardassia Prime.
Necesitan pruebas, pero si la prueba de que el Domino planea atacar Rómulo existe, seguramente estará bien guardada en la comandancia de Cardassia.
The only way to achieve lasting victory is to demolish their shipyards, their weapons plants, to force them to retreat deeper into their own territory, until our ships can surround their headquarters on Cardassia Prime and they will have no choice but to surrender.
La única manera de conseguir la victoria es destruyendo sus astilleros, sus instalaciones de arsenales, obligándoles a retirarse dentro de su propio territorio, hasta que nuestras naves logren cercar sus cuarteles en Cardassia y no tengan más remedio que rendirse.
Headquarters has a lot more to offer than conference rooms and consoles... if you have the right guide.
El cuartel general tiene mucho más que ofrecer que salas de conferencias y consolas. Si tienes el guía adecuado.
I believe the plan is to blow up the headquarters of these credit-card companies and the TRW building.
Creo que quieren volar las centrales de compañías de tarjetas de crédito y el edificio de TRW.
gets to this man at police headquarters?
a este hombre en la jefatura de policía?
But I did have a chance in college to be interviewed by them and they liked me. They flew me out to their headquarters Back East.
Pero me entrevistaron en la universidad y les gusté.
I'd like to welcome all of you to the new headquarters and home of Apple Computers.
Me gustaría darles la bienvenida a todos a la nueva sede y hogar de Apple Computer.
Headquarters doesn't even need to know.
La central ni siquiera tiene que saberlo.
An inspection ofthe scene was delayed... and the bodies werejust taken to the headquarters.
Se pospuso la inspección de la escena... y llevaron los cuerpos a la oficina central.
I'll say this, though. All of us here think differently from the people at headquarters who want to bury the entire Capital Police.
No compartimos las mismas opiniones de el estado mayor que quiere eliminar la POSEM.
There aren't many at headquarters who see things our way. However, our strength lies in the growing number among the rank and file committed to preserving law and order.
Pocos responsables piensan como nosotros, pero cada vez tenemos más apoyo de aquellos que trabajan en el area.
Lawyer imagined himself to be a great marksman and bombarded headquarters with pleas to make him a sniper.
Abogado se imagina ser un gran tirador y que el cuartel general... con gusto le hace francotirador.
very far from the headquarters and close to dangerous places.
Muy lejos del cuartel y cerca de los sitios peligrosos.
Permit me to raid Devraj's headquarters, sir!
¡ Permíteme ir al cuartel general de Devraj, señor!
Mr Augello has gone to the Headquarters!
Pero era importante : el Señor Augello se fue al Departamento Central!
- As to the meeting at Headquarters...
Con respecto a la reunión en el Departamento... De qué se trata?
Lets go. After lunch, Ill take you over to Special Operations headquarters... and after I brief you, you'll understand everything.
Después de comer iremos al cuartel de operaciones especiales.
Now you call headquarters now and you tell the chief... you want me to take over this case.
iLlama a la central ahora y dile al jefe... que quieres que yo tenga el mando de este caso!
Report to station headquarters tomorrow.
Preséntese mañana en la Central
I'm Jim McKay speaking to you live, at this moment from ABC headquarters, Munich, West Germany.
soy Jim McKay reportando en vivo, en este momento desde los cuarteles generales de ABC, en Munich alemania del este.
There's been one report attributed to Wilf Brimsley of the Associated Press... There's been one report attributed to Wilf Brimsley of the Associated Press who said a police lieutenant told him that at 5 : 00 about 29 minutes from now, Munich time a volunteer squad of policemen dressed as athletes would storm the Israeli Olympic team headquarters and would come in shooting.
ha habido un informe atribuido a Wilf Brimsley de la prensa asociada quien dice que un teniente de la policia le dijo que antes de las 5 : 00..... hace aproximadaamente unos 29 minutos, tiempo de munich llego un escuadron de voluntarios de la policia vestidos de atletas con el proposito de asaltar el cuartel general de el equipo olimpico israeli... y comenzarian a disparar
Patch this through to A.T.F. Headquarters immediately.
Transmítalo a la Central de A.T.A. de inmediato.
He will be taken to Dominion headquarters.
Lo llevaremos al cuartel general del Dominio.
Hitler moved his headquarters from the Wolf s Lair in East Prussia to Vinnitsa in the Ukraine.
Hitler trasladó su cuartel general de la "Guarida del lobo" en Prusia Oriental, a Vinnitsa en Ucrania.
They're going to bust up the ts'headquarters at the old subway station.
Van a volar el cuartel general de los T en la vieja estación del tren subterráneo.
We have to destroy Alliance headquarters.
Debemos destruir el cuartel general de la Alianza.
To launch an attack on Starfleet headquarters...
Lanzar un ataque contra el Cuartel General de la Flota Estelar...
From Starfleet Headquarters, Office of the Admiralty, to Captain Benjamin L Sisko.
De la Comandancia de la Flota Estelar, Oficina del Almirantazgo, al capitán Benjamin L. Sisko.
Welcome to the headquarters of the Cardassian Liberation Front.
Bienvenidos al cuartel general del Frente de Liberación cardassiano.
I'd better call the corporate headquarters. Find out what they want us to do.
Llamaré a la sede central, para que nos digan qué hacer.
Welcome to the ribbon cutting for the DOOP's new headquarters.
Bienvenidos al corte de listón para los nuevos cuarteles generales de DOOP.
- Members of the jury did you all happen to gander at who blew up that there DOOP headquarters?
- Miembros del jurado por casualidad vieron quién fue el que voló los cuarteles generales de DOOP?
To build a brand-new, incredibly over-budgeted ill-conceived headquarters.
Para construir un nuevísimo, increíblemente sobre-presupuestado Sede concividora de enfermedades
I think you made the right decision to build a new headquarters.
Creo que tomaste la desición correcta Para construir una sede nueva
Everybody, I'd like to personally welcome you all back to the new, healthier, old headquarters.
Todos, quisiera darles la bienvenida personalmente a cada uno a los nuevos, mas sanos, viejas jefaturas.
We're close to your headquarters.
Estamos cerca de tu base.
- I don't want you to come close to the headquarters, nor any other dependency in Iquitos.
Y no quiero que pise la comandancia ni ningún cuartel de Iquitos.
headquarters 78
to hell with it 59
to hell with him 30
to hell with you 63
to here 31
to her 130
to help me 30
to hell with that 38
to hell 46
to hell with her 28
to hell with it 59
to hell with him 30
to hell with you 63
to here 31
to her 130
to help me 30
to hell with that 38
to hell 46
to hell with her 28
to help 59
to help people 28
to help you 75
to help us 16
to hell with this 31
to hell with them 42
to heaven 27
to heal 17
to help people 28
to help you 75
to help us 16
to hell with this 31
to hell with them 42
to heaven 27
to heal 17