Your stuff traducir español
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That's your stuff.
Esas son tus cosas.
You forgot your stuff.
Se le olvidó su materia.
I'll be here all day. You can come by and get your stuff, and I can watch the girls open their gifts.
Ah... estaré aquí todo el día, puedes venir y recoger tus cosas y puedo ver a las niñas abrir sus regalos.
James donated all of your stuff.
James donó todas tus cosas.
Get your stuff.
Obtén tus cosas.
No, this is your stuff.
No, esto es su materia.
Child birth messes your stuff up, like, permanently?
Nacimiento del niño se mete a su materia para arriba, como, de forma permanente?
Yeah, I've been busy. [Sighs] How did Noelle like your stuff?
Sí, he estado ocupada. ¿ Le gustaron a Noelle tus cosas?
I was arguing with my father because I thought that if I could convince him to see your stuff, he would admit that I actually have an eye for talent.
Estaba discutiendo con mi padre porque pensé que si lo podía convencer para ver tu arte, admitiría que en realidad tengo un ojo para el talento.
Is this all your stuff?
¿ Todo esto son tus cosas?
Get your stuff, get your stuff.
Coge tus cosas, coge tus cosas.
- Just get your stuff.
- Coge tus cosas.
Hey, man, aren't you gonna get your stuff?
¿ No vas a llevar tus cosas?
I just came to bring you your stuff.
Solo he venido a traerte tus cosas.
I just thought that maybe I could come here, drop off your stuff, and we could shoot the shit for a little while.
Creí que quizá podría venir aquí, dejar tus cosas, y soltar nuestras mierdas durante un ratito.
Hey, I told you your stuff was good months ago.
Oye, yo te dije que tus cosas eran buenas hace meses.
Your stuff, from Lucy.
Tus cosas, de Lucy.
Totally, totally. I know that you love to be, like, particular about your stuff,
Sé que te gusta ser muy especialito con tus cosas,
No, it's just, like, your whole thing. You like your stuff to be specialty and curated.
Te gusta que tus cosas sean artesanales y elegidas al cuidado.
Yeah, it is, all your stuff's in here.
Sí, lo es, todas tus cosas están aquí.
Okay, so you know your stuff.
Vale, así que conoces lo que tienes.
Just clear all your stuff out and move them in here.
Recoges tus cosas y te las traes aquí.
Wheeler, caught this jerk going through your stuff.
Wheeler, atrapé a este idiota entre tus cosas.
Get your stuff.
Coged vuestras cosas.
Grab your stuff.
Coged vuestras cosas.
Get your stuff.
Coge tus cosas.
These three boxes of porno are the last of your stuff.
Estas tres cajas de porno son las últimas.
Relax, I just came to bring you your stuff.
Tranquila, solo he venido a traerte tus cosas.
Get your stuff.
toma tus cosas.
Thank you for doing your stuff with your body.
Gracias por hacer lo que haces con tu cuerpo.
And I put all your clothes away, except for the ugly stuff, which I donated.
He guardado toda tu ropa, excepto la fea, que la he donado.
Then you got a job and an expensive haircut and you moved out of your parents'house, and now it's like you're embarrassed to do all the stuff we used to do together.
Luego conseguiste empleo, un corte de cabello caro te mudaste de la casa de tus padres, y ahora te avergüenza hacer todo lo que solíamos hacer juntos.
That pays for the shakes you're drinking, and then the rest is pure profit that you can go spend on your girl stuff, like bra wire and pepper spray.
Eso paga por los batidos que te tomas, y el resto es ganancia pura que puedes gastar en tus cosas de chica, como sujetadores de alambre y gas pimienta.
But you're so good writing your feelings and stuff.
Pero eres tan bueno para escribir tus sentimientos y esas cosas.
Your stuff is with Uncle Fuat.
Tus cosas las tiene el tío Fuat. Vayamos a buscarlas.
Your stuff is here.
Tus cosas están ahí.
God, your father just dumps his stuff everywhere!
Tu padre deja las cosas por todas partes.
- Does she keep any stuff at your apartment?
- ¿ Acaso ella guarda cosas en tu apartamento?
You got a lot of good stuff for your memoirs.
¿ Tienes un montón de buena cosas para sus memorias.
No, Vera does say stuff about you behind your back.
No, Vera sí habla de usted a sus espaldas.
Save the fun stuff for your wife.
Guarda la diversión para tu esposa.
Phil, we're living together, so it's no longer "my" stuff and "your" stuff...
Phil, estamos viviendo juntos, así que ya no son "mis" cosas y "tus" cosas...
I'll just transfer the stuff from your old phone to your new phone.
Solo traspasare la información de tu antiguo móvil al nuevo.
Oh, you mean your "secretly selling his hockey stuff behind his back" business?
Ah, ¿ quieres decir tu negocio de "vender en secreto sus cosas de hockey"?
You call me papi one more time, I swear to God I'm gonna stuff your empty little head into one of those $ 1-million cheese wheels, okay, asshole?
Si me llamas papi otra vez, juro por Dios... que meteré tu cabecita hueca... en uno de esos quesos de un millón de dólares, ¿ imbécil?
- I know college stuff isn't really your métier.
- Sé que las cosas del colegio en realidad no son tu métier.
But this... this, right here is the very stuff of your lifetime.
Pero esto, esto es la esencia de tu vida.
Family doesn't lie to you, family doesn't make you steal stuff, family doesn't hit you until candy comes out of your mouth.
La familia no te miente, la familia no te hace robar cosas la familia no te golpea hasta que te salgan dulces por la boca.
Then there's all the stuff you try to say with your body, then you get into the deep shit.
Después está todo lo que intentas decir con tu cuerpo, después te metes en la mierda hasta el cuello.
- Emma, get your stuff.
- Emma, ve por tus cosas.
[sighs] When I first said I'd be your girlfriend, it was mostly'cause I liked having you around to carry my stuff.
Cuando dije por primera vez que iba a ser tu novia, era mas porque me gustaba tenerte alrededor para que llevaras mis cosas.
stuff 485
stuffed 27
stuffing 22
stuff happens 27
stuff like that 238
stuff it 26
stuff and nonsense 20
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
stuffed 27
stuffing 22
stuff happens 27
stuff like that 238
stuff it 26
stuff and nonsense 20
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your mum 57
your majesty 3240
your mother 885
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your mum 57
your majesty 3240
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your dad 423
your mind 60
your brother 593
your father called 16
your highness 1544
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your dad 423
your mind 60
your brother 593
your father called 16
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your friend 527
your hand 189
your wedding 23
your lunch 18
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your friend 527
your hand 189
your wedding 23
your lunch 18