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What time was this traducir francés

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What time was this?
A quelle heure?
What time was this?
Quelle heure était-il?
It's 4 : 45, what time was this man killed?
Il est 4 h 45. Il est mort quand?
- What time was this explosion?
- À quelle heure l'avez-vous entendu exploser?
What was it this time, Sheila, a parachute jump into Sheepshead Bay for dear old Dooley's Little Liver Pills?
C " était quoi, cette fois, Sheila? Un saut en parachute dans Sheepshead Bay pour les pilules pour le foie Dooley?
Well, what I meant was that maybe we could just make it a lump sum this time.
Non, ce que je voulais dire, c'est... Nous pourrions arrondir la somme.
Miss Belle was a mighty fine white lady that lived in this big house a long time ago when I was no bigger than what you is, scarcely.
C'était une femme blanche d'une grande beauté qui vivait dans cette maison il y a longtemps, quand je n'étais guere plus grand que toi.
- And this was about what time?
Quelle heure était-il?
At what time of day was this?
- Quelle heure était-il?
What was it this time?
Que s'est-il passé cette fois-ci?
At an unhappy time like this it must be difficult, I know, to think of anything else... but what has happened was beyond human control, Nicholas.
En de telles circonstances, il est difficile de penser à autre chose. Mais ce qui est arrivé était indépendant de votre volonté.
What was it this time? A false alarm, Your Majesty.
Il y en avait un qui vendait des brosses.
What was it this time?
- Qu'est-ce que c'était cette fois?
Just because Lorraine's always had stomach trouble, I assumed that's what it was this time.
J'ai cru que c'étaient ses maux d'estomac.
I don't know what I was thinking about, bothering you at this time of the night.
J'aurais pas dû venir t'embêter si tard.
- And at that time... what was the profession of this Praetorius?
- A cette époque, quelle était la profession de ce Praetorius?
This time they showed what they was.
Ils ont fait leurs preuves.
What was he doing all this time?
Que faisait-il pendant ce temps-là?
- What time was this?
A quelle heure? A temps pour le train de Dublin.
When the smoke cleared and what was left of the division limped off they again told Huxley that he must find the elusive Japanese garrison who, this time, were hidden in 45 miles of island atolls.
Quand la division revint en piteux état... on nous envoya de nouveau dénicher les Japonais... qui se terraient sur 90 km d'atolls.
Lord... you sure knowed what you was doin'... when you put me in this very cell at this very time.
Seigneur... Tu savais ce que tu faisais... en me mettant maintenant dans cette cellule.
What did you see this time, Rosie? Oh, it was terrible.
Vous avez vu quoi cette fois?
And during all this time, what was their power source?
Et durant tout ce temps, quelle etait leur source d'energie?
- What beauty contest was it this time?
- Pour quel concours de beauté?
Turn it back to another time in this valley that I knew before. What time was that, Luke?
- Remonter â l'époque de la vieille vallée.
I built this factory from two little presses to what we've got now and, well, I think it's about time that I was getting out.
J'ai bâti toute cette usine à partir de deux petites presses. Il est peut-être temps que je me retire.
What was it this time?
Pour quel motif?
What I didn't imagine, however, was that around this time she would come to know the name of the secret admirer that had been sending her roses every morning.
Je n'imaginais pas, cependant, qu'elle apprendrait à ce moment-là le nom de l'admirateur secret qui lui envoyait des roses chaque matin.
Sergeant, I didn't find what I was looking for this time, either.
Je n'ai pas trouvé ce que je cherchais.
What... What was it this time?
Pour quelle raison, cette fois?
About that time, i got there, and i was running out on this log and i... hey, friend, what's on the other side of that gate there?
Je courais sur un tronc, et... Hé, l'ami. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de l'autre côté?
If I'd have known what this was all about, I'd have told the people that did this a long time ago.
Si j'avais su quoi que ce soit, je l'aurais dit depuis longtemps à ceux qui ont fait ça.
You did what? I made it plain I had no intention of turning this castle into a fun fair and that she was wasting her time here.
Je lui ai dit que le château ne deviendrait pas une kermesse et qu'elle perdait son temps.
What? When I was here last time, if I remember rightly, they'd just perfected this thing.
Quand je suis venu ici la dernière fois, si je me souviens bien, ils venaient juste de mettre au point cette chose.
Mother, what was it this time?
Que s'est-il passé, cette fois?
I was worried about what happened before and at the same time excited about this opportunity you have given me.
J'étais inquiète à cause d'hier, et excitée par la proposition que vous m'avez faite.
By the way, what was she doing in the gallery at this time of night?
Que faisait-elle dans la galerie à une heure aussi tardive?
- What was wrong this time?
Quoi encore? Comme d'habitude.
What was it this time?
C'était pour quoi, cette fois? Rien.
Your younger brother is about the thing this time What was told you in the past?
Votre frère vous avait parlé de cette affaire?
About this time, Harry became aware of her, what she was doing.
Harry l'a rencontrée à cette époque et a découvert ce qu'elle faisait.
Listen, uh, what step was the heart on this time?
Écoutez, à combien de marches se trouvait le cœur cette fois?
What was it this time?
Une histoire de monstres des mers?
Was this just a one-time thing, or what?
Ce sera seulement une fois ou quoi?
What he really wanted was a retriever... Every time that dog comes into this back yard...
Buck voulait un chien d'arrêt et quand j'essaie de le chasser il...
'suddenly realised what it was had been going wrong all this time,'and she finally knew how the world could be made a good and happy place. 'This time it was right, it would work,'and no one would have to get nailed to anything.
comprit soudain ce qui ne tournait pas rond depuis le début et sut enfin comment faire du monde un endroit agréable et heureux.
God knows what mashugana idea was going through his mind this time.
Dieu seul sait quelle idée folle lui traverse encore la tête.
What was it this time, Brain?
Il y a grève?
- How was it like? - What have you done all this time?
Vos premières impressions?
It always goes to twelve like this when the power goes off. - What time did you say it was?
Quand il se rallume, il affiche 12 h 00.
Ada, this time I've found what I was looking for.
Cette fois-ci, j'ai trouvé. Je n'ai plus besoin de chercher.

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