Is that your car traducir francés
661 traducción paralela
- Is that your car?
- C'est votre voiture?
Is that your car?
Elle est à vous?
Is that your car, there?
C'est votre voiture, là?
Is that your car?
C'est à vous, ce voiture?
- Hey, is that your car? - Yeah.
C'est votre bagnole?
- Is that your car?
- Est-ce votre voiture?
Is that your car parked back there?
C'est à vous, la voiture qui est garée là-devant?
- Is that your car?
- C'est ta voiture?
Is that your car, right there?
C'est votre voiture, là?
This one is growing about 20 cm a day at the moment, because of this warm weather so... and you can actually hear them growing, bamboos are the only plants I can claim to have heard growing because when it's growing that fast and you put your ear near the top
Celui-ci grandit de 20cm par jour en ce moment, à cause de ce temps chaud et... vous pouvez les entendre pousser, les bambous sont les seules plantes que je peux prétendre entendre pousser car lorsqu'ils grandissent aussi vite, et que vous mettez tendez l'oreille
For I concealed from him that his son wants to be the Mediator of your brothers ― and is in love with you ―! "
Car j'ai passé sous silence le fait que son fils veut être le Médiateur de vos frères - et qu'il t'aime -! "
That old can as you call it, is a darn sight more car than you'll ever drive. If you don't quit wasting your time around pool rooms.
Ce vieux tacot, ce sera toujours mieux que ce que tu auras si tu continues à traîner dans les salles de billard.
Your Honor, I move that this case be dismissed on the ground that the sole witness to the alleged crime is obviously insane.
Je propose de classer l'affaire... car le seul témoin à charge... n'a plus sa raison.
He has brought you here to me... because it is your destiny to achieve the greatest honor that can come to a woman.
Il vous a amenée auprès de moi car c'est votre destinée... de connaître le plus grand honneur qui puisse être donné à une femme.
Burn that face, that picture, into your memory... because the success of your mission, and subsequently... the destruction of the target, is linked to that man. - Duclois.
Gravez ce visage dans votre mémoire... car le succès de votre mission... et la destruction de la cible, dépendent de lui.
Mr. Pocket? I'm extremely sorry. But the fact is I've been out on your account, for I thought that coming from the country, you might Like some fruit.
Désolé, je me suis absenté car je pensais que vous auriez envie de fruits et suis allé au marché.
Just tell those people that your boss's car is mine.
Il suffit de dire que la voiture de votre patron est à moi.
If Trémouille charges you more interest than is customary, he may be pardoned on the grounds that you are very unlikely to come to your throne.
Si La Trémoille vous demande des intérêts supérieurs à ceux qu'il pratique avec ses clients, on doit lui pardonner, car il y a peu de chances que vous accédiez un jour au trône.
Now it's you who cries it's you who begs me that time that passed don't give up, don't despair your sorrow is the same as the one I had.
Mais à présent, c'est toi qui pleures qui implores le temps perdu. Ne faiblis pas, ne t'affliges pas car ta peine a été la mienne.
May I suggest to you then, Dr. Praetorius... that your refusal to divulge it is not out of loyalty to Mr. Shunderson... but is due to some unsavory and dishonorable coercion upon you... because the reason, which has been so delicately characterized here... has to do simply with Mr. Shunderson having been a convicted murderer!
Puis-je suggérer Dr Praetorius, que votre refus n'est pas de la loyauté envers M. Shunderson, mais un silence auquel on vous contraint de façon répugnante. Car la raison, qui semble si délicate, est simplement que M. Shunderson est un meurtrier.
Oh, that rascal that's been writing on your posters I think I know who it is.
Ça n'arrivera plus. Tant mieux pour lui. Car le bâton de chêne vert...
Is that not your husband with that strange car?
Est-ce que c'est ton mari? Quelle voiture étrange...
And if that's the way it is, I'll just get into your car.
Puisque c'est comme ça, je vais monter dans votre trottinette.
What does matter is that your work has been interrupted, your car wrecked.
L'important est que votre travail a été interrompu, et votre voiture accidentée.
This green stone from our mountains... that I may give it to your Prince of Egypt... for he is kind... as well as wise.
Cette pierre verte venue de nos montagnes... que je puisse l'offrir à votre prince d'Egypte... car il est bon... et sage.
See that your buddy is hospitalized. But you're paying for him... not labour!
Envoie-le à l'hôpital et paye pour lui... car notre compagnie ne paiera pas.
All that is your fault because you asked them to stay the night.
Tout ça est de ta faute car tu leur as demandé de rester la nuit.
Your Honour, I am willing to sit here and endure Mr Drummond's sneering and his disrespect. For he is pleading the prosecution's case by his contempt for all that is holy.
Votre Honneur, j'accepte de rester supporter les sarcasmes et l'irrespect de M. Drummond car il plaide en faveur de l'accusation par son mépris de tout ce qui est sacré.
Now all you have to do is to try to tell your folks that this is the kind of a car the average american drives.
Essayez de leur dire ça.
Oh, I know, this makes no difference to you because all that counts with you is to realize your ambition, to impress your friends and prove you're brilliance, but you ought to realize that I, for one,
Oh, je sais, ça ne fait aucune différence pour vous car tout ce qui compte pour vous est de réaliser votre ambition, pour impressionner vos amis et prouver que vous êtes brillant. Mais vous devez prendre conscience que j'en ai assez de cette comédie.
That is your... your car?
C'est votre voiture?
This Mario and all his employees remember very well that, some nights you were waiting in your car for this Lorella to finish her work and leave with you, to an unknown destination. Is this correct too?
Le susdit Mario et ses employés se rappellent trés bien vous avoir vu attendre dans votre voiture que la susdite ait fini son travail pour partir avec elle vers une destination aussi vague qu'inconnue.
That is why I'm going to requisition your car.
C'est pourquoi je réquisitionne votre voiture.
You with your hair that is always combed. Your suit is always white. Your car is always clean.
Le gigolo en blanc avec son auto blanche.
Is there some demon inside your car that makes it move?
Est-ce un démon qui fait avancer la voiture?
If I suggest that we try to find some other method, it is only because I happen to be completely impervious to physical pain, and I can't stand the thought of spoiling your pleasure.
Je suggère une autre méthode car je suis insensible à la douleur, et l'idée de gâcher ton plaisir m'est intolérable.
For he is lying there in wait for you inside that bottle of whiskey waiting for you to take him into your mouth.
Car il vous attend... dans cette bouteille de whisky. Il vous attend pour entrer par votre bouche.
The reason that I'm not furious at your mother is that I wouldn't have missed the fire you lit under Burning Oak for anything.
Je ne suis pas en colère contre ta mère car je n'aurais manqué pour rien au monde le scandale du club.
The bad news is that you won't be able to keep your date tonight because you're a prisoner.
La mauvaise nouvelle, c'est que tu ne pourras pas aller au rendez-vous ce soir, car tu es prisonnière.
- That is strange. A car explodes on your land... - Oh no!
avouez qu'il se passe de drôles de choses chez vous ces temps-ci, la voiture qui a explosé sur vos terres... ah non!
I am concerned that is you are your brother and relatives.
Je suis inquiète car c'est ton frère et vous êtes proches.
"And I would lik e your viewers to know I wish that was £ 10, 000, for that is what Finn and Derval mean to me :"
"Et je voudrais que vos téléspectateurs sachent que je voudrais que ce soit 10.000 £, car c'est ce que Finn et Derval représentent pour moi :"
If that door is not open in exactly one minute after you've entered the bank... you know what will happen to your family... and we will leave immediately in a car you've never seen.
Si cette porte n'est pas ouverte exactement une minute après que vous soyez entré dans la banque... Vous savez ce qui arrivera à votre famille... Et nous partirons immédiatement dans une voiture que vous n'avez jamais vu.
Return these books to their shelves, because if there's one thing you should have discovered in your studies, it is that the intelligence of man is pathetically inadequate when pitted against the forces of the unknown.
Reposez ces livres sur leurs étagères, car s'il y a une chose que vous devriez avoir découverte dans vos études, c'est que l'intelligence humaine est pathétiquement inadéquate lorsqu'elle est opposée aux forces de l'inconnu.
As in view of the present circumstances there will soon be innumerable writs taken out against you for debts long-outstanding and your credit is so blown that you could not hope to raise a shilling.
Car, vu les circonstances actuelles, il y aura sous peu... d'innombrables assignations contre vous... pour des dettes en souffrance. Votre crédit étant épuisé, vous ne pouvez espérer... emprunter un shilling.
Of course, when one in your position screws a young girl is not thinking that young people are assholes, because you grownups are false and hypocrite.
Bien sûr, quand un homme de ta position baise une jeune fille Il ne pense pas que les jeunes sont des cons, car vous, les adultes, vous êtes des faux-culs et des hypocrites.
But I think maybe what's really bothering you is that... you got half a movie done and your leading lady's in the trunk of Big Mac's car.
Mais je pense que ce qui vous tracasse c'est que votre film est à moitié fait et que l'actrice est dans la voiture de Big Mac.
- Is that your white car parked outside?
- C'est votre voiture garée dehors? - Oui.
Hey, that's no good, Cameron. Because if Jack Mitchell is your strangler, we're still the best bets you've got to nail the man.
Ca ne sert à rien, Cameron, car si Jack MitcheIl est votre étrangleur, nous sommes encore les mieux placés pour l'avoir.
Is that Senor Hector driving your car?
C'est lui en voiture?
I do not want to interfere. if your car is there means that he is in the office.
Vous voyez, sa voiture est là. Il est sans doute dans son bureau.
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that your sister 22
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that your sister 22
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your daughter 28
is that all you got 152
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that your daughter 28
is that all you got 152
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that all 744
is that better 164
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that true 1272
is that her 187
is that him 366
is that all of it 17
is that clear 774
is that all 744
is that better 164
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that true 1272
is that her 187
is that him 366
is that all of it 17