Have you got that traducir francés
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Matthew? Matthew, have you got that leaky faucet fixed yet?
{ \ pos ( 192,235 ) } Matthew, tu as réparé le robinet qui fuit?
I said have you got that? Have you fucking got that?
- J'ai dit "C'est compris"?
Have you got that?
Vous l'avez?
Christ! What have you got that for?
Qu'est-ce que tu fous avec ça?
Have you got that low an opinion of yourself?
Tu as une telle opinion de toi-même?
You got our message that the time and place of the hearing had been changed, did you? - I must have missed it.
Vous avez eu notre message annonçant le changement d'heure et de lieu?
I'm sorry that I have to leave... but I'll tell them about baseball... and Lucky Charms... and Flomar.
I got you. I got you. I got you.
I'll bet the President realized that you can't have voters asking why the second longest-serving F.B.l. Director got fired for doing his job. For sending agents to Saudi Arabia just seven months before mid-term elections.
Il a dû comprendre qu'on ne peut pas avoir des électeurs demandant pourquoi le directeur du F.B.I. a été viré pour avoir envoyé des agents en Arabie saoudite sept mois avant les élections de mi-mandat.
You have got to answer that fucking phone.
Répondez à ce maudit téléphone.
Now that you're all here, me and Tess have got a surprise for you.
Tess et moi avons une surprise pour vous.
Okay, well, what's that got to do with what you have to tell me?
Quel rapport avec ce que tu veux me dire?
You have blindsided me at every turn and that has got to stop.
vous avez tout fait pour m'aveugler tout le temps et il faut que ca cesse.
You have got to change that ringer.
Changez de sonnerie.
And I'm gonna sit on that and let it boil. But what I'm trying to tell you is, the elves have got to stay sharp, right now.
Mais comprends-moi, les lutins doivent rester concentrés.
You just have to honor the correct price, you got that?
Quand on a un accord, on le respecte.
Supposition on top of assumption on top of pure nonsense... which makes it clear to me - and will make it very clear to a jury - that, Dwight, you have got nothing.
Supposition en plus d'assomption en plus de pures absurdités... ce qui clarifie bien les choses pour moi - ainsi que pour un jury - c'est que, Dwight, tu n'as rien.
And you've got 15 minutes to wrap this up... and then I'm goin'out there and I'm telling the press... that we have charged our prime suspect with murder - with or without a confession.
Et vous avez 15 minutes pour conclure... et ensuite, je vais aller dire à la presse... qu'on a porté des accusations contre notre suspect principal - avec ou sans confession.
You certainly don't have to sleep on that sorry little death trap when I've got this great, big, comfortable bed right over here.
Tu ne vas pas dormir dans ce petit lit de camp alors que j'ai un grand lit confortable.
Well, you should have thought of that before you got her killed.
Tu aurais dû y penser avant de la faire tuer.
You'll have to make two of them - one each. That way if anything happens, or goes wrong, we've got a backup.
Il faudra deux flingues, dont un de réserve, en cas de problème.
He imagines that you and him have got some dark secret. You know, that you've harmed someone or something.
Il s'imagine que vous partagez un sombre secret... que vous avez fait du mal à quelqu'un.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's got to be it. Look, Kimbo, you can't afford to make a wrong turn here. You really don't have the time.
Ouais, ça doit être ça, écoute, t'as pas le temps de te planter là.
- No. Do you have to moan, the one time that we've got a visitor?
Tu râles de nouveau, pour une fois qu'on a de la visite?
I held off the worst of the infection, but you're gonna have to open it up, cut out and scrub away anything that's dead, working your way out, sewing it together and you got to try to make sure you don't re-infect it.
J'ai contenu l'infection mais il faut ouvrir la plaie et enlever tout ce qui est mort. Puis il faudra tout recoudre. Il faut éviter que ça se réinfecte.
It needs to have that orange plastic Olivetti typewriter, Roman Holiday espresso feeling. I know you got exactly what I was saying. - l did. -
"qu'elle a besoin d'avoir ce plastique orange des machines à écrire Olivetti", ou "qu'elle doit sentir l'expresso de vacances à Rome", n'est-ce pas?
You come into design, at the point that you start out in history, without knowing that you're starting out in history, and often you don't have a sense of what came before you and how it got there, and you certainly don't know what's going to come after.
Vous pénétrez dans le design, et rentrez dans l'histoire, sans même le savoir, et souvent vous ne savez pas quand et comment c'est arrivé, et vous ne savez pas comment cela se passera plus tard.
You do it right now and without the slightest trace of impropriety, or I will have you back in a tall hat pedalling a pushbike before you can say, "Where's my pension?" Got that?
Vous le faites en ce moment et sans la moindre trace d'irrégularité, ou je vais vous foutre à la circulation avec un chapeau ridicule avant que vous ne puissiez dire : "Où est ma pension?" Compris?
But you have got to get out of that place.
Mais tu dois partir de cet endroit.
- He would never have killed you. - Yeah, we got that.
- Il n'aurait jamais tiré.
So what have you got to tell us that's so fucking important?
Qu'est-ce que t'as de si important à dire?
Terry... have you told your wife how you got a DNA test on your daughter,'cause you weren't sure that she was yours?
Terry... t'as parlé à ta femme du test ADN de ta fille, parceque t'étais pas sûr qu'elle était de toi?
Dianne, have you told your husband that you got your tubes tied after you had Kenya and didn't tell him?
Dianne, t'as dit à ton mari que tu t'étais fait ligaturer les trompes après Kenya?
I've got Marie's tests back, and, uh, I have to tell you that little girl is as healthy as a horse.
J'ai les résultats des examens de Marie, et euh... je dois vous dire qu'elle a une santé de fer.
You got to have that. If you didn't have it in the NFL, who would win?
Si vous n'aviez pas ça à la NFL, qui gagnerait?
I'll have you know that painting's got commitments all over the city.
Je vous ferai savoir que ce tableau a des engagements partout dans la ville.
You have got to be ruthless, believe me. If there's anything or anyone That's not pulling their weight,
Si quelque chose ou quelqu'un ne paie pas son dû, traînez-le dans votre bureau et faites-lui les poches.
He already let you go, so we have to tell ourselves that he's got no reason to kill Scott.
Il t'a bien laissée partir, donc a priori, il n'a pas de raison de tuer Scott.
But you have got to put that behind you.
Mais vous devez l'accepter.
If you'd have stayed longer that day, you might have got her and Nick's lunchtime reunion.
si t'étais resté plus longtemps ce jour-là, t'aurais pu l'avoir avec Nick.
If this was ten years ago, making that bullet disappear from the crime scene would have guaranteed you got away with murder, but have this new science, it's called "lead memory," that will prove to a jury you killed your ex-partner.
si cela c'était passé il y à 10 ans, faire disparaître cette balle de la scène du crime aurait garantie votre liberté, Mais il y a cette nouvelle science, qui s'appelle "la mémoire du plomb" qui prouvera à un jury que vous avez tué votre ex-partenaire.
Whatever you are. You've got your motive, whatever that is, but you no longer have a date.
Qui que vous soyez, vous avez votre motif, quoi qu'il en soit, mais toi tu n'as plus de rendez-vous.
- You have got to change that phone's settings.
Tu devais changer les réglages de ce téléphone.
Mais si vous me dites que ce n'est pas ça, alors, il y a une fuite inexplicable qui aurait pu faire son chemin jusqu'en Corée du Nord.
Both the exemplar that you got from the reporter and the murder weapon have the same composition, color, texture and thickness.
Les exemplaires du journaliste et de l'arme du crime ont tous deux les mêmes composition, couleur, texture et épaisseur.
We don't have to monkey with that clue. No more bothering with check points. You got your computer there.
Plus besoin de tripoter ce téléphone, plus de soucis avec les checkpoints, et t'as ton ordinateur.
In the time that you got here, you have placed a subclavian line without supervision, you tapped a VP shunt without even calling neurosurgery, you overrode an attending to give Digibind to a guy that was already brain dead...
Depuis que vous êtes là, vous avez placé une voie sous-clavière sans surveillance, vous avez percé une dérivation VP sans même appeler la neurochirurgie, vous avez forcé un titulaire à donner du Digibind à un type déjà dans le coma...
But, my God, man, and I say this from my heart, you have got to lay off that underage pussy.
Ah oui? Lesquels? Ça restera entre Cicatrice et moi.
You going to have to do better than that. Hey, I wasn't even in town when the kid disappeared. I didn't even hear about it until I got back.
"Little lies" interprétée par Fleetwood Mac.
Whe Jamal said that you have come from Dubai.... then I got to know.
Quand Jamal m'a dit que vous veniez de Dubai.... j'ai voulu savoir.
To not have to deal with the fact that you've got a daughter?
Faire comme si tu n'avais pas de fille?
Look, Miri, we got plenty of sex going on in this thing, you don't have to do that.
Regarde... Miri, on a suffisamment de sexe déjà dans cette histoire, te sacrifier est inutile.
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