All the while traducir francés
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All the while his boss is renting.
En même temps, il loge chez moi.
I'm sorry for barging over but, Ana, I simply cannot let you keep Margie and Nicki and me away from a baby born from our marriage, and all the while asking for money.
Pardon de débarquer ainsi, mais, Ana, tu ne peux pas m'éloigner ainsi que Margie et Nicki d'un bébé né de notre mariage, tout en demandant de l'argent.
And All The While, I'm Just Here Being The Good Wife.
Pendant que je faisais la bonne épouse.
And all the while, I kept thinking about that great old Whitman poem :
Et je repensais au poème de Whitman :
If you wish to save her, then the saws must be pushed all the way to one side or the other, sparing her while proving for good who is indeed the alpha male.
Pour moins de 60 secondes l'un de vous doit mourir lf vous souhaitez pour la sauver, alors les scies doit être repoussée tout le chemin d'un côté ou de l'autre, Lui épargnant tout en prouvant la bonne qui est en effet le mâle alpha
While I'm busy, you all can check out the knight down in the ER, who instead of seizing the throne, just seized.
Pendant ce temps, allez voir le chevalier admis aux urgences. Il voulait combattre et a fini par convulser.
You think they're gonna watch passively While you piss all over the program?
Tu penses qu'ils vont rester passifs?
Yeah, I was really fighting the ï ¬ ‚ ow for a while with those guys,'cause not all of them were film actors and they wouldn't hold back.
Oui je me battais tous ces gars flux parce n'étaient pas tous les acteurs et ne pouvaient contenir.
All I know is the guy carried you out of Castle on his back while you were both dying.
Il t'a portée sur son dos, alors que vous alliez mourir.
I was actually on the mini tour a long time ago. A little while, that's all.
J'ai fait le tournoi, il y a un moment, et pas longtemps.
While Thanksgiving took all over the country,
La Corée du Nord a tenu parole.
It's gonna take me a while to dig them all up but you should also know the collage is for sale.
Ça va me prendre du temps pour tout rassembler, mais sachez aussi que... ce collage est à vendre.
Information that's prevented me from understanding the origin of many, if not all of the cases I've investigated while with Fringe division.
Informations qui m'ont empêchée de comprendre l'origine de nombreuses affaires sur lesquelles j'ai enquêté, si ce n'est de toutes.
I've seen it all. You've seen it all through the cracks in your fingers While you're hiding your eyes.
Tu regardes à travers tes doigts quand tu te caches les yeux.
The waiting lines are ever growing While the government is taking no measures at all
Les files d'attente augmentent de plus en plus sans que le gouvernement ne prenne une quelconque décision.
While you got straight a's and won all the athletic awards.
Alors que tu accumulais les bonnes notes et les trophées de sports.
And while the Keeper is threatening to destroy all life, here I am drawing shapes with sand.
Et pendant que le Gardien menace de détruire toute vie je suis là, à dessiner des formes sur le sable.
You mean the part about how he strapped himself to a jet pack and flew around and blew up and that he couldn't have done all that while already being dead?
Tu parles de la partie où il s'est attaché à un jetpack s'est envolé et a explosé, et qu'il ait fait ça en étant déjà mort?
All right, but don't play any jazz while you're having sex'cause I read on the Web that it will make the baby gay.
Mais n'écoutez pas de jazz en faisant l'amour, j'ai lu sur le Net que ça rend le bébé gay.
But then, Godzilla dropped out for a while to do movies, all of the awful movies we see now today in the drive-ins that no longer exist.
Ensuite, Godzilla se retira pour tourner des films, tous les affreux films qu'on voit aujourd'hui dans ces drive-in qui n'existent plus.
There might be curiosity for a while, but all it takes is one Sylar, and then the pitchforks come out, and all hell breaks loose.
Il peut y avoir un moment de curiosité, mais il suffit d'un Sylar, pour qu'on sorte les fourches et que ce soit l'enfer sur terre.
- * mmm-hmm * - * yeah * * down in the treme * * just me and my baby * * we're all going crazy * * while jamming and having fun *
- * mmm-hmm * - * yeah * * down in the treme * * just me and my baby * * we re all going crazy * * while jamming and having fun *
* down in the treme * * it's me and my baby * * we're all going crazy * * while jamming and having fun * * down in the treme * * it's me and my baby *
* down in the treme * * it s me and my baby * * we re all going crazy * * while jamming and having fun * * down in the treme * * it s me and my baby *
The trick is to make him more emotionally accessible, while at the same time keeping him a little insecure so he continues all that work on his body.
Le truc, c'est de le rendre plus accessible sur le plan affectif tout en faisant qu'il manque un peu d'assurance pour qu'il continue à entretenir son corps.
Up from the south they come like so many rats, feeding on jobs heretofore reserved for white men ; Veterans, patriots, true Americans all, consigned to the bread lines, their families starving while the nigger gorges himself.
En provenance du Sud, ils nous envahissent comme des rats, se repaissant des emplois auparavant réservés aux Blancs, aux vétérans, aux patriotes, aux vrais Américains, expédiés à la soupe populaire, leur famille criant famine, alors que le nègre se goinfre.
I know all the good shops, where to get good used clothes, What has he experienced over the last four years, while I was sitting alone at home? and even how to get street vendors to cut their prices. What has he experienced over the last four years, while I was sitting alone at home?
Quelle vie a-t-il pu mener durant ces 4 années?
All right... while this is admittedly a bump in the road, you do have an opportunity to really improve your relationship with Chelsea.
Bon, c'est certes un petit problème, mais ça te donne l'opportunité d'améliorer ta relation avec Chelsea.
First of all, we don't know that he's come on to Chelsea. Secondly, I've seen you hit on a bride while she was walking down the aisle.
D'abord, on ne sait pas s'il drague Chelsea, et puis, je t'ai vu draguer la future mariée à l'église.
All I've seen lately is evidence to the contrary, And if you think I'm gonna stand by while everything I've built falls apart.
Ces derniers temps, tu m'as plutôt prouvé le contraire, et dis-toi bien que je ne vais pas te laisser tout gâcher.
- ♪ mmm-hmm ♪ - ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ down in the treme ♪ ♪ just me and my baby ♪
- * mmm-hmm * - * yeah * * down in the treme * * just me and my baby * * we re all going crazy * * while jamming and having fun *
♪ down in the treme ♪ ♪ it's me and my baby ♪ ♪ we're all going crazy ♪
* down in the treme * * it s me and my baby * * we re all going crazy * * while jamming and having fun * * down in the treme * * it s me and my baby *
It has the power to bestow immortality even while the Keeper does me the great favor of destroying all the rest of the pathetic life that inhabits this world.
Elle procure l'immortalité, même si le Gardien me fait la grande faveur de détruire le reste des vies pathétiques qui habitent ce monde.
The camera wants to put on some nice lingerie, pop in an Al Green CD, dim the lights and do all the work while I just lie there with my eyes closed.
L'appareil veut enfiler de la lingerie, mettre un CD d'Al Green, baisser la lumière et faire tout le boulot alors que je reste allongé les yeux fermés.
While Jensen fakes his own death, kills them, and keeps all the treasure.
Or, Jensen simule sa propre mort, les tue et garde le trésor.
There are a few things I have to do for KT while I'm there, but outside of that, it's gonna be all Dana-Rusty, all the time.
J'aurai quelques trucs à faire pour les KT, mais en dehors de ça, on sera tout le temps ensemble.
I guess they think the guy who killed all those girls while I was gone is the same one who strangled Irina.
- Je crois qu'ils pensent que le gars qui a tué ces filles pendant mon absence - a étranglé Irina.
- ♪ mmm-hmm ♪ - ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ down in the treme ♪ ♪ just me and my baby ♪
- * mmm-hmm * - * Yeah * * down in the treme * * just me and my baby * * we re all going crazy * * while jamming and having fun *
Which means the chemical was applied while he was wearing all of his clothes.
Ce qui indique le produit chimique a été appliqué alors qu'il était habillé.
Then we would have a wonderful dinner, Talk about all the things I did and saw While I was away.
On aurait un merveilleux dîner, où je parlerais de ce que j'ai fait et vu durant mon absence.
You just sit back and watch... while they cover up the abductions for you with all that UFO crap?
Vous restez là à regarder pendant qu'ils font vos enlèvements, en racontant des histoires d'OVNIS?
Anyway, he hasn't been around for a while and just recently, out of the blue, he showed up. And like an idiot, I got all excited thinking he was gonna stay.
Bref, il a été absent pendant un moment, et il y a peu... sans crier gare, il s'est pointé, et... comme un idiot, j'étais tout excité en pensant qu'il allait rester.
While I was studying all the text messages... I created this overview of what Dr. Brennan calls "the tribe"... seen through digital lines of communication.
En examinant tous les textos... j'ai créé une vue d'ensemble de ce que Dr Brennan nomme "la tribu"... à travers les lignes numériques de communication.
What the hell have you been doing while this is all going on, huh?
Tu faisais quoi pendant ce temps?
Is it true that you allowed Reuben Palchuck, also known as Rabbit, to perform a tracheotomy while using the patient's mother as an assistant? All of this done, I might add, in a rescue helicopter.
Est-il exact que vous avez autorisé Reuben Palchuck à réaliser une trachéotomie, assisté par la mère du patient, dans un hélicoptère de sauvetage?
When we talked about my dad, right, that day, I mean, that was the first time in a while That I looked at all that.
Quand nous avons parlé de mon père, l'autre fois, c'était la première fois depuis longtemps que je repensais à tout ça.
Y'all let these boys have the ball, these little kids have the ball for a while.
- Donnez le ballon aux enfants.
Uh,'While it's been said that behind every good man is a good woman, the truth, some men don't exist at all. Jonathan Noble is one of them.
" Derrière chaque grand homme se cache une femme, et certains n'existent même pas, comme Jonathan Noble.
The Armvelope protects your skin while driving, keeping off all those nasty UV rays.
Elle protège ta peau au volant, en repoussant tous les méchants UV.
Hold on. Why do you get to spend the day at a spa while we do all the legwork?
Tu passes la journée dans un spa et nous faisons tout le travail?
We're going to do all the work while you guys go to a party?
Nous faisons tout le travail et vous allez à une fête?
Yeah, drama can be fun for a while, but with my other boyfriends, all the big scenes and the fighting...
Oui, le côté dramatique ça va un moment, mais avec mes autres petits amis, toutes ces scènes, ces disputes...
all the world's a stage 17
all the way up 39
all the way home 19
all the time in the world 18
all the way down 60
all the time 1146
all these years 280
all the way back 32
all the single ladies 21
all these years later 16
all the way up 39
all the way home 19
all the time in the world 18
all the way down 60
all the time 1146
all these years 280
all the way back 32
all the single ladies 21
all these years later 16
all these people 52
all the things that make us 45
all the way 252
all the same 273
all the better 80
all the best 179
all the more reason 40
all the 77
all the way in 16
all there 16
all the things that make us 45
all the way 252
all the same 273
all the better 80
all the best 179
all the more reason 40
all the 77
all the way in 16
all there 16
all these 25
all the money 19
while 91
while you were sleeping 17
while you were gone 44
while i 34
while you can 25
while you're at it 123
while you 41
while you were away 22
all the money 19
while 91
while you were sleeping 17
while you were gone 44
while i 34
while you can 25
while you're at it 123
while you 41
while you were away 22