They come and go traducir francés
516 traducción paralela
"Two by two they come and go"
"2 par 2, ils viennent et vont Petit Patapon!"
Ah, knocks, they come and go.
Attendez, les coups sont trop intenses!
They come and go here faster than the favorite at Aintree.
Ça change plus souvent ici que les cotes des courses hippiques.
No, here they come and go. They buy and sell.
Non, elles vont et viennent, elles achètent et elles vendent.
They come and go.
Elles vont, elles viennent.
- They come and go like flies.
- Elles vont et viennent, vous savez.
They come and go, but Dad's around for keeps.
Ils disparaissent, papa est toujours là.
They come and go all evening.
Elles vont et viennent toute la soirée.
( Man ) ♪ people in life, they will come and go ♪
♪ people in life, they will come and go ♪
Well, ask him to come in, and fellowes, you can tell the jackmans that they can go back to that cottage.
Faites-le entrer et dites aux Jackman de rentrer chez eux.
In this business, they come and they go.
Dans ce métier, elles vont et viennent.
In this business, they come and they go.
Dans ce business, elles vont et viennent.
Oh, go on, quick. Before they come in and slips me the black spot.
Vite, avant qu'ils n'entrent et me flanquent la tache noire.
And again the people come and go and they will be engrossed anew and happy... and inspired, for the idea and the Movement live on in our people... and with the Movement are symbol of eternity!
De nouveau les gens vont et viennent et ils seront absorbés à nouveau et heureux... et inspirés par l'idée du mouvement vivant dans notre Peuple... et ce mouvement est le symbole de l'éternité!
They shall come in peace to the tomb and go in peace.
Ils viendront en paix au tombeau et s'en iront en paix.
They often come back to life, and go out for little walks.
Elles prennent souvent vie pour aller se balader.
Not exactly pains, but, uh, they come and they go.
Pas exactement des douleurs, elles sont passagères.
They come and they go.
Ils vont, ils viennent.
So he said they want to come down and fight our gang, see, but they got a guy with his leg broke bad, and maybe he can't go'round on account of poison.
Il m'a dit qu'ils viendront affronter notre gang, mais qu'un des leurs s'est cassé la jambe, et qu'il aurait aussi été empoisonné.
They sweat, slave, and go without food in the hope that someday... someone like you will come out and notice them.
Elles s'échinent et s'affament dans l'espoir qu'un jour, vous daignerez les voir.
His lights will go out and they won't come on quick.
Ses lumières vont s'éteindre longtemps.
They come and they go. Yeah, they come and they go.
Personne n'est irremplaçable.
If you let them go, they'll come back and burn this place.
Si tu les laisses partir, ils vont tout brûler.
Did he tell you how thoughts come and how they go?
Et qu'en est-il de la circulation des pensées?
They were paid to come and so they can't go away.
On les a payés pour venir. Ils ne peuvent pas partir.
They come and they go but I stay.
Ils vont et viennent, je reste.
The marshal and the posse go out, and they come back. No prisoners, nothing but excuses.
Le marshal et son expédition partent et reviennent, sans prisonniers.
Go to your places and take them as they come in!
Allez prendre position!
Yes, when they come back from Dr. Knock, they go straight to bed and start taking the treatment.
En revenant de chez le Dr Knock, ils se dépêchaient de.. .. se mettre au lit et suivaient le traitement.
They should go and come straight back, and not over that ridge.
C'est peut-être un piège. Ils ne doivent en aucun cas dépasser la butte.
They come and they go, and we don't ask any questions.
Les gens vont et viennent. On ne demande rien.
They'll come and go
"Sans bruit, ils s'évanouiront"
One by one they come And one by one to dreamland they go
Se suivant l'un l'autre. Et l'un suivant l'autre au monde des rêves.
Walt, are your boys proud when they go out and sell this stuff when they know the finish is gonna crack, the veneer will split off and the legs come loose?
Walt, vos vendeurs sont-ils fiers de vendre ceci, en sachant que le vernis craque et que les pieds se détachent?
They'll come up here to check whether Carney and the sheriff were here and I want you to go out front.
Ils vont venir voir si Carney et le shérif sont passés et vous allez sortir au devant d'eux.
They can come and go without disturbing you.
vous deranger.
I said, people come into this world without instructions... where to go or what to do. They wander a little and then go away.
On vient au monde sans savoir où aller ni quoi faire, alors on erre quelque temps et on s'en va.
They're waiting for the bus to come and go.
Ils attendent que l'autocar... arrive et parte.
We go off and fight four years. But they come and kill him here at home.
Nous survivons à 4 ans de combats... et il meurt ici, chez lui.
They come and they go.
Ils vont et viennent. - Les soucis?
Look, you start with a jaw bone, a couple of teeth, you figure whether they come from a flesh or a grass eater and you go from there!
On part de la mâchoire, de quelques dents, on découvre à quel insecte elles appartiennent, puis on continue.
You go there, you give them $ 10, they'll come and get us.
Vous allez là, leur donnez 10 dollars, et ils viendront nous récupérer.
If they're so strict with you, how come you go out with Mike and fool around?
S'ils sont si stricts que ça, comment se fait-il que vous sortiez avec Mike?
Basserman, go up to the wall and keep firing on them... in case they try to come to the front, ja.
Allez sur la route en tirant au cas où ils avanceraient.
They better go all the way with me because if they just bust me up, I'll put the pieces together so help me God, Bert I'll come back and I'll kill you.
Ils ont intérêt à me tuer parce que s'ils se contentent de me mater, je me remettrai, et je te jure, je reviendrai te tuer.
And people come and go, they walk right trough it.
C'est une chambre de passage. Il y a un constant va-et-vient.
I'm staying in Rome, and I won't come home any more. They flunked me, I don't have to go to Cantù Cermenate.
On m'a recalé, je ne vais pas à Cantu Cermenate.
My men have just come 125 miles through all sorts of hell. To ask them to go another 500 and then fight a pitched battle when they get there is not only unfair, it's impossible.
Aprés ces 300 km d'enfer, en exiger 800 de plus avec bataille rangée au bout, c'est impossible!
I know I can go in and speak to them - if they're still alive - then come back out and give an account of the situation.
On peut entrer, leur parler s'ils sont vivants, puis sortir et rapporter les faits.
Ghosts of thousands of kids who come down here for Easter week fall in love and then when it's over, they go out there to say goodbye.
Les fantômes des milliers de jeunes qui viennent chaque année ici pour Pâques, tombent amoureux et quand c'est terminé, ils viennent ici pour se dire au revoir.
They can come and go as they please. Cold war or no cold war, and so can we.
Ils peuvent aller et venir... guerre froide ou non, et nous aussi.
they come 53
they come in 23
they come here 17
they come to me 20
they come back 19
and god bless america 20
and good night 44
and god bless you 16
and good luck 151
and god said 22
they come in 23
they come here 17
they come to me 20
they come back 19
and god bless america 20
and good night 44
and god bless you 16
and good luck 151
and god said 22
and good morning to you 18
and goodbye 44
and good riddance 22
and good luck to you 22
and go 178
and go home 34
and god 50
and good 70
and go where 106
they are coming 72
and goodbye 44
and good riddance 22
and good luck to you 22
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and go home 34
and god 50
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