And as a result traducir francés
626 traducción paralela
And as a result of that dream, you thought you loved me.
Et c'est depuis ce rêve que vous pensez m'aimer?
What're you made of anyway? ─ I'm an adding machine. And as a result you're so rich you can afford a conscience.
Ca c'est ta vision, moi je ne me sens pas assez riche
You proved on the field of action its superior effectiveness over our older firearms. And as a result, the Springfield rifle has been made standard equipment of the United States Army.
Vous avez prouvé sa supériorité au combat, et par conséquent, le fusil Springfield équipera désormais l'armée des Etats-Unis.
And as a result, you pay $ 200,000 a year taxes on that stock.
Vous payez donc 200000 $ de taxes sur vos actions.
Now he drowns his sorrow in alcohol, and as a result, he's always in some money trouble
Maintenant, il noie ses regrets dans l'alcool, et comme résultat, il a toujours des problèmes d'argent.
But finally he called me, and as a result of his instructions, I broke into the premises and entered Mrs. Hardwicke's bedroom.
Il m'a finalement appelé, et, sur ses instructions, je suis entré et me suis rendu dans la chambre de Mme Hardwicke.
That boat should've been rigged in. Instead it was left swung out, and as a result, she's 80 % damaged and filled up like a pool. Where were you?
Vous êtes responsable du pont, du gréement, supervisez le matériel lourd et 8 ou 10 autres tâches, vous êtes responsable du bateau de secours, ce qui n'est pas peu.
That note you found in your room was typed on his typewriter and as a result of the assignation, victim number three.
Votre message a été tapé sur sa machine et en réponse au rendez-vous, on a la victime n ° 3.
Yes, and as a result you've grown.
Et assurément, tu as fait des progrès!
Towards the end of the Edo era into the beginning of the Meiji... there had been a number of active coalfields developed... near the Toga River in the Chikuho district in Kyushu... and as a result, this area rapidly became vigorous.
Entre la fin de l'ère Edo et le début de l'ère Meiji, des bassins houillers extrêmement rentables furent exploités le long du fleuve Onga, dans la région de Chikuho, sur l'île de Kyushu.
In a few moments he will think of the funniest joke in the world... and as a result he will die laughing.
Dans un moment, il va trouver la blague la plus drôle du monde.. à la suite de quoi, il mourra de rire.
People talk about you, and as a result you are respected.
Les gens parlent de toi, et alors tu es respectée.
And as a result of tle increased cost of mailing...
et à cause de l'augmentation du prix du courrier...
The best way of accomplishing this, so it seemed to him, was to rouse the people from their apathy by giving them back their joyous old gods, and as a result of this worship, the barren island would burgeon and bring forth fruit in great abundance.
Et pour cela, il devait tirer les gens de leur apathie, en leur rendant leurs dieux joyeux Ce culte permettrait à cette île aride de produire des fruits en abondance.
So as a result we get these indoor environments that are very well insulated and heated against winter conditions such as this last year.
Donc, nous obtenons ces environnements intérieurs qui sont très bien isolés et chauffés affrontant conditions hivernales fortes telles que celle de l'année dernière.
As a result, while in the infirmary he discovered that his vocal chords had been paralysed, and that his right eye was almost completely blind.
Il découvrit ensuite, à l'infirmerie, que ses cordes vocales étaient paralysées et qu'il ne voyait presque plus de l'oeil droit.
The large inland lake that is created as a result of this is divided by other dikes into polders and drained.
Le grand lac intérieur formé ainsi sera divisé en "polders" qui seront asséchés.
As a result, our people are moderately honest, moderately chaste and somewhat more than moderately happy.
Nos gens s'avèrent être modérément honnêtes, modérément chastes et plus que modérément joyeux.
- I went to see the doctor. He said as a result of that scrap, I'll probably have to have a kidney and gallbladder removed.
- Oui, je suis allé voir un docteur... et il dit qu'à cause de cette bagarre je devrai sans doute... me faire enlever un rein et ma vésicule biliaire.
It turns out that she's not even making a record of those who are absent the pupils are taking advantage of this, and their grades are suffering as a result.
Il s'avère qu'elle ne relève pas les absences par conséquent les élèves en profitent et perturbent la classe.
But as a result of fantasy, of among many, only one does our sympathy, distinguish, choose, and desire...
Mais par quel caprice, entre toutes, une seule, notre sympathie distingue... choisit et veut!
But as a result of fantasy, of among many, only one does our sympathy, distinguish, choose, and desire...
Mais par quel caprice, entre toutes, une seule notre sympathie... distingue... choisit et veut!
Washington, D.C. Tension in the Pacific and the Far East has relaxed as a result of the peaceful mission of Japan's special envoy, Mr. Saburo Kurusu.
La tension dans le Pacifique a diminué suite à la mission de paix de l'envoyé spécial japonais, M. Saburo Kurusu.
The entire air potential of the country was unified. As a result, the Royal Air Force... has been able to go ahead and develop its strength... free and unhampered.
La Royal Air Force a été en mesure d'aller de l'avant et de se renforcer.
The State will prove that, on the afternoon of September 5, at a picnic attended by Ellen Harland, her mother and her adopted sister, that Ellen met death as a result of poisoning.
Le ministère public prouvera que le 5 septembre... à un pique-nique entre Ellen Harland, sa mère et sa sœur adoptive... Ellen a trouvé la mort suite à un empoisonnement.
As a result of 30 years'experience, I may tell you that a marriage arranged with a regard for position and fortune has every advantage over a love match.
Après 30 ans, je peux t'assurer qu'un mariage de convenance présente plus d'avantages qu'un mariage d'amour.
He and Inspector Briggs had anticipated this request... for the criminal record of George Manly as a result of Agent Cordell's arrest.
L'inspecteur Briggs avait prévu cette demande après l'arrestation de l'agent Cordell.
As a result, Dr. Mackey of the Board of Health has been able to issue a bulletin that all contacts have been found and inoculated.
Le Dr Mackey, du Service sanitaire, déclare que tout contaminé a été vacciné.
As a result of constant attention... and observation... he is today approaching physical recovery.
Du fait d'une attention et d'une observation constantes, il est sur la voie de la guérison physique.
As a result of stripping skin off the skull keeping clean and keeping at the required temperature the bones have become crystalline.
Après avoir enlevé la peau du crâne, maintenus à la bonne température et propre, les os sont devenus cristallins.
As I am sure, most of you will know, a solar eclipse occurs as a result of the interposition of the moon between the Earth and the Sun.
Comme vous le savez tous, une éclipse solaire survient quand la lune s'interpose entre la terre et le soleil.
And did you receive threatening letters as a result of it?
- Avez-vous une voiture?
But James Morton and Mr. Leffingwell felt that communism... would come as a result of the erosion of our form of government.
Les autres croyaient qu'il naîtrait de l'usure de notre régime.
As a result of their soufflé-and-beans romance, I was born.
Le produit de leur histoire d'amour au soufflé et aux haricots, ce fut moi.
Some you will put to death and crucify, some you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from city to city. As a result, you will become answerable for spilling the blood of all just men from the blood of the just Abel to the blood of Zachariah whom you slew between the temple and the altar.
Vous en tuerez et en crucifierez, vous en flagellerez dans vos synagogues, vous les persécuterez de ville en ville pour que retombe sur vous le sang des justes répandu sur la terre depuis le sang d'Abel le juste,
As a result... we're slightly shorthanded... and so I've been impatiently waiting for you to arrive.
Nous sommes moins nombreux que prévu. J'avais peur que tu me fasses faux bond.
Two days later, as a direct result of this incident, a police ammunition truck and its contents are seized and its volunteer drivers murdered.
Deux jours plus tard, suite à cet incident, un camion de munitions de la police est assailli et ses chauffeurs volontaires sont abattus.
And I met you as a result.
Et ça m'a permis de te connaître.
"The coven charges that the defendant has repeatedly failed in the practice of witchcraft and that, as a result, she must be deprived of all rights privileges and benefits deriving from membership in the witches'community."
"L'Ordre des sorcières reproche à l'accusée d'avoir plusieurs fois échoué dans sa pratique de la sorcellerie et par conséquent demande à ce qu'elle soit privée de tous ses droits, privilèges et bénéfices liés à son appartenance à la communauté des sorcières."
If you move Mr. Fox against the orders of his physicians... and if, as a result of your meddling, his death is hastened by 5 minutes... I'll hold you fully accountable.
Alors, si vous insistez pour l'évacuer contre les ordres de ses médecins et hâtez ainsi sa fn, je voustiens pour responsable!
In spite of many unpredictable things and maybe as a result of them...
... malgré et en dépit des inévitables impondérables.
The programme is based on behavioural psychological principles, the position being that all human and animal response... is the result of... conditioned reflex... which, as you know, is simply a particular bodily response... to a particular... stimulus.
On s'inspire des principes psychologiques comportementaux, à savoir que toute réponse humaine ou animale... est le résultat d'un réflexe conditionné... qui, comme tu le sais, est une réponse corporelle déterminée... à une catégorie donnée de... stimulus.
As a result, reports show that the Chinese are preparing for thrusts into the rice bowl areas of Burma, Thailand, North Vietnam and a simultaneous takeover of Hong Kong.
La Chine semble donc sur le point d'envahir les régions fertiles de la Birmanie, de la Thaïlande et du Nord Vietnam, tout en se préparant à attaquer Hong Kong.
If this society broke down as a result of the Horizon's influence, then the Federation is responsible, and we've got to do something to straighten this mess out.
Si cette société se désintègre suite à l'influence de l'Horizon, c'est la Fédération qui est responsable et nous devons réparer le mal.
As a result, there's one way to save Tosa and Japan.
Au final, j'ai trouvé une façon de sauver Tosa et le Japon.
And that as a result, they will be able to colonize Japan.
De façon à pouvoir coloniser le Japon.
He no longer limps and claims that as a result of my abortive attempt at oceanic therapy he feels he has come to terms with his mutant toes.
Il ne boîte plus et prétend que grâce à ma tentative vaine à la Thérapie Océanique il peut maintenant vivre avec des orteils mués.
But we mustn't cling to our culture and characteristics if we become weak and lose endurance as a result.
Mais nous ne devons pas nous accrocher à notre culture et à nos usages Si, comme conséquence, nous devons devenir faibles et sans résistance.
When a government has led to despotism... as a result of abuses and violations of the law... it is our right, our duty to overthrow such a government.
Quand un gouvernement, par une longue série d'abus et de violations du droit, a engendré un despotisme absolu, nous avons le droit et le devoir de renverser ce gouvernement.
On August 21 st, 1831, 55 whites were massacred as a result of my doing and that of 70 other slaves.
Le 21 août 1831, 55 blancs ont été massacrés par moi-même et 70 autres esclaves.
- And was there an incident two nights ago... as a result of which shots were fired? Uh, in a manner of speaking.
Si on veut...
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and as you can see 106
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and as far as i know 17
and as you know 78
and as your friend 23
and as i said 17
and as i recall 25
and as of now 16
and as you can see 106
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and as far as i know 17
and as you know 78
and as your friend 23
and as i said 17
and as i recall 25
and as of now 16
and as for me 30
and as far as i can tell 27
and as always 27
and as such 83
and as it turns out 36
and as 20
as a result 233
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and as far as i can tell 27
and as always 27
and as such 83
and as it turns out 36
and as 20
as a result 233
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and all this time 50
and at the end of the day 45
and another thing 192
and all that stuff 21
and all the while 36
and at the end 28
and at the time 25
and all 124
and always will be 33
and all this time 50
and at the end of the day 45
and another thing 192
and all that stuff 21
and all the while 36
and at the end 28
and at the time 25
and all of a sudden 204
and all of you 28
and also 645
and above all 105
and at the same time 75
and all that 128
and actually 119
and afterwards 122
and after 142
and all that jazz 24
and all of you 28
and also 645
and above all 105
and at the same time 75
and all that 128
and actually 119
and afterwards 122
and after 142
and all that jazz 24