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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ B ] / But how did you

But how did you traducir francés

994 traducción paralela
Yes, she is, but how did you...?
elle va bien mais comment vous...?
- But how did you -
- Mais comment sais-tu -
But how did you guess she was here?
Comment avez-vous su?
But how did you know I was like that?
Mais comment saviez-vous que j'étais comme cela?
Yeah, but how did you guess?
Oui, comment avez-vous deviné?
But how did you change the robot into a transmitter?
Mais comment as-tu converti le robot en un transmetteur?
But how did you know?
- Comment le savez-vous?
But how did you get in here?
Comment êtes-vous rentré ici?
But how did you get together?
Mais comment vous êtes-vous rencontrés?
But how did you know my name, sir?
Vous me connaissez?
I know, but how did you happen to become a writer of lyrics?
Mais comment en êtes-vous arrivée à écrire des chansons?
But how did you come into all this?
Mais quel est le lien avec vous?
I was, but how did you know?
Je l'étais, comment le saviez-vous?
Of course. But how did you get it?
Comment l'avez-vous eu?
But how did you know?
Mais comment le savez-vous?
You were right but how did you know those two got in?
Tu avais raison, comment savais-tu qu'ils étaient là?
But how did you know I was here?
Où as-tu eu mon adresse?
But how did you know I wanted a shop?
Comment as-tu su?
Say, but how did you know I wanted the train so bad?
Mais comment as-tu su que je voulais tellement ce train?
But how did you convince the board of that so quickly?
Comment as-tu convaincu le conseil?
But how did you know?
Mais comment le sais-tu?
- But how did you get here?
- Comment as-tu atterri ici?
- But how did you know?
- Comment as-tu deviné?
But how did you know about it?
- Comment avez-vous su?
How did you know...? You make a lot of fuss for even a small matter, but you were out of reach after going out to dump garbage, and came back one day later.
Comment le savez-vous? Mais vous avez été injoignable après avoir sorti les poubelles et vous êtes revenue un jour plus tard.
But, how did you...
comment as-tu...
But tell me, how did you put it over?
Mais comment l'as-tu convaincu?
But I mean, how did you get away?
Comment avez-vous fait pour sortir?
But how on earth did you ever find me?
Mais comment m'as-tu trouvée?
"How are you," or something when I saw her... but that's all I did, Lieutenant.
"Comment allez-vous", quand je la voyais, rien de plus, lieutenant.
You're right, but how the dickens did you know?
Vous avez raison, mais comment diable le saviez-vous?
Yes, but there's very little national feeling among doctors. A doctor's work belongs to no particular country. How did you happen to specialize in brain work, Doctor?
Les médecins ne raisonnent pas en termes de nationalité, leur travail est international.
Well, but, uh- - How did you know?
Mais- - Comment tu sais?
But, could you tell me,... how did he die, this...?
Mais dites-moi,... de quoi est-il mort, ce...?
- Inkoosikas n'oublie pas son but?
I should have told you a long time ago, I know, but I did not know how to say it.
J'aurais dû vous le dire, mais je ne savais comment m'y prendre.
Yes, but how did you know?
- Oui. Mais comment...
But how on earth did you...
- Mais comment diable as-tu- -
But how, how did you first...
Mais comment, d'abord- -
But how did I come to dream about you? I've never set eyes on you in my life.
Comment ai-je pu rêver de vous sans vous connaître?
My brother was drowned in August. I know how that must have saddened you, but did it affect your love for Ellen? Yes, I...
Un coup douloureux.
I am sorry I did it like this, but I didn't know how to tell you.
Je ne savais pas comment te l'apprendre.
Susan, you shouldn't listen to gossip but how did it happen?
Susan, n'écoutez pas ces commérages. Comment est-ce arrivé?
But tell me how did you make out today?
Mais dis-moi, comment ça s'est passé, aujourd'hui?
I did everything I could to make it up to him, but you see how it is. The more I try, the worse he gets.
J'ai essayé de rattraper les choses, et tu vois, plus j'essaie, moins ça marche.
But how did he send you money?
Mais quel argent?
Did you ever stop to think how it is? The judge can never say anything but "thirty days!" "Thirty days!" You'd think it'd get monotonous.
Quand on y réfléchit, le juge ne dit jamais autre chose que "trente jours!" Ça doit être monotone.
But how did Mom get you fired?
Mais comment maman vous a-t-elle fait virer?
Non, mais tu as écrit deux longues lettres sur la beauté des marronniers sur les Champs-Elysées, les spectacles de Guignol au jardin du Luxembourg et les ponts illuminés la nuit.
- Yes, I'm alright, Paula, but what are you doing here? - How did you get here?
Oui, mais que fais-tu ici, comment es-tu venue?
But you didn't know who Vivian was so how did you know where she lived?
Si vous ne la connaissiez pas, comment saviez-vous où elle habitait?

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