Neither of them traducir francés
487 traducción paralela
Great! Representative, even if neither of them get Kang Hyun Min, Empire Productions has far better conditions.
Bien! Empire Productions a de meilleurs conditions.
Yes. You'll have heard of it, our Representative and Director Goo, neither of them are willing to give way.
We haven't found any tracks, neither of them nor their dogs.
On n'a pas trouvé de piste, ni d'eux ni de leurs chiens.
Anything for a laugh. And if it's neither of them, it might be Dr. Germain himself
Et si ce n'est ni M. Faillol, ni le substitut, c'est peut-être le docteur Germain lui-même...
Well, neither of them could have appeared unless there had been somebody - some psychic subject - in the house who wished for them.
Elles ne seraient pas venues sans un appel psychique d'ici.
Neither of them killed Brignon. But they were both there.
Martineau n'a pas tué Brignon et sa femme non plus.
See that neither of them gets another dime.
Assurez-vous qu'aucun d'eux ne touche le moindre sou.
Or both? No. Neither of them.
Ou les deux? Aucun d'entre eux.
Neither of them attempted suicide.
Aucune d'elles ne tenta de se suicider.
Neither of them is really qualified to fill the role of wife, mother, or even responsible human being.
Ni l'une, ni l'autre ne peut être vraiment une épouse ou une mère, ni même un être normal et équilibré.
Neither of them could win against eachother.
Aucun des deux n'arrivait à vaincre l'autre.
No, neither of them.
Non, aucune des deux.
Neither of them is up to much but it's not our fault, is it?
C'est pas jojo non plus, mais on n'y est pour rien.
The thing is that neither of them got married again.
Et aucun des deux ne s'est remarié.
If neither of them know...
Tant qu'aucun des deux ne le sait...
I knew neither of them when I was young.
- Je n'ai pas connu ça, étant jeune.
But by neither of them for as much as £ 10,000.
Mais on n'avait jamais atteint 10000 £.
Neither of them are working. These are the non-winding time.
Aucune d'entre elles ne marche.
You can be sure that he and Kraatz have decided that neither of them heard the word "Normandy."
Je parie que Kraatz et lui se sont mis d'accord pour dire qu'ils n'ont jamais entendu le mot "Normandie".
With neither of them.
Neither of them came. Neither one of them.
Elles n'étaient pas sur le bâteau.
- It's neither of them.
- Aucun.
The two of them are on their way in from the airport with John's parents... and neither of them knows that Matt has decided...
Tous les deux reviennent de l'aéroport avec les parents de John... et ils ne savent pas que Matt a décidé- -
Neither of them has even noticed its absence.
Personne n'a rien remarqué.
- Neither of them has one.
- Ils n'en ont pas.
To degrade men and women to the level of beasts, and then turn them loose without even a - without even a chance to make good... is neither good justice, good morals or even good business... because there's nothing left for these fellows to do but commit further crimes in order to live.
On ravale des hommes et des femmes au niveau de bêtes... sans même une chance de les rendre... meilleurs ni qu'ils se rachètent... parce ces gens-là n'ont plus rien à faire que de commettre des crimes pour vivre
Neither one of them can see past the end of their nose.
Pas fichus de voir plus loin que le bout de leur nez!
- Neither one of them is any good.
- Aucune des deux n'est bonne.
He said, "I looked good at them legs, and the bones in neither one of them " was broke up one bit. "
Mais il a dit qu'il avait vu les jambes de Drake et qu'aucun os ne semblait fracturé.
Neither one of them.
Ni l'un ni l'autre.
Three : if neither one of them crowds get you, the express company has got its men here because 40,000 dollars in cash was taken off that stage.
- Trois. Si ni l'une, ni l'autre ne t'attrape, Ia compagnie... Express Ie fera.
I've got to see him. Well, neither one of them are quite up to a visit just now, in a little while.
Vous verrez la mère et l'enfant un peu plus tard.
Neither one of them had any right to live.
Aucun des deux n'avait le droit de vivre.
Neither of us alone is enough for them.
Aucun de nous deux tout seul leur suffit.
I will not suffer any person to speak to them, neither will I speak to them myself touching the trial held here this day, unless it be to ask them if they are agreed upon their verdict, without leave of the court.
Personne ne pourra leur parler, pas même moi, du procès qui a eu lieu aujourd'hui, sauf pour leur demander s'ils sont parvenus à un verdict.
Oh, there be players that I have seen play... and heard others praise - and that highly, not to speak of profanely - that having neither the accent of Christians nor the gait of pagan, Christian nor man, have so strutted and bellowed that I have thought some of Natures journeymen... have made men and not made them well, they imitated humanity so abominably.
J'ai vu des comédiens réputés... se pavaner et gueuler tant... qu'on eût dit... des ratés de la Nature.
- Don't be silly Neither one of them has had his hands closed since the day he was born
Ils n'ont pas fermé le poing depuis l'instant où ils ont vu le jour.
He couldn't live them. Neither could the others of his kind.
S'il n'a pas survécu, ceux de son espèce non plus.
Neither one of them looks exactly like a Pan-American highway.
Aucun des deux ne fait penser à une autoroute.
Neither you nor I, of course, wish to discuss them.
Mais nous allons éviter d'en discuter.
Mr. Berg believes they must have sneaked out of the hotel... but neither the concierge nor the two bellboys saw them.
M. Berg pense qu'ils sont discrètement sortis de l'hôtel. mais ni le concierge ni aucun des deux chasseurs ne les a vus.
Nor them cheating redcoat friends of yours, neither!
Menteur! Comme ces tricheurs de tuniques rouges qui sont vos amis!
No, only an instrument, neither good nor evil until men put it to use, and then, like so many of man's inventions, it can be used either to save lives or destroy them, to make men sane or to drive them mad,
Non, un instrument seulement. Ni bon ni mauvais, jusqu'à ce que l'homme s'en serve. A l'instar de tant d'inventions humaines, il peut sauver des vies ou en détruire.
Of that suppleness you once commanded in your youth of that strange simplicity which once attracted men to you neither endures nor shall you recapture them.
De cette souplesse propre à votre jeunesse... de cette simplicité qui plaisait aux hommes... il ne reste rien... elle sont perdues à jamais.
The man don't know wheres neither,'cause I asked him all them kind of things.
L'homme ne sait pas où, je lui ai demandé.
Neither of my teams have been able to beat them yet.
Aucune de mes équipes n'a encore réussi à les battre.
Neither of them had a heart.
Deux sans-coeur.
Till they step out of line, neither you nor I have a right to touch them.
Avant qu'ils commettent une erreur, on ne peut rien contre eux.
According to an expert in forensic medicine... neither one of them would have done it alone.
D'après un expert en médecine légale, ni l'un ni l'autre n'aurait tué tout seul.
Neither one of them speaks a word of English.
Elles ne pigent pas un mot de notre langue.
I can't see how I could possibly present them to my partners Your proposal is unacceptable Listen Jack, you know very well that the price of something is neither high nor low when it's not referred to its potential use
Cher Larry, si ce sont vos dernières conditions, je ne vois pas comment je vais pouvoir présenter ça à mes partenaires votre proposition est inacceptable
neither of us 21
neither of you 16
of them 508
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
neither of you 16
of them 508
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
neither 813
neither was i 34
neither do i 787
neither can i 176
neither will i 60
neither am i 355
neither can you 40
them too 26
theme song playing 16
neither 813
neither was i 34
neither do i 787
neither can i 176
neither will i 60
neither am i 355
neither can you 40