Quite frankly traducir francés
689 traducción paralela
But, Dr. Gogol, quite frankly, I asked you to come here to talk about Stephen.
Docteur Gogol, pour être honnête, je vous ai prié de venir pour parler de Stephen.
Quite frankly, I do.
Quite frankly, I came here professionally.
En tout honnêteté, pour raison professionnelle.
If you'd only come to me. If you'd told me quite frankly that you couldn't live without this latest luxury.
Si tu m'avais avoué que tu ne pouvais vivre sans ce dernier luxe!
So, you admit quite frankly that the explosion of the bomb was solely due to this thoughtless action of yours and yours alone?
Vous êtes donc prêt à jurer que l'explosion est de votre faute et uniquement de votre faute?
And those who want to be quite frankly cannot afford it.
Et ceux qui veulent l'être ne peuvent se le permettre.
And to spare you any possible disappointment, Mr. Worthing, I think it only fair to tell you quite frankly beforehand... that I'm fully determined to accept you.
Et pour vous épargner tout désappointement, M. Worthing, je pense qu'il serait plus franc de vous dire avant tout que je suis tout à fait déterminée à... accepter.
Gwendolen and Cecily, I will tell you quite frankly...
Gwendoline, Cécilia, je vais vous parler franchement :
They told me quite frankly that they didn't want me.
Ils m'ont dit très franchement qu'ils ne voulaient pas de moi.
It's not, quite frankly, a wholesome situation.
Très franchement, ce n'est pas une situation saine.
Quite frankly, the situation is desperate.
Pour être franc, la situation est désesperée.
I don't mind admitting quite frankly that I'm again'em.
Je vous avoue que je n'y crois pas.
Quite frankly, because no one would suspect you of carrying a payroll.
Personne ne pourra deviner que tu transportes une telle somme.
Quite frankly, I've liked having you around the house.
J'ai été heureux de t'avoir ici.
I mean quite frankly, Captain, if you do not give us a truthful explanation of your visit here, the Council sentence will be carried out to the letter.
Tout à fait franchement, capitaine, si vous ne nous avouez pas la raison de votre visite, Ia sentence du Conseil será appliquée à la lettre.
I must say, quite frankly, Miss Cooper, I've never understood how you could tolerate such boorishness, and have done all this time.
Franchement, je dois vous dire que je ne comprends pas comment vous acceptez autant de grossiéreté, et ce depuis si longtemps.
I was interviewed in San Francisco and, I said, quite frankly...
On m'a interviewée à San Francisco et, j'ai dit, très franchement...
Look, all I know is what I read in the papers. There may be some after-effects, atmospherically, due to the bomb, - but quite frankly, I wouldn't know.
La bombe peut avoir des conséquences atmosphériques mais à vrai dire, je l'ignore.
His methods, quite frankly, are most severe.
À dire vrai, ses méthodes sont très rudes.
Well, quite frankly, he's a bit difficult at times.
enfin, il a un caractère difficile.
Agreed, agreed quite frankly
J'en conviens. Franchement, vous avez raison.
Quite frankly, my government is still waiting to see... some evidence of democratic reforms in Sarkhan.
Franchement, mon gouvernement attend encore... les preuves de réformes démocratiques au Sarkhan.
Well, what I was worried about, quite frankly, was Robin living next door to Hogan.
Ce qui m'inquiétait, c'était de savoir Robin si près de Hogan.
And I can state quite frankly that this day will not come.
Mais cejour ne viendra pas!
Quite frankly, no.
MÉNÉLAS : Franchement, non.
And, quite frankly, it's time that you settled down.
Et franchement il serait temps de te ranger.
And... I quite frankly... I was really not prepared for it.
Et franchement je n'étais pas préparé à ça.
No, I can't see, quite frankly!
PÂRIS : Je ne saisis pas, franchement.
Mr Spalding, may I speak quite frankly?
M. Spalding, puis-je vous parler franchement?
Why don't you tell me to go quite frankly?
Pourquoi ne pas me dire carrément de m'en aller?
- Quite frankly, I would suggest that she needs professional guidance, although I have very little to go on.
- Honnêtement, je vous suggère qu'elle consulte un professionnel, bien que j'aie peu de connaissances sur le sujet.
Clara may I ask quite frankly how you would feel about going out to dinner with me?
Clara, dites-moi, très franchement, accepteriez-vous de dîner avec moi?
Quite frankly, we have had some very reliable intelligence reports that quite a serious epidemic has broken out on Clavius.
Sincèrement, d'après des renseignements de source sûre, une grave épidémie aurait éclaté sur Clavius.
Although, quite frankly, I don't think anyone would believe it.
Même si, honnêtement, je ne pense pas que quiconque y croira.
Every time they go to Rome they get lost in the shops, go to the movies, stop by in some restaurant, quite frankly, I'm pretty fed up trying to keep up with those live wires
Je ne sais pas quoi dire, M. Sanders. Chaque fois qu'ils vont à Rome ils se perdent dans les magasins, aller au cinéma, arrêtez dans un restaurant. Très franchement, je suis assez marre d'essayer de suivre ces cinq fils.
All right, fine. I tell you, quite frankly, I look forward to the trip.
Parfait, j'ai hâte de faire ce voyage.
Quite frankly, I'm against people who commit suicide.
Franchement, je suis contre les gens qui se suicident.
Quite frankly, I'm against people - who give vent to their loquacity - by extraneous bombastic circumlocution.
Franchement, je suis contre les gens qui laissent libre cours à leur loquacité par des périphrases emphatiques hors de propos.
By avoiding wood and timber derivatives and all other flammables, we have almost totally removed the risk of... Quite frankly, I think the central pillar system may need strengthening a bit.
En évitant le bois et ses dérivés et tous ce qui est inflammable, nous avons presque totalement écarté le risque de... Pour être franc, je pense que le système a besoin d'être un peu renforcé.
May I also speak quite frankly?
Permettez-moi d'être sincère.
I'm sure I was right when I raised that. Quite frankly, more certain now.
"J'avais raison d'insister sur ce point."
Well, frankly, I'm not quite sure I haven't been.
- Par vous, sûrement.
I developed quite a yen for those fast, open boats... and frankly, this is gonna be quite a letdown.
J'adore les grands bateaux ouverts. Je ne vous cache pas ma déception.
Frankly sir, I think there is nobody quite like my wife.
Franchement monsieur, je pense que nulle n'égale mon épouse.
I hope, Cecily, I shall not offend you... if I state quite openly and frankly that you seem to me to be... the visible personification of absolute perfection.
Cecilia, j'espère que vous ne serez pas choquée si j'affirme tout à fait franchement et ouvertement que vous paraissez la personnification visible de la perfection absolue.
He said quite frankly, he admitted
Il m'a dit...
Frankly, Washington is quite upset about your lack of enthusiasm so far.
Gomez, appelons la...
Frankly, I don't understand it, but the orders were quite specific.
Mais les ordres sont formels. Je m'y soumets!
We do need a pilot on this project and frankly, I considered your chances of survival quite remote.
Il nous faut un pilote, M. Towns. Et je considérais vos chances de survie comme minimes.
Frankly, I'm quite surprised. I thought your department had better use for its men.
Je suis surpris, je croyais que votre service utilisait mieux ses hommes.
"Is or isn't trustworthy. Frankly, his frankness impressed us quite a lot."
Franchement, sa franchise nous a impressionnés.
frankly 1804
franklyn 24
frankly speaking 30
quite 566
quite interesting 19
quite the opposite 151
quite well 74
quite the contrary 91
quite often 32
quite a few 36
franklyn 24
frankly speaking 30
quite 566
quite interesting 19
quite the opposite 151
quite well 74
quite the contrary 91
quite often 32
quite a few 36
quite literally 47
quite a bit 64
quite good 34
quite nice 19
quite a lot 58
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quite right 315
quite so 150
quite a while 18
quite a sight 16
quite a bit 64
quite good 34
quite nice 19
quite a lot 58
quite sure 96
quite right 315
quite so 150
quite a while 18
quite a sight 16