But what's going on traducir francés
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I know this isn't exactly the best time for this, but we were wondering if you had any idea what's going to happen with the Dragonfly.
Je sais que ça n'est pas vraiment le meilleur moment pour ça mais on se demandait si vous aviez une idée de ce qui va arriver au Dragonfly
With everything that's going on here with you, I kinda hoped he'd just walk away, but... once again, Jimmy makes the wrong move. What a shock.
Avec tout se qu'il se passe pour toi, j'espérais juste qu'il s'en aille mais... encore une fois, Jimmy a pris la mauvais décision.
But what's going on?
Mais, qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
Okay, for the record, I was hoping to skip this and start fresh... but what's going on with you and the double finger?
Bon, j'espérais un nouveau départ, mais pourquoi tu l'as envoyée chier comme ça?
What I don't understand is you're willing to walk into bullets for me... but you won't share what's going on inside.
Ce que je ne comprends pas, c'est que tu es prêt à marcher sous les balles pour moi mais que tu ne veux pas partager ce que qui se passe en toi.
I'm trying to help your son but I can't unless you tell me what's going on.
Comment aider votre fils... si vous ne parlez pas franchement?
I don't know what's going on in there, but it's gonna stop.
Je n'ai aucune idée de ce qui se passe. Mais il faut que ça cesse maintenant.
But until we have a better understanding of what's going on, I'd prefer to err on the side of caution.
Mais jusqu'à ce qu'on comprenne mieux la situation, je préfère pêcher par excès de prudence.
You know, what s going on with Brooke really hurts but I think in a couple days when I start to heel, I m gonna be really psyched that Donna let me squeeze her ass.
Brooke m'a fait du mal, mais dans deux jours, quand ça ira mieux, je vais réaliser que Donna m'a laissée lui tâter les fesses.
I think what he's asking is why on most other nights do you think the world's going to hell, but tonight...?
Ce qu'il te demande, c'est pourquoi tous les autres soirs, tu trouves que le monde ne vaut rien, et ce soir...
- I don't know what's going on but Jack's been reassigned.
- Que se passe-t-il? - Je l'ignore mais Jack a été muté.
- but I think I do know what's going on with this family.
Mais je sais ce qui s'est passé dans cette famille.
But Paquette is still the only one who can help us understand what's going on
Paquette est quand même le seul qui peut nous aider à comprendre ce qui se passe.
But you've seen what's going on here.
Mais vous voyez ce qu'il se passe ici.
Look, I hate to come on like the heavy, but what · s that got to do with you going crazy?
Je ne veux pas être alarmiste, mais tu perds la tête.
You can't help but wonder what's going through his mind as Ross'window of opportunity to join that elite 3,000-hit club is about to close and close before a nationwide audience.
On ne peut que se demander ce qu'il pense alors que son espoir de rejoindre le club des 3000 coups sûrs est en train de s'évanouir devant des millions de téléspectateurs.
- But that's okay. - What? What's going on?
- Mais ça va. alors que tout le monde pensait qu'un enfant ne serait pas de taille. et j'ai ramené la couronne.
- What's going on here? - But most of all, I'm... - Okay, settle down.
je suis... calme-toi.
I don't know what's going on. But what do you think?
C'est terrible!
But what you don't understand is, if we do start to fight it's not going to end until one or the other of us is dead.
Mais vous pigez pas que si on commence à se battre ça se terminera que par la mort de l'un de nous deux.
But then there's the reality of what's going on here... and there's the future.
Mais il faut aussi tenir compte de la réalité des faits Ira, et penser à l'avenir.
But what makes you think that something's going on?
Qu'est-ce qui te fait croire qu'ils ont une liaison?
You must think this is very odd, but... basically I feel that I had to talk to you because of what's going on just now with my family.
Vous devez trouver ça bizarre, mais je dois vous parler de ce qui se passe chez nous.
Something's going on here. I don't know what it is, but I'm gonna find out.
Il se passe quelque chose d'étrange, il faut que je sache.
But we got to see what's going on in there.
Mais on verra ce qui se passe.
But what's going on here?
Mais qu'est-ce qui se passe là?
Obviously we want this to come out but the lawsuits are taking time and no-one knows for sure what's going on.
Bien sûr, on veut que ça se sache mais la justice prend son temps et personne ne sait vraiment ce qui se passe.
I'm not sure what's going on, but it's getting hot!
- On étouffe, ici!
I'm not quite sure what's going on, but sorry Nat-chan!
Je ne sais pas ce qui se passait, mais désolée!
- But what's going on?
- Mais qu'est-ce qu'il se passe?
You never know what's in my head... but I know all the shit that's going on in yours.
Tu sais jamais ce qu'il y a dans ma tête. Moi, je connais toute la merde dans la tienne.
I still don't know what's going on... But I'm sure... we can get out of this somehow
Couper les doigts d'une pianiste, ça veux dire quelque chose.
I don't know what's going on, but whatever it is, you've got me wrong.
Je ne sais pas ce qui se passe, mais peu importe ce que c'est, tu as tort.
- We can keep going around in circles... but maybe one of us should just come out and say what it is we want to say.
On peut continuer à tourner en rond, mais l'un de nous devrait avoir le courage de s'exprimer.
That's what we thought. But then my dad told us about that lemon grove you bought... - and we thought you were going there.
Oui, mais après, mon père nous a parlé du terrain que tu as acheté et on a cru que tu y allais.
I don't know what, but something's going on.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais quelque chose cloche.
I don't know what's going on here, but this is not you, literally.
J'ignore ce qui se passe, mais tu as changé.
Look man, I don't know what's going on here more than you do, but maybe you would sit down.
Ecoute, je ne sais pas ce qu'il se passe mais tu devrais peut-être t'asseoir.
But what is going on with you and Chuck? He's pushing to get married, buy a minivan fire up the barbecue.
Il veut se marier, acheter un monospace et un barbecue pour le jardin, et moi...
I tried calling her yesterday, but there was no answer so I figured I'd just drive down there and see what was going on.
J'ai essayé de l'appeler hier, mais ça n'a pas décroché donc j'ai décidé d'y aller et de voir ce qui s'est passé.
Look, I don't know where that came from, but if we're going to be together, then I need to understand what's going on with you.
Je ne sais pas d'où ça vient, mais si on est ensemble, j'ai besoin de comprendre ce qu'il t'arrive.
It's not like I'm going around with Ephram saying that we're gonna get married, which, by the way, is exactly what you were doing when you were even younger than me, but I know how he makes me feel
Ce n'est pas comme si j'étais avec Ephram en disant qu'on allait se marier, ce qui, au passage, est exactement ce que tu faisais quand tu étais même plus jeune que moi, mais je sais ce qu'il me fait ressentir,
But your dad has to do some tests on me. See what's going on up here.
Mais ton père veut voir ce qui se passe là-dedans.
Oh... okay, Ray, I'm sorry that it feels that way to you, but I promise that is not what's going on.
OK, je suis désolée que tu le ressentes ainsi, mais je t'assure que c'est pas ça.
- I have no idea what's going on, but I am excited!
Je n'ai aucune idée de ce qui se passe, mais je suis excité!
But she wears these big dresses, so who knows what's going on under there.
Mais elle porte ces grandes robes, donc qui sait ce qui se passe là dessous.
I know it's not my place to judge you, Marina... and I don't know what's going on with you and Jenny but I think this is wrong.
Je suis mal placée pour te juger, Marina. J'ignore ce qu'il y a entre vous mais c'est pas bien.
What's going on, Daddy? I mean, you two act like this is no big deal, but you're accused of killing a man.
Je veux dire, vous agissez comme si ce n'était rien, mais on t'accuse d'avoir tuer quelqu'un.
I don't think we're ready for that just yet, but... we got to find out what's going on.
Je ne pense pas qu'on soit prêts pour ça,... on doit d'abord découvrir ce qui se passe.
I don't know what's going on, but clearly these pills aren't for you.
De toute évidence, ces médicaments ne sont pas pour toi.
I don't know what's going on with you and Lucas but he's a really good guy.
Je ne sais pas ce qui se passe entre toi et Lucas, mais c'est vraiment un bon type.
but what's done is done 21
but what's the point 47
but what's this 19
what's going on 16788
what's going on here 1603
what's going on with you 393
what's going on over here 21
what's going on in there 186
what's going on there 133
what's going on over there 80
but what's the point 47
but what's this 19
what's going on 16788
what's going on here 1603
what's going on with you 393
what's going on over here 21
what's going on in there 186
what's going on there 133
what's going on over there 80
what's going on in here 165
what's going on between you two 16
what's going on with him 23
what's going on down there 81
what's going on out there 106
what's going on now 30
what's going on with you two 32
what's going on out here 36
what's going on up there 67
what's going on back there 29
what's going on between you two 16
what's going on with him 23
what's going on down there 81
what's going on out there 106
what's going on now 30
what's going on with you two 32
what's going on out here 36
what's going on up there 67
what's going on back there 29
what's going on is 18
what's going on down here 20
what's going on around here 18
what's going on with her 22
going on 106
going once 140
but why 1666
but why not 79
but why me 74
but why are you here 25
what's going on down here 20
what's going on around here 18
what's going on with her 22
going on 106
going once 140
but why 1666
but why not 79
but why me 74
but why are you here 25
but why now 44
but why you 19
but why here 30
but what 850
but what about 35
but we haven't 20
but whatever 187
but we're friends 22
but we're okay 18
but what can i do 75
but why you 19
but why here 30
but what 850
but what about 35
but we haven't 20
but whatever 187
but we're friends 22
but we're okay 18
but what can i do 75