And his son traducir francés
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I've been sent to take the souls of both Kjartan and his son.
J'ai été envoyé prendre les âmes de Kjartan et son fils.
Oh, no, I mean, I know it was Morty peeing his pants and Summer snorting glue or whatever...
Oh, non, je sais que c'est Morty qui pisse dans son pantalon et Summer qui sniffe de la colle ou quoi...
If I go to him, if I plead our case and gain his support, that might be all we need, all Nassau needs, to emerge from this intact.
Si je vais le voir, je pourrai obtenir son soutien, dont Nassau et nous avons besoin pour survivre à nos problèmes.
I heard that on the day Governor Thompson fled, it was actually this man who wielded the knife that killed his wife and son.
Apparemment, le jour de la fuite du gouverneur Thompson, ce serait cet homme qui aurait tué sa femme et son fils.
I wonder if he were here now, watching us battle with the choice to kill her in his name or defeat the governor and perhaps therein win the war we all together started, if he might call us fools.
S'il était là et qu'il nous voyait hésiter entre la tuer en son nom et vaincre le gouverneur... Sachant qu'en le vainquant, nous pourrions gagner la guerre, il nous traiterait peut-être d'idiots, comme Anne.
And I have to face the fact that violence could be in his DNA, given who his dad is.
Je dois aussi accepter que la violence est dans ses gènes vu qui est son père.
If I plead our case and gain his support, that might be all we need to emerge from this intact.
Son soutien nous aiderait à survivre à nos problèmes.
Then I baptize you, Kevin Garvey, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, buried in the likeness of his death and raised in the likeness of his resurrection.
Alors, je te baptise, Kevin Garvey, au nom du Père, du Fils et du Saint-Esprit. Si nous avons été unis à lui par la mort, nous le serons aussi par la résurrection.
They glued his nose and mouth shut.
Ils ont collé son nez et sa bouche.
Then we get him to take his money back and forget he ever met us.
On lui rend son argent et il nous oublie.
Anyway, he's MIA for his 9 : 00 AM, and my thinking is he likely flew the coop.
Bref, il ne s'est pas pointé à son rendez-vous de 9 h, je pense qu'il fuit les flics.
He just... I was using his computer on account of vermin ate through my cord, and he just... He asked if I still had you as a con, and I said...
J'ai pris son ordinateur en disant que le câble du mien avait été grignoté par de la vermine, et il m'a demandé si je t'avais toujours comme arnaqueuse et j'ai dit...
And this boy, Putin, he learns sambo, rules the yard school by his fist.
Ce garçon, Poutine, a aussi appris le sambo, son poing dirigeait la cour de l'école.
And his brother, who owns the company that leased the Humvee, and who lives, get this, in Eden Prairie.
Et son frère, patron de l'entreprise louant le Humvee, et qui vit, tiens-toi bien, à Eden Prairie.
And at the heart of the case is what we believe to be a rivalry between Ray Stussy and his brother, Emmit, the parking lot king of Minnesota.
On pense qu'il existe des tensions entre Ray Stussy et son frère, Emmit, le roi du Parking du Minnesota.
I think your boyfriend hired a con to rob his brother, and things went from bad to worse.
Votre chéri a engagé quelqu'un pour arnaquer son frère, et les choses ont dégénéré.
I got a boy at home that can't sleep at night'cause somebody murdered his grandpa and he's afraid they might be coming for him next.
Mon fils arrive pas à dormir seul, car on a assassiné son grand-père, et il a peur d'être le prochain.
Once upon a time, a guy named Stussy hired an idiot to rob his brother, and the idiot drove to the wrong town and killed the wrong Stussy.
Il était une fois, un type nommé Stussy embauche un idiot pour braquer son frère, et l'idiot va dans la mauvaise ville et tue le mauvais Stussy.
His master died and he wandered the universe alone for two million years.
Son maître mort, il a erré dans l'univers pendant deux millions d'années.
And then I'm gonna go home to my son, it's his birthday tomorrow.
Demain, je fêterai l'anniversaire de mon fils.
He beat me, and I would like not to see his world.
Il me battait. Je préfère ne pas voir son monde.
But I know that he's an honorable man. Who held onto his soul, And that is a tough thing to do in this line of work.
Mais je sais qu'il est honorable, qu'il tenait à son âme, et c'est difficile à garder dans ce genre de travail.
This is a call between an FBI agent and his informant.
Il s'agit d'un appel entre un agent du FBI et son informateur.
why you met Sekou, pretended you were Muslim, pretended you were his friend and mine.
pourquoi tu as rencontré Sekou, prétendu que tu étais musulman, prétendu que tu étais son ami et le mien.
I ambushed you so you could get me the recording of a conversation between an informant and his FBI handler.
- Je vous ai tendue une embuscade pour que vous me donniez l'enregistrement d'une discussion entre un informateur et son agent traitant du FBI.
Andrew Keane gave his life for his country, and they hate him.
Andrew Keane a donné sa vie pour son pays, et ils le détestent.
That act, which was attested to by six soldiers who were actually there... That act cost my son his life... and won him the Silver Star.
Cet acte, qui a été attesté par six soldats qui étaient présents- - cet acte a coûté la vie à mon fils et lui a fait obtenir la Silver Star.
When he fell off the stage, he also fell onto his right ear, and his gait was affected.
Quand il est tombé de la scène, il est tombé sur son oreille droite, et sa démarche a été affectée.
And the clear liquid coming from his nose wasn't from drug use.
Et le liquide clair venant de son nez n'était pas dû à la drogue.
Until my family were murdered by Kjartan the Cruel and his one-eyed son, Sven, and my sister taken hostage on the eve of her wedding.
Jusqu'à ce que ma famille soit tuée par Kjartan le cruel et son fils borgne, Sven, et ma soeur prise en otage la veille de son mariage.
Every Ealdorman and his brother is here to bask.
Chaque échevin et son frère, sont là à se prélasser.
And just days ago, Alfred has sent his very own priest.
Et il y a quelques jours, Alfred a envoyé son propre prêtre.
But he and his one-eyed son, Sven, they murdered my family, and they must be faced.
Mais lui et son fils borgne, Sven, ont tué ma famille, ils doivent y faire face.
A king who shall raise an army and that army shall march in his name and all evil shall be expunged!
Un roi qui lèvera une armée et cette armée marchera en son nom et tout le mal sera expurgé!
You can take his eye... but I want him here and I want him alive.
Tu peux prendre son oeil... mais je le veux ici et je le veux vivant.
So, I went to him, to Kevin, and I asked for his help.
Donc je suis allé vers lui, Kevin, et je lui ai demandé son aide.
And when He went into the woods, he lifted the girl to His shoulder
" Dans les bois, Il mit la fillette sur son épaule.
And instead of acknowledging his mental illness, you turned it into fucking scripture.
Au lieu de reconnaître son trouble mental, tu en as fait un évangile.
And yet you still see fit to steal his story for yourself.
Pourtant, ça ne vous gêne pas de vous approprier son histoire.
Six months later, I walk into the Laundromat and I strap him into his car seat.
Six mois après sa naissance, en sortant de la laverie, je l'ai attaché dans son siège.
Then that crazy old man got here and became convinced it was a part of his flood story.
Quand le vieux fou a débarqué, il a cru que ça faisait partie de son histoire de déluge.
He is joined by his brothers and sisters for his essay titled "Why I Don't Need a Mommy and a Daddy Anymore."
Il est avec ses frères et sœurs pour son texte intitulé : "Pourquoi je me passe de maman et de papa."
Six months ago, U.S. Special Forces launched an assault on the compound of Ibrahim Bin-Khalid, killing him and eight members of his terrorist organization.
Il y a six mois, les forces spéciales américaines ont lancé un assaut sur la base d'Ibrahim Bin-Khalid, le tuant lui ainsi que huit membres de son organisation terroriste.
From the description, it sounds like Malik and his team.
D'après la description, on dirait Malik et son équipe.
His gun, get it and kick it over here.
Son arme, prends-la et lance-la jusqu'ici.
John Donovan called Mizrani his own right hand, and a good friend.
John Donovan appelait Mizrani son bras droit, et une bonne amie.
And you're his little brother.
Et tu es son petit frère.
And that you gave him the names of the Rangers who took out his father.
Et que vous lui avez donné les noms des Rangers qui ont tué son père.
The GPS on his phone and car have gone quiet, and I can't reach anyone on his security team.
Les GPS de son téléphone et de sa voiture sont éteints, et je ne peux joindre personne de son équipe de sécurité.
Two years ago, when Carter and his team were hunting Bin-Khalid, they hired Naseri as a translator, before any of us knew who he was.
Il y a deux ans, quand Carter et son équipe pourchassaient Bin-Khalid, ils ont embauché Naseri comme interprète, avant de savoir qui il était vraiment.
Two years ago, when Carter and his team were hunting Bin-Khalid, they hired Naseri as a translator.
Il y a deux ans, quand Carter et son équipe traquaient Bin-Khalid, ils ont engagé Naseri comme interprète.
and his brother 20
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his family 18
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his family 18
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
son of a bitch 2723
sonny boy 69
sons of bitches 98
songwriter 38
son of a whore 16
song ends 39
son of bitch 30
son and holy spirit 25
son of a 404
son of 20
sonny boy 69
sons of bitches 98
songwriter 38
son of a whore 16
song ends 39
son of bitch 30
son and holy spirit 25
son of a 404
son of 20