Quite often traducir francés
313 traducción paralela
- Yes, quite often.
- Si, souvent.
I know men watch it quite often.
Je sais que les hommes en regardent.
I've heard your name quite often, Jerry.
J'ai beaucoup entendu prononcer ton nom.
I make the trip quite often.
Je fais le voyage assez souvent.
You know, I had an elder brother who used to faint quite often.
Mon frère aîné aussi s'évanouit souvent.
I make the trip quite often.
Je vais souvent le voyage.
Quite often, though, not as quick as people think, Jim.
Assez souvent, d'ailleurs, et pas aussi vite qu'on pense.
- You used to come in and see me quite often.
Vous aviez l'habitude d'entrer ici et de venir me voir assez souvent.
Oh, yes, it has, Miss Agnew, quite often.
Mais si, très souvent.
Quite often.
I think quite often I've given in, in order to avoid scenes and upsets and....
Je crois que j'ai souvent cédé pour éviter des scènes, des contrariétés et...
You know I used to come down here quite often and explore these old caves when Jack and I first came to live here.
Je venais souvent ici quand nous nous sommes installés.
I really can't say, though I saw him quite often in Paris.
Je ne sais pas. Je l'ai bien connu à Paris...
And quite often, he isn't the best judge of how much he has given.
Et l'on n'est pas toujours le meilleur juge.
If she thinks about it too much, she can go out and get a little tight... which she's doing quite often lately.
Et quand elle est déprimée, elle sort se soûler... ce qu'elle fait beaucoup, ces temps-ci.
And you're thinking that with a man of the world like Totsky there must have been things going on quite often and that your little fiancée...
Vous pensez qu'avec un viveur, comme Totski il s'est passé des choses souvent et que votre petite fiancée...
Quite often Nature seems to fumble, Mrs Evered...
Comme à d'autres : Sans raison.
Surgeons quite often ask nurses on informal occasions.
C'est l'usage.
That quotation occurs to me quite often in my profession.
On s'en aperçoit dans ma profession.
- No, in fact, I recall her quite often.
- Pas du tout, je m'en souviens.
I understand your wife used to come here quite often.
Votre femme venait ici assez souvent.
Quite often, one can get the lipstick off with breadcrumbs. But...
Les traces de rouge sont dures à enlever.
- Good evening. You're coming around to Maxwell's quite often these days.
Vous venez souvent, ces temps-ci.
Yes, we met quite often.
Oui, nous nous voyons assez souvent.
That's what she calls me when I get a little too big for my britches, which is quite often.
Elle m'appelle ainsi quand mes chevilles enflent.
Your wife comes into the store quite often.
Votre femme vient souvent au magasin.
The impossible is quite often possible.
L'impossible est parfois possible.
Oh, yes, quite often.
Assez souvent.
Yes, quite often.
Oui, assez souvent.
He works late quite often.
Il travaille souvent tard.
As a matter of fact, they quite often drive into town together.
En fait, ils vont souvent en ville ensemble.
We'll be coming in quite often, as a matter of fact.
Nous viendrons assez souvent, maintenant.
Well, you used to come quite often, they say.
Vous veniez souvent, à ce qu'on dit.
I'd seen Lucia quite often, but we didn't even say hello.
J'avais vu Lucia assez souvent, sans même nous saluer.
Near the channel in a dense thicket, where the reeds violently grew lived an ancient Tanuki, who tricked people quite often.
Près du chenal, dans un épais fourré, là où poussent les roseaux sauvages, vivait un ancien Tanuki, qui jouait bien souvent des tours aux gens.
But lately I've been thinking that I might just keel over and die. I imagine that quite often.
J'ai souvent l'impression ces temps-ci que je vais avoir une mort soudaine.
- Yes, quite often.
Le soir, souvent.
Quite often when he started his work, but not much the last months.
Assez souvent au début, mais pas les derniers mois.
I see your father quite often.
Je vois souvent votre père.
I have no faith in doctors. They often make mistakes. Quite right.
Après ce qu'il a dit... Je n'ai pas confiance en les médecins, ils se trompent souvent.
- Yes, quite often.
- Oh, very often, quite a lot of money.
Très souvent. Beaucoup d'argent.
I often need to be out quite late at night.
J'ai souvent besoin de sortir très tard la nuit.
He was quite a boy. The teacher often wondered how he found his way to school.
On se demandait comment il faisait pour se souvenir du chemin de l'école.
Not quite as often, but often.
Moins souvent qu'avant, mais on le voit beaucoup.
Still, I never quite lost sight of the goal. Inaccessible as it often seemed to me... When I was merely a...
Mais je ne perdis pas de vue mon but, inaccessible semblait-il pour moi qui n'étais... qu'un membre indifférencié de cette foule de travailleurs londoniens.
Yes, I am quite aware of the fact, and I often wish that, in public at any rate, you would be more demonstrative.
Oui, j'ai très bien remarqué ça. Souvent j'aurais voulu qu'en public, vous fussiez un peu plus démonstratif.
Yes, children often commit murders. And quite clever ones, too.
Oui, les enfants commettent des crimes, fort habilement même.
That's a question I've often asked myself, sir. It's worried me quite a bit.
C'est une question que je me suis souvent posée et qui m'obsède.
We don't often mention Lori Shannon in our household though I understand she's quite happy, too.
Nous ne parlons pas souvent de Lori Shannon. Mais il paraît qu'elle est très heureuse.
Men like Tom are often quite reticent about things that are nearest to their hearts.
Souvent, les hommes comme Tom taisent ce qui les touche de plus près.
often 203
oftentimes 22
quite 566
quite interesting 19
quite the opposite 151
quite well 74
quite the contrary 91
quite a few 36
quite literally 47
quite a bit 64
oftentimes 22
quite 566
quite interesting 19
quite the opposite 151
quite well 74
quite the contrary 91
quite a few 36
quite literally 47
quite a bit 64
quite nice 19
quite good 34
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quite so 150
quite a while 18
quite a sight 16
quite all right 51
quite simply 51
quite good 34
quite sure 96
quite a lot 58
quite right 315
quite so 150
quite a while 18
quite a sight 16
quite all right 51
quite simply 51