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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ D ] / Do i look okay

Do i look okay traducir francés

441 traducción paralela
Do I look okay?
Ai-je l'air bien?
Do I look okay?
Ça va?
Do I look okay?
Do I look okay?
Est-ce que je vous plais?
Do I look okay?
Ça me va?
Do I look okay?
J'ai l'air bien?
Do I look okay, Frenchy?
Je suis bien, Frenchy?
Do I look okay?
Je suis bien?
Do I look okay?
- Tu me trouves comment?
- Do I look okay? - You look better.
C'est pas trop mal?
Do I look okay?
J'ai l'air d'aller?
Yeah, but still, do I look okay?
Oui, n'empêche, est-ce que j'ai l'air d'aller?
- Vivian, do I look okay?
- Vivian, je suis présentable?
Do I look okay?
[UNCUT] Je suis bien?
- Do I look okay?
Regarde-je bien?
Do I look okay?
Ça a l'air d'aller?
Do I look okay?
Je suis présentable?
Do I look okay?
Comment tu me trouves?
- Do I look okay?
- J'ai l'air d'aller?
How do I look? You look okay.
- Comment vous me trouvez?
Okay, I'll tell you what we'll do, the first thing when we get up, we'll go out and take a look. And if there's any flying saucer out there, we'll notify General Mayberry.
Demain, au réveil, si on trouve une soucoupe, on avertira le général Mayberry.
Okay, Marcello, let's do this... I'll go to the temple and look around.
Ok, Marcello, on va faire ça... je vais aller enquêter là-bas.
Do I look... okay?
Je suis bien, comme ça?
Look, just do as I say, okay?
Faites ce que je vous demande, d'accord?
Uh, look, I don't know what your scene is, but don't do anything stupid, okay?
Écoutez, je sais pas d'où vous sortez, mais ne faites pas l'idiot.
I ain't asking'you to do nothin'... but to look over your boyfriend's shoulder, okay?
Je te demande uniquement de regarder par-dessus l'épaule de ton mec.
Hi. Do I look okay?
Ça vous plaît?
Okay, look, I said I didn't want to hear your story but I do need some information.
J'ai quand même besoin d'information.
Look, I'll keep you posted if I find out anything. Now, you do the same, okay?
Je te tiendrai au courant de ce que j'apprendrai.
Okay, I look and do it again
D " accord, je revérifie tout.
Okay, look, Audrey, before you take the bandage off just remember, I was the one that encouraged you to do this.
Ecoute, Audrey, avant d'enlever le bandage, rappelle-toi que c'est moi qui t'ai encouragée.
But in the next two weeks, if you do anything that makes me look bad, I'll break you in half, okay?
Mais pour les deux semaines à venir, si tu me fais mal voir je te casse en deux, d'accord?
- Do I look okay?
J'ai l'air d'aller?
Look, okay, sir I do ride the limits pretty close, but I've never gone over.
Bon, d'accord, chef... je ne suis pas loin de la limite, mais je ne la dépasse pas.
Look, question lady, this job is not what I really do, okay? I play keyboards.
Ecoutez, c'est pas mon vrai boulot, je joue du synthé, moi.
Look, I'll do something nice, okay?
Je ferai quelque chose de sympa pour elle.
Look, pal, I don't do windows, okay?
Ecoutez, je fais pas les vitres!
Look, I know it sounds cold, okay, but where do we draw the line, huh?
Je sais que ça paraît dur mais il y a des limites.
- Okay? - Annie, no matter what I do, this horse will never be the same. Well, look, I, I, I, I just don't know.
- Quoi que je fasse, il est perdu.
Okay, Lucy, look. This is what I'll do. I'll get to the next motel, see if they have a fax and then...
D'accord, je vais essayer de trouver un fax dans un motel...
Look, I get it, okay? If I was you and I had this great setup... and the guy I was with was fifteen years older than me... and all I had to do was blow him a couple of times a year...
A ta place, dans une belle maison, un gars mûr. -
- Okay. How do I look?
- O.K. De quoi j'ai l'air?
Look, Leo, you just do your job, and I'll do mine, okay?
Ecoute, Léo, tu fais ton boulot, je fais le mien, d'accord?
- Look, Joey, all I'm trying to do is find out what's going on and I hope that you would know me well enough to know that my concern is genuine, okay?
J'essaie de comprendre. Tu me connais assez bien pour savoir que je suis sincère.
- Okay, how do I look? - Great.
- comment je suis?
Look, I come to work, I do my job, okay?
Écoutez, je viens ici pour bosser.
- Okay, is that rhetorical, or do I actually have to open my eyes to look at something?
- C'est juste une phrase ou je dois vraiment ouvrir les yeux pour voir quelque chose?
Look, inspector, I'm just trying to do my job, okay?
Ecoutez, inspecteur, j'essaie de faire mon boulot.
Look, Ernie, if you don't do this, I'm broke. Okay?
Ernie, si vous ne participez pas, je fais faillite!
Do I really look okay?
Tu crois vraiment que ça va aller?
Look, whatever you're thinking about, just forget it, okay? This is over now and you just gotta deal with it. It's not over yet'cause you don't know where you're going, and I do.
Je sais pas ce que tu mijotes, mais laisse tomber, c'est fini.

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