You see me traducir español
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Did... did you see me kiss Dawn?
¿ Me... viste besando a Dawn?
It's good to see you.
Me alegra verte.
A little surprised to see you outside the Big Easy.
Me sorprende un poco verte fuera de Nueva Orleans.
- See what you made me do, Mikey?
- ¿ Ves lo que me hiciste hacer, Mikey?
I don't want you to see behind the curtain.
No quiero que me veas sin arreglarme.
If you see anything unusual, you come to me first.
Si veis algo inusual, venid a mí primero.
Good to see you on your feet again.
Me alegro de verla otra vez en pie.
You wanted to see me?
¿ Querías verme?
I was surprised not to see you at the Rite of Mourning.
Me sorprendió no verte en el Rito de Luto.
Now you see why I was wary of having a party at a warlock's house.
Ahora veis por qué me cuidaba de tener una fiesta en casa de un brujo.
You see, this is where he reminds me that he was Ra's al Ghul. Poor Malcolm.
Aquí es donde me recuerda que fue Ra's al Ghul.
It's good to see you, too.
También me da gusto verte.
I'd like to see you try it.
Me gustaría verte intentándolo.
You want to kill me, that I can see, but without my blood, no antidote will there be.
Puedo ver que quieres matarme, pero no hay antídoto sin mi sangre.
Heh. Good to see you again.
Me alegro de volver a verle.
Let's see if this urban legend is the real deal, and call me when you have something.
Veamos si esta leyenda urbana es lo que aparenta, y llámenme cuando tengan algo.
You think you see a little bit of yourself in me?
¿ Crees que ves un poco de ti mismo en mí?
Excuse me, but there's someone here to see you.
Disculpe, pero alguien vino a verlo.
And what I'm trying to say is maybe you don't see me for who I really am.
Y lo que quiero decir es que tal vez tú no me ves como realmente soy.
Aw, it's nice to see you, Nancy.
- Me alegra verte, Nancy.
See, there's something good you inherited from me.
Eso es algo bueno que heredaste de mí.
See, that's what I like about her, that she is complex, you know?
Eso es lo que me gusta de ella, que sea complicada.
- maybe you could come out and see me.
- ATLANTA -... podrías venir a verme.
Look, I hate to see Mariana and Jesus let down, but I mean, you, me, Isabella, AJ, we... We've got a complicated situation and we're just starting to figure it out.
Mira, odio ver a Mariana y a Jesus decepcionados, pero tú, Isabella, A. J. y yo... tenemos una situación complicada y apenas empezamos a resolverla.
You should see the outfit that the lawyers want me to wear in court.
Deberías ver la ropa que los abogados quieren que lleve en la corte.
John Diggle, it's good to see you.
John Diggle, me alegro de verte.
You didn't expect to see me here, did you, General, and no one's gonna believe that I was, but everyone's gonna know that you tried to sell a nuclear bomb to terrorists.
No esperaba verme aquí, ¿ no, general? , y nadie creerá que lo estuve, pero todo el mundo va a saber que intentó vender una bomba nuclear a los terroristas.
Let me see if I can get you the address.
Déjenme ver si les puedo conseguir la dirección.
You convinced me to turn myself in, turn my life around, and then one day, I'm in the TV room, and what do I see?
Me convenciste de que me entregara, de que diera la vuelta a mi vida y un día, estoy en la sala de TV, ¿ y qué es lo que veo?
Y-you asked to see me?
¿ Has pedido verme?
I'll touch base with her, see if I can get her to call you to testify in your own defense, ok?
Me pondré en contacto con ella, veré si puedo hacer que te llame para que testifique en tu defensa, ¿ de acuerdo?
I mean, thank you for saying thank you... Wow, man to man, that means a lot... But I'm really late to see Paul, so...
Es decir, te agradezco que nos lo agradezcas, vaya, que de hombre a hombre, eso significa mucho... pero en serio se me hace tarde para ir a ver a Paul, así que...
Felicity, please tell me you're not going to see them again. Dinah's right.
Felicity, por favor dime que no vas a ir a verlos de nuevo.
When you see Taiana in afterlife--heh heh- - give her a kiss for me.
Cuando vea a Taiana en el más allá... dele un beso de mi parte.
It's good to see you thinking about the future.
Me alegra ver que piensas en el futuro.
You wanted to see me, Hoss?
¿ Querías verme, socio?
I think we both know I'm not gonna, so why don't we just skip to the part where you tell me why you do not want to see your daughter?
Creo que ambos sabemos que voy a seguir, así que, ¿ por qué no pasamos a la parte en la que me dices por qué no quieres ver a tu hija?
Got to say it's good to see you up and walking again.
Tengo que decir que me alegra verte de pie y caminando otra vez.
It's good to see you.
Me alegro de verte.
It's nice to see you, too.
También me alegro de verte.
Your office didn't mention why you wanted to see me.
Su oficina no mencionó por qué quería verme.
- You said it, not me, anyway i don't wanna keep you, but it is so nice to see you again.
Lo has dicho tú, no yo, no te interrumpiré más. Me alegro de volver a verte.
- All right you listen to me. If I see you within a mile of my sister I will...
Muy bien, escuchame... si te veo a una milla de mi hermana te haré...
I'm glad to see you guys.
Me alegro de verlos.
I see the way you all look at me. Huh?
Veo cómo me miran.
Despite the satisfaction it would give me to see you arrested...
A pesar de la satisfacción que me daría verte arrestada...
No shit. You see what they did there?
No me digas. ¿ Viste lo que hicieron allí?
It's nice to see you again.
Me alegra verte de nuevo.
Why can't you just admit you wanna see me?
¿ Por qué no admites que quieres verme?
- It's so good to see you.
- Me alegra verte.
And I've been feeling incredibly guilty because she left, and I haven't heard from her, and I figured I've been giving her money to come see you four times a week, so you must know more than me.
y me he sentido muy culpable porque se fue y no he sabido de ella. Y como le doy dinero para que venga acá cuatro veces por semana, debes saber más que yo.
you see 13602
you seem like a nice guy 33
you seem upset 55
you seem troubled 30
you seem 91
you seem nervous 52
you seem good 16
you seem sad 20
you see here 28
you see it 216
you seem like a nice guy 33
you seem upset 55
you seem troubled 30
you seem 91
you seem nervous 52
you seem good 16
you seem sad 20
you see here 28
you see it 216