You broke his heart traducir español
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You never cared for my son, and you broke his heart.
Nunca te importó mi hijo, y le has roto el corazón.
I bet you broke his heart. All Casanovas do.
Seguro que le partiste el corazón.
You broke his heart.
Rompiste su corazón.
You broke his heart.
Le destrozaste el corazón.
You broke his heart.
Le rompiste el corazón.
You broke his heart.
Le has roto el corazón.
You broke his heart last night, so he drank himself sick, and now he's at my house, making little drummer boys out of stale marshmallow.
Anoche le partiste el corazón.. .. así que ahogó sus penas en la bebida y ahora está en mi casa.. .. haciendo pequeños tamborileros de malvavisco rancio.
You broke his heart last night! So he drank himself sick, and now he's at my house making little drummer boys out of stale marshmallow!
Le rompiste el corazón anoche y enfermó de tanto beber, y ahora está en mi casa haciendo niños con tambor con malvaviscos viejos.
And when he finally opened up, you broke his heart.
Y cuando por fin se sinceró, le rompiste el corazón.
- And you broke his heart.
- Y tú le rompiste el corazón.
But I think it has something to do with the fact that you broke his heart... and he can't walk around the streets of New York without thinking about you.
Pero creo que tiene algo que ver con el hecho de que le partiste el corazón... y no puede caminar por las calles de Nueva York sin pensar en ti.
It was because you broke his heart.
Fue porque le rompiste el corazón.
I think you broke his heart a little bit.
Creo que rompiste un poquito su corazón.
He did everything for you, Alvin, and you broke his heart.
Hizo de todo por ti, Alvin, y tú le rompiste el corazón.
Matty tells me you broke his heart.
Matty me contó que rompiste su corazón
I know you broke his heart.
Sé que le rompiste le corazón.
Matty tells me you broke his heart.
Matty me contó que le rompiste el corazón.
You didn't notice how you broke his heart?
¿ No te diste cuenta de que le rompiste el corazón?
You broke his heart.
Rompió su corazón.
Until he bought you at that date auction and you broke his heart.
Hasta que te compró en la subasta de citas y le rompieses su corazón.
- Because you broke his heart.
- Sí. - Porque le rompiste el corazón.
What happened to some little Dallas loser that you broke his heart or something?
¿ Qué pasó con algunos poco perdedor Dallas que rompió su corazón o algo?
- I think you broke his heart.
- Creo que le rompiste el corazón.
You broke his heart, And you left him open and vulnerable and helpless, And that is how that snake billy chambers
Le rompiste el corazón, y le dejaste expuesto y vulnerable y necesitado, y así es como esa serpiente de Billy Chambers puso a Amanda, una brillante manzana roja, en las manos de Fitz.
So, what, you broke his heart or he broke yours?
¿ Tú Io dejaste o él a ti?
You broke his heart when you moved away.
Le rompiste el corazón cuando te mudaste.
Look, if you less than talk depressing things would, like this girl, that you broke his heart.
Quizás si hablaras de cosas menos deprimentes. Quizás si ya no hablaras de esa chica que rompió tu corazón, cariño.
You broke his fucking heart, not me!
¡ Tú le rompiste el maldito corazón, no yo!
A man whose boots I was never worthy to lace - you broke his gallant heart, vial creature.
Un hombre cuyas botas yo no era digna de atar Ud. rompió su corazón de caballero ¡ criatura vil!
His heart will break as mine broke, and he will feel about you as I do.
Su corazón se rendirá, como sucedió con el mío y sentirá lo mismo que siento yo.
That fantasy where the guy who broke your heart realizes he's made the biggest mistake of his life. Wherever you are, he comes running up to you and he says, " l can't live without you. And he finds you.
Esa tonta fantasía en la que el tipo que nos hace sufrir se da cuenta de su gran error y nos encuentra dondequiera que estemos.
You know our Danny hasn't sang since Mary broke his heart.
Sabes que Danny no canta desde que Mary lo abandonó.
You know, it broke his heart when he lost the program.
Sabes, se le rompió el corazón cuando perdió el programa.
You just want to listen to me'cause if the man doesn't die whose face I just broke, he's gonna go to New York City and tell Brom Garret's people it breaks his heart to say so, but his daughter had their son murdered.
Sólo escúchame, porque si el hombre cuya cara rompí no muere, irá a Nueva York y le dirá a la gente de Brom Garret que le rompe el corazón decirlo, pero que su hija ordenó matar al hijo de ellos.
After Candace stole Ronny from you, they got engaged... and then she left him at the altar, broke his heart.
Tru, después de que Candace te lo robara, se comprometieron y le dejó en el altar.
... sometimes I hate you a box of flowers by the bed I broke your head from the back of the bed the baby died in the morning I gave him a name His name was Thomas Poor little guy his heart pounds like a voodoo drum...
... a veces te odio un ramo de flores al lado de la cama te partí la cabeza desde atrás de la cama el bebé, murió en la mañana le di un nombre Se llamaba Tomás pobre criatura su corazón late como un tambor de vudu...
And you broke his heart.
Y tu le rompiste el corazón.
Well, um, if youdon't mind me saying so, when you left here, you kind of broke his heart.
Bueno, si no te importa que te lo diga cuando te fuiste de aquí, le rompiste el corazón.
you told his son you could get him out of jail, then you broke his son's heart.
Le dijiste a su hijo que lo podías sacar y le rompiste el corazón.
you told his son you could get him out of jail, Then you broke his son's heart.
Le dijiste a su hijo que lo podías sacar de prisión y le rompiste el corazón.
What was it about Roy that broke your heart when you were watching him in his room?
¿ Qué cosa de Roy le rompió su corazón cuando lo miraba en su cuarto?
I broke his heart to be with you.
Le rompí el corazón para estar contigo.
You never broke his heart like that idiot son of his, up in Vermont.
Tú nunca rompiste su corazón como ese hijo idiota de él allá en Vermont.
You broke his little French heart.
Le has roto su corazón francés.
Or you think that since you broke my heart I want to break his?
O crees que como me rompiste el corazón yo quiero romper el suyo.
Why would you push Travis into a career that ends with him being broke like his dad, living on a boat and having his heart broken by some cheating skank?
¿ Por qué empujas a Travis a una carrera que acabará con él arruinado como su padre, viviendo en un barco y con el corazón roto por alguna zorra infiel?
The time was, father, that you broke your word When you were more endeared to it than now, When your own Percy, when my heart's dear Harry, Threw many a northward look to see his father bring up his powers.
Hubo un tiempo, padre, en que faltasteis a vuestra palabra, cuando os ligaban vínculos más queridos que ahora, cuando vuestro propio hijo Percy, el Harry querido a mi alma, arrojó más de una mirada al norte, para ver si su padre le traía sus refuerzos.
Fact is, he hasn't been using it much at all since the barbecue when things blew up. I think you might have really broke his heart.
Creo que realmente le rompiste el corazón.
The time was, father, that you broke your word When you were more endeared to it than now, When your own Percy, when my heart's dear Harry, Threw many a northward look to see his father bring up his powers.
Hubo un tiempo, padre, en que faltasteis a vuestra palabra, cuando os ligaban vínculos más queridos que ahora ; cuando vuestro propio Percy, el Harry querido a mi alma, arrojó más de una mirada al Norte, para ver si su padre le traía sus refuerzos.
Weren't you the one who broke his heart?
¿ No fuiste tú quien le rompió el corazón?
You know, Robert Riley's record was spotless his entire life till Caroline broke his heart.
Sabes, el historial de Robert Riley fue impecable toda su vida hasta que Caroline le rompió el corazón.
you broke my heart 97
you broke it 66
you broke up with me 41
you broke the rules 31
you broke the law 27
you broke into my house 22
you broke my nose 28
you broke 16
you broke up 23
his heart 57
you broke it 66
you broke up with me 41
you broke the rules 31
you broke the law 27
you broke into my house 22
you broke my nose 28
you broke 16
you broke up 23
his heart 57
his heart stopped 19
you bitch 789
you better 280
you bastard 1755
you bet 1064
you better watch out 49
you betrayed me 168
you better stop 19
you belong here 47
you belong with me 25
you bitch 789
you better 280
you bastard 1755
you bet 1064
you better watch out 49
you betrayed me 168
you better stop 19
you belong here 47
you belong with me 25