Quite possibly traducir francés
255 traducción paralela
I'm quite possibly wrong but I have known cases... when a sudden shock or blow has induced the most vivid impressions.
Excusez-moi, je me trompe peut-être Sous l'effet d'un choc, on peut voir des mirages...
Quite possibly there are things going on behind the scenes. Quite possibly justice is being hoodwinked, Sam.
Il est possible que ça cache quelque chose... ou que la justice soit aveugle.
That will quite possibly go down as the luckiest incident in the history of world war ii.
Sûrement le plus gros coup de chance de cette guerre. De chance?
Quite possibly you might have some information as to where she is.
Je pensais que peut-être, vous pourriez savoir où elle se trouve.
You seem to be an enterprising young man, a man I could quite possibly use.
Vous me semblez être un jeune homme entreprenant, de ceux dont je pourrais me servir.
Quite possibly you don't.
Probablement pas.
- Quite possibly.
Très probablement.
You said no damage was caused, whereas, in fact, you were attacked and quite possibly knocked out.
Non, rien. Rien là-dedans?
I'm sure we'll find them... but quite possibly empty.
Nous les retrouverons sûrement.. mais probablement vides.
I simply feel that when two heads of state meet in good faith, they must gain a better understanding of each other, and, quite possibly, they could accomplish something for peace.
Mais quand deux chefs d'état se rencontrent en toute bonne foi, ils doivent arriver à une meilleure compréhension mutuelle, permettant d'avancer sur le chemin de la paix.
Your heart begins to pound, and quite possibly... your hands may begin to perspire freely.
Votre cœur se met à battre et il est possible que vos mains deviennent moites.
Quite possibly.
STEVEN : Possible.
They may quite possibly be able to accomplish it.
Il se peut très bien qu'ils réussissent.
She was the kind who asks for it. In her marriage, in her life... Quite possibly in her death.
C'était ce qu'elle recherchait dans son mariage, dans sa vie et dans sa mort.
Quite possibly for the rest of our lives.
Fort vraisemblablement pour le reste de nos jours.
( Indistinct voice ) Quite possibly.
C'est possible.
Zale is certainly resourceful enough. And quite possibly ruthless enough.
Zale est sûrement assez ingénieux pour ça... et sûrement assez impitoyable.
Quite possibly, my Lord. But we must be certain.
Il faut s'en assurer.
Well, the meaningless fact of the fortune cookie or the turtle's egg... can't possibly have any relevance to the subject you're analyzing. Whereas a group of meaningless facts that are collected and interpreted... in a scientific way may quite possibly be relevant.
Le "présage" de l'horoscope ou de l'œuf est sans rapport avec l'événement qu'on analyse, mais l'interprétation scientifique peut expliquer des données apparemment décousues.
Quite possibly I'll stop loving her some day.
C'est tout à fait probable que je cesse un jour de l'aimer.
Quite possibly.
Peu probable.
You cost Crawford Tillinghast his mind. Quite possibly his life!
Je vous ai écouté la première fois, un mes meilleurs hommes en est mort.
- Quite possibly.
- C'est possible.
Quite possibly.
C'est fort possible.
Yes, quite possibly.
Oui, sans doute.
Would you also be willing to accept the theory, George, that, quite possibly, by examining the evidence of one case, we might shed a little light on the other?
Tu es prêt aussi à accepter la théorie que, sans doute, l'une des affaires peut éclairer l'autre?
Mr. Cody, this is quite possibly the best soup I've ever had, and I know, because my Stanley was a first-rate cook.
C'est la meilleure soupe que j'aie jamais mangée. Je le sais, car mon Stanley était un cuisinier de 1re classe.
"but he is quite possibly the foulest man I have ever met."
"mais c'est l'homme le plus grossier que j'aie jamais rencontré."
Kate, this man we're dealing with is quite possibly a dangerous criminal.
Il se peut que cet homme soit un dangereux criminel.
Quite possibly we may even change Ming's territory
Très probablement nous pouvons même changer le territoire des Ming.
Quite possibly, Mr. Dawson.
C'est fort possible.
Quite possibly, Mr. Folsom.
C'est fort possible.
Quite possibly she'll display severe psychotic behaviour.
Elle aura probablement un comportement psychotique aigu.
- Quite possibly.
- Sans doute.
Quite possibly. Or a shifting of the Earth's axis, or some sort of ecological disaster.
Ou un changement de l'axe terrestre ou une catastrophe écologique.
Mulder, these men are quite possibly the same ones who killed your father... and who systematically tried to destroy you... by turning everyone you could trust against you.
Ces gens sont sans doute ceux qui ont tué ton père et qui ont voulu te détruire en t'aliénant tous tes amis.
Then, about a week later, it suddenly occurred to me, quite possibly he was right.
Et puis, une semaine plus tard, il m'est venu à l'esprit, qu'il avait certainement raison.
Quite possibly anybody who's been inoculated over the past 50 years.
Probablement toutes les personnes vaccinées ces 50 dernières années.
So, if anything, I'm actually the antithesis of Ahab..... because if I did have a peg leg, I'd quite possibly be more happy..... and not feel the need to chase after creatures of the unknown.
Donc, je suis plutôt l'opposé d'Achab car si j'avais une jambe de bois, je serais peut-être plus heureux et je n'aurais pas besoin de traquer des créatures mystérieuses.
That what you're looking at is quite possibly from Mars.
Que cette roche pourrait provenir de la planète Mars.
That being the case, it is quite liable to recur, possibly with the same results.
Et le cas peut se reproduire... avec les mêmes résultats.
Possibly, Mr. Ibbetson isn't quite so interested in them.
M. Ibbetson ne s'y intéresse peut-être pas tant que ça.
Possibly. But it was quite conclusive.
Oui, probablement, mais c'était assez concluant.
You're a suspect for sabotage and quite possibly murder, so I'd like to know what you're up to.
Je connais l'endroit comme ma poche.
Of course, a lot of characters, most of them possibly, are naked, but quite simple, quite pure.
Bien sûr beaucoup de personnages, la plupart peut-être même, sont nus mais très simples, très chastes.
- Possibly. Not quite the diet for a grown man.
Peut-être, mais ça ne convient pas à un adulte.
Someone who loves her, cares about her... who would give up everything for her... is somehow less trustworthy than some doctor... or even an overworked... and possibly quite callous nurse?
Quelqu'un qui l'aime, qui s'intéresse à elle, qui donnerait tout pour elle... est moins digne de confiance qu'un quelconque docteur... ou un infirmier grincheux et surchargé de travail?
Porter was shocked... Very disturbed at this possibly quite dangerous young man... I had innocently taken into my place.
Il était choqué, profondément troublé par ce dangereux jeune homme... que j'ai laissé venir chez moi.
I demonstrated, quite cogently, I think, that of all the people in the house, only you, monsieur mayfield, monsieur carlisle and myself could possibly have stolen those papers. yes?
J'ai démontré, de façon assez saisissante, que de toutes les personnes présentes, seuls vous, M. Mayfield, M. Carlyle et moi-même aurions pu commettre ce vol.
The next time you want a revelation could you possibly find a way that isn't quite so uncomfortable?
La prochaine fois... que vous voulez une révélation... pourriez-vous trouver un moyen... qui ne soit pas... aussi... inconfortable?
Quite possibly, yes.
Probablement, oui.
possibly 1058
possibly not 17
quite 566
quite interesting 19
quite the opposite 151
quite well 74
quite the contrary 91
quite often 32
quite a few 36
quite literally 47
possibly not 17
quite 566
quite interesting 19
quite the opposite 151
quite well 74
quite the contrary 91
quite often 32
quite a few 36
quite literally 47
quite a bit 64
quite good 34
quite nice 19
quite a lot 58
quite right 315
quite sure 96
quite so 150
quite a sight 16
quite a while 18
quite all right 51
quite good 34
quite nice 19
quite a lot 58
quite right 315
quite sure 96
quite so 150
quite a sight 16
quite a while 18
quite all right 51