But soon traducir francés
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But soon after, you collided...
Mais juste après, vous vous êtes percutés...
But soon my house won't be mine.
Mais ma maison ne sera bientôt plus ma maison.
No, but soon.
Non, mais bientôt.
I did, but soon as I could get work, I came back.
En effet, mais... Dès que j'ai trouvé du travail, je suis revenue.
But soon I will change and I'll know, but I won't want to tell you.
Mais en changeant, je le saurai, et je ne vous dirai rien.
But soon.
But soon, she'll be ready to build her own.
Mais bientôt, elle sera prête à les construire elle-même.
But I will be back just as soon as I can.
Mais je reviendrais vite.
I'm gonna hang up now, but we're gonna talk soon.
Je vais maintenant raccrocher mais nous reparlerons bientôt.
Okay, okay, I was having a relationship with Greer, but I called it off as soon as I found out he went back to doing the things that got him arrested in the first place.
Okay, okay, j'avais une relation avec Greer, mais j'ai tout arrêté quand j'ai appris qu'il recommençait avec les histoires qui l'avaient fait arrêter en premier lieu.
Oh, but it's too soon.
Oh, mais c'est trop tôt.
It's lovely, really, but it's too soon.
C'est magnifique, vraiment, mais c'est trop tôt.
We shall have the money soon, but today for want of just 10,000 francs, we are to be sold off.
Nous aurons bientôt cet argent mais aujourd'hui, sans ces 10.000 francs, on va tout nous saisir.
Granted, it hasn't been lived in for a while, but the place will soon come back to life.
Elle était à l'abandon, mais sera vite sur pied.
But if I were you, I'd make the payments, walk away with the money, because I'm telling you, the wolves, if they're not already at your door, they're gonna be there very fucking soon.
À votre place, je paierais ce que je dois et je partirais avec ce qui reste car si les loups ne sont pas encore à votre porte, ils tarderont pas à ramener leur cul.
What if I grab your arms from behind but really discreetly as soon as I see you starting to itch and then I can hold them there and that'll help.
Je pourrais vous attraper les bras par-derrière, très discrètement, dès que vous voulez vous gratter. Comme ça, je vous en empêcherais.
But as soon as I got back, I headed straight to Molly's store.
Mais dès mon retour, je fonçai au magasin de Molly.
Because I know it was stupid and it's all my fault but I'm gonna be up completely soon.
Parce que je sais qu'il était stupide et que c'est de ma faute mais je serais complètement guéri bientôt.
But now she's hungry, and if she doesn't eat soon, the milk her cubs need will dry up.
Maintenant, elle a faim, et si elle ne mange pas bientôt, elle ne pourra pas allaiter ses oursons.
But you're gonna be back home again soon, right?
Mais tu reviendras vite, pas vrai?
But I promise as soon as I have something to tell you, I will. That's it?
C'est tout?
But, the next day, just as soon as the sister finished telling that story, she starts another one, and she stops that one'fore the best part.
Le jour suivant dès qu'elle eut terminé son histoire, elle en commença une nouvelle qu'elle raconta sous forme de chapitres.
But as soon as the invasion took place, he rushed to be with his men.
Mais dès l'invasion, il en serait parti pour rejoindre ses hommes.
But don't worry, this war will soon be over.
Pas de panique, la guerre durera pas.
But as soon as I could I got you out.
Je le jure devant Dieu. Mais dès que j'ai pu, je t'ai fait sortir.
As soon as we say yes to one of those fuckers, we're right back there, but if we go now, with all of them fighting over us, that's as good as it gets in this town.
Et dès qu'on aura dit oui à un de ces connards, on y revient, mais si on part maintenant, avec eux se battant pour nous, c'est le mieux qu'on obtient dans cette ville.
But people soon lost sight of it.
Mais bientôt les gens auront vite oublié.
It's a bit soon, but we do crazy hours.
C'est un peu tot, mais comme on a des horaires fous.
We'll know for certain once that thief has transcribed the page that he stole, but it'll be soon.
Nous savons avec certitude que quand le voleur aura transcrit la page qu'il a volé, mais cela arrivera bientôt.
But we should have you two over for dinner, really soon.
Vous devriez venir dîner, un soir.
I wanted to tell you as soon as I felt it and I should have but I...
Je voulais te le dire dès que j'ai su. J'aurais dû, mais...
No, but I probably should soon.
Non mais prochainement oui.
But everyone's here except Hank, and he'll be here soon enough.
Tout le monde est ici sauf Hank et il y sera bientôt.
Not yet, but he will be soon.
Pas encore, mais ça ne saurait tarder.
It's not quite finished yet, but it will be soon.
Ce n'est pas encore fini, mais on y arrive.
But I know that this will be back on your finger soon enough.
Mais cette bague reviendra sur ton doigt très bientôt.
I suppose that's none of my business, but you do realize that we may be able to hunt again soon.
Je suppose que ce ne sont pas mes affaires, mais vous devez réaliser que nous pourrons peut être chasser à nouveau prochainement.
It's a big deal. But we're gonna be home soon, and we're gonna get back to our lives, and I'm gonna be really busy with the truck and you're gonna be really busy with school.
Mais on va rentrer bientôt et... et on va retourner à nos vies et je serai très occupé avec le camion et tu seras très occupé avec l'école et...
It looked like a wolf kill, and the coroner will determine that soon enough, but...
Ça ressemblait à une attaque de loup, et le légiste va le confirmer bientôt, mais...
But I'm leaving today, as soon as yasir goes on his run.
Mais je pars aujourd'hui, dès yasir poursuit sa course.
But I busted him too soon.
Mais je l'ai arrêté trop tôt.
But I'll see you soon okay?
Mais on se revoit bientôt, d'accord?
But as you will soon learn... some years are good and others not so.
Comme vous l'apprendrez bientôt, certaines années sont bonnes. Et d'autres, moins.
I'd just as soon flatten this place from 10,000 feet... but there's a strong probability that they have our agent and his asset.
Je préférerais aplatir cet endroit à 3 000 mètres d'altitude... mais il y a une forte possibilité qu'ils aient notre agent et son appui.
But the target demographic for that technology will be dead soon, which puts a big dent in repeat business.
Mais la cible démographique pour cette technologie sera bientôt morte, avec des rentrées d'argent irrégulières.
But I will soon.
Mais bientôt.
Too soon, but whose loss taught us to carry on and to endure all hardships and all trials and maybe this is why we called her Mazel also, hm?
Mais dont la perte nous a appris à persévérer et endurer tous les maux et les jugements, c'est pour ça qu'on l'a aussi appelée Mazel.
If it carries on, pretty soon that company is going to collapse, and I cannot think that's what you want. Whatever it is you want it for.
Si ça continue, l'entreprise va bientôt s'effondrer, je ne crois pas que ce soit votre but, quel qu'il soit.
It will cost you more. That's alright, but I need it very soon.
C'est un peu cher. mais c'est pressé.
As soon as you go in, I'll kill the infrareds, but they're on an automatic reset.
Dès que vous entrez, j'éteins les infrarouges, mais ils redémarrent tout seuls.
You don't need my help, but I will need yours soon.
Vous n'avez pas besoin de mon aide, mais j'aurai besoin de la vôtre bientôt.
but sooner or later 73
soon 2051
sooner 34
soong 17
sooner than you think 21
sooner or later 669
sooner rather than later 23
sooner the better 24
soon after 36
soon enough 99
soon 2051
sooner 34
soong 17
sooner than you think 21
sooner or later 669
sooner rather than later 23
sooner the better 24
soon after 36
soon enough 99
but still 1334
but something went wrong 29
but so are you 19
but sometimes 291
but she's gone 43
but so far 188
but some 28
but she's not here 34
but something 32
but so am i 35
but something went wrong 29
but so are you 19
but sometimes 291
but she's gone 43
but so far 188
but some 28
but she's not here 34
but something 32
but so am i 35
but she hasn't 17
but seriously 409
but so what 89
but she couldn't 19
but surely 93
but she can't 33
but sir 122
but she isn't 30
but something's wrong 18
but she 181
but seriously 409
but so what 89
but she couldn't 19
but surely 93
but she can't 33
but sir 122
but she isn't 30
but something's wrong 18
but she 181