Have you heard traducir francés
7,464 traducción paralela
Um... have you heard of the Internet?
Vous avez entendu parler d'Internet?
Have you heard from them?
T'as des nouvelles?
Have you heard about James?
Tu as appris pour James?
Have you heard the expression : "There is no'I'in team."
Tu connais l'expression : ne pas faire cavalier seul?
- Hey, uh, wh-what have you heard of that new place on col-Colorado and 26th?
- Hey, tu penses quoi de ce nouvel endroit à l'angle de Colorado et la 26ème?
Have you heard from him at all recently?
Vous avez des nouvelles récentes de lui?
MAN [OVER PHONE] : Have you heard from our snitch from the DEA lately?
On a des nouvelles du mouchard à la DEA?
Have you heard of a process called cogeneration?
Avez-vous déjà entendu parlé de la co-génération?
Hey, listen, I'm just curious, have you heard any gossip about anybody here at the prison lately?
Hé, écoutez, par curiosité, avez-vous entendu des potins sur une personne ici à la prison dernièrement?
Have you heard of them?
Tu en as entendu parlé? Non.
Hey, have you heard from your sister?
Tu as des nouvelles de ta sœur?
How about justice? Have you heard of it?
La justice, ça vous dit quelque chose?
Have you... have you heard from Calvin lately?
As-tu... as-tu eu des nouvelles de Calvin récemment?
Have you heard from the girls?
- As-tu des nouvelles des filles?
Have you heard from Finn yet?
As-tu des nouvelles de Finn?
Have you heard from her?
As tu entendu parler d'elle?
Have you heard this song I heard on the radio?
Avez-vous entendu cette chanson à la radio?
Have you heard about this case?
As-tu entendu parler de ce dossier?
Have you heard anything about him?
Avez-vous entendu quelque chose sur lui?
And have you heard anything about what could be the attitude of Hong Kong authorities towards this case, whether they've contacted you or asked you anything about the whereabouts of Snowden and whether that is another...
Connaissez-vous la position des autorités de Hong Kong? Vous a-t-on contacté? Vous a-t-on demandé où se trouvait Snowden?
You have heard I've been promoted to the board and we're all very eager to get to the bottom of what's been going on, specifically this, um... This whole garden fiasco.
Vous avez entendu dire que j'ai été promu au conseil et on est tous impatients d'allé au fond de ce qui s'est passé, spécialement ce... ce fiasco complet du jardin.
It was a great choice, and if I hadn't jumped in and let you speak your mind, you know what he would have heard?
C'était un bon choix. et si j'avais pas débarqué ici et laissé parlé ton esprit, tu sais, ce qu'il aurait entendu?
Especially considering from the small part of the conversation that I heard, you two seem to have quite a history.
Surtout si on considère le bout de conversation que j'ai entendu, vous sembliez avoir un passé toutes les deux.
I have a family, and when I heard you were angry enough to come after me, I actually considered buying a gun, and that's when I realized, " this is crazy.
J'ai une famille, et quand j'ai entendu que vous étiez assez en colère pour me retrouver, j'ai réellement pensé à acheter une arme, et c'est à ce moment-là que j'ai réalisé, " C'est n'importe quoi.
You must have heard talk.
Vous avez dû en entendre parler.
When you see it here, so... have you surely heard about me on the news.
Vous avez sûrement entendu parler de moi aux infos.
Heard from a colleague everything you have been exposed.
J'ai appris tout ce par quoi tu étais passé.
Just so you know, I am about to use some language, which, even though you work in a maximum security prison, you may not have heard before.
Juste pour que vous le sachiez, je suis sur le point d'utiliser un langage, que, même si vous travaillez dans une prison à sécurité maximale, vous n'avez pas dû avoir entendu avant.
Have you ever heard of a folie a deux, Jane?
Avez-vous déjà entendu parler d'une folie un deux?
Em, I swear to you, I heard what I heard, word for word, the exact same story, told the exact same way by two people who claim to have no knowledge of each other.
Em, je te jure que j'ai entendu ça, la même histoire mot pour mot, racontée par deux personnes qui prétendent ne pas se connaitre.
Have you ever heard of acoustic cryptoanalysis?
Avez-vous entendu parler de la cryptanalyse acoustique?
So you know, madame... I have heard him making promises to miss Adeline.
Vous savez, madame... je l'ai entendu faire des promesses à Mlle Adeline.
I hope you're not bringing a Phansigar here, because I have heard of them.
J'espère que tu va pas ramener un Phansigar ici, parceque j'ai entendu parler d'eux.
... put you on some train tracks... ... and you would have heard a train coming and died of fright.
T'aurais entendu le train s'approcher tu serais mort de peur.
Or you'd think we'd have heard something by now.
On aurait dû avoir des nouvelles.
Soldier, have you ever heard of Domestic Civilian Transference Syndrome By Proxy?
Soldat, avez-vous déjà entendu parlé du syndrome de transfert du Civil domestique par procuration?
I wish I would have, you know, heard something.
J'aurais aimé, vous savez, avoir entendu quelque chose.
Nick, I'm glad you're back, but really, you should have heard her.
Nick, je suis contente que tu sois de retour, mais franchement, tu aurais du l'entendre.
Have you ever heard of a plant called Votura?
As-tu déjà entendu parler d'une plante appelée Votura?
Have you ever heard of steganography?
Tu as déjà entendu parler de la stéganographie?
Have you ever heard a British person try to say "y'all"?
As-tu déjà entendu un anglais essayer de dire "y all"?
Have you ever heard a British person try to say "y'all"?
As-tu déjà entendu un anglais essayé de dire "y all"?
If half of what I've heard about NCIS is true, you guys must have something the FBI doesn't.
Si la moitié de ce que j'ai entendu sur le NCIS est vraie, vous devez avoir quelque chose que le FBI n'a pas.
- I have to check my files. Joe, you heard him, all right?
Joe, tu l'as entendu, n'est-ce pas?
I'm sure you've heard that my brother, Jared, is going to have a new day in court.
Je suis sûr que vous avez appris que mon frère, Jared, va comparaître à nouveau.
Have you ever heard of a little Sylvester Stallone arm-wrestling drama
As tu déjà entendu parler de d'un petit film de Stallone
I would have done anything for her, despite what you may have heard from other people.
J'aurai tout donné pour elle, en dépit de ce que tu as sûrement entendu dire par les autres gens.
Hey. Uh, by the way, have you, uh, heard from Caroline?
Au fait, tu as des nouvelles de Caroline?
All I've heard you say is that you have no hope and that this is your hell, so if it's so bad, why don't you just end it?
Tu n'arrête pas de dire qu'il n'y a plus d'espoir et que c'est ton enfer, alors si c'est si horrible que ça, pourquoi tu n'y mets pas fin?
Hey, speaking of causes, have you ever heard of garbage island?
Hey, en parlant de causes, Tu as déjà entendu parler de l'ile aux déchets?
As you may have heard, there is a CIA Agent who has revealed a lot of information, and he is now trapped in the, um, the airport in Moscow.
Un agent de la CIA a révélé un grand nombre d'informations. Julian Assange, Fondateur de WikiLeaks Il est maintenant coincé à l'aéroport de Moscou.
have you heard anything 53
have you heard of it 27
have you heard the news 42
have you heard from her 25
have you heard of him 20
have you heard from him 47
have you eaten yet 24
have you eaten 167
have you seen this man 54
have you ever seen 18
have you heard of it 27
have you heard the news 42
have you heard from her 25
have you heard of him 20
have you heard from him 47
have you eaten yet 24
have you eaten 167
have you seen this man 54
have you ever seen 18
have you been here before 40
have you got it 61
have you seen my 26
have you been there 61
have you lost your mind 347
have you been 50
have you got that 66
have you seen him 259
have you been drinking 218
have you 2570
have you got it 61
have you seen my 26
have you been there 61
have you lost your mind 347
have you been 50
have you got that 66
have you seen him 259
have you been drinking 218
have you 2570