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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ Y ] / You said that before

You said that before traducir francés

738 traducción paralela
Ah, you said that before, you web-footed troglodyte.
Vous l'avez déjà dit. Troglodyte aux pattes palmées!
You said that before.
- Déjà dit.
I remember. You said that before.
Oui, vous l'avez déjà dit.
You said that before.
Vous l'avez déjà dit.
Yes, you said that before.
Oui, tu l'as deja dit.
You said that before. This time I mean it.
- Cet orchestre me rend fou!
- You said that before.
Tu te répètes!
You said that before.
Tu me l'as déjà dit
- You said that before. - 11 : 31.
- Tu l'as déjà dit.
All my life, I've been trying to top you. You said that before.
Je voulais vous surpasser.
You said that before.
- Tu me l'as déjà dit.
How many times have you said that before?
Combien de fois as-tu dit ça?
- You said that before.
Tu l'as déjà dit.
Ah, you said before, that you and Representative Kim are like an angel and a demon.
Que vous et le Directeur Kim étiez comme un ange et un démon.
Then, before starting the meeting, let me tell you one thing. That's right, as our Deputy Director Kim said, we're the "A".
laissez-moi vous dire une chose.
What? You said before, that a miracle is not something you wait for, but something you make. How great there is at least 1 % of hope.
Quoi? Qu'un miracle ne faisait pas parti de tes attentes mais de tes capacités. Vas-y.
- You said all that before. - Excuse me, your Honor.
C'est là que je l'ai vue étendue à terre, avec le couteau.
Anyway, he said that before his old man blew out on the show... you were going to put the Barlow girl into Miss Warner's place.
Avant que le vieux arrête tout, tu avais donné la vedette à Barlow.
You said that before.
Tu l'as déjà dit!
That's what you said before. What'd you let the fella in for?
Je ne vous dérange pas?
Before I left Dorincourt castle, the earl said that if you expressed any wishes, I was to gratify them and give you anything you desired.
Avant mon départ, le comte m'a dit que si vous avez un souhait, je devais l'exaucer.
If you'd said that before, you'd have saved us both a wetting. Come along.
Tu aurais pu le dire plus tôt, ça nous aurait évité un bain.
No, no, you never said that to a woman before, and don't say it now.
- Non, non. Tu n'as jamais dit ça à une femme, tu ne commenceras pas.
- You said that before too. Did I?
Vous l'avez deja dit, aussi.
What was that you said before?
Qu'avez-vous dit plus tôt?
You said before that I was lovely, attractive to you!
Tu as dit que j'étais charmante, que je te plaisais.
I guess nobody ever said anything like that to you before, did they?
Je suis sûr qu'on ne vous a jamais parlé ainsi avant.
I told you that once before and I meant what I said.
Je vous l'ai déjà dit et j'étais sérieuse.
- You've said that before.
Je vous le répète.
I wanted to go before, Mama... but you said you couldn't go and that I couldn't go alone.
Je voulais y aller avant, maman... mais tu as dit que tu ne pouvais pas et que je ne devais pas y aller seule.
As I said before, I am with you, providing that you can guarantee the John Doe vote.
Je vous suis à condition d'être assuré des votes pour Doe.
Major, you said last night that you'd visited Benny before.
Hier, vous avez dit être déjà venu voir Benny.
That's what you said before.
- C'est ce que vous avez déjà dit.
- Well... - You've said that before.
Vous vous répétez.
- That's what you said before.
Tu l'as déjà dit.
- That's why I said we'd plead guilty. To stop everything cold in that courtroom before you blew your topper.
J'ai dit que je plaiderais coupable... pour arrêter net la procédure.
I should have realise that when he said he loved me he must have said the same thing to you, just the day before.
- Pourquoi?
It's said that when you drown your whole life passes before you like a fast movie.
Quand on se noie, dit-on, votre vie défile sous vos yeux, comme un film accéléré.
That's what you said last year before you didn't show up at the airport.
Tu as dit ça l'an dernier et tu n'es pas venu à l'aéroport.
He said he'd drown you in the River Meuse before a thing like that should happen, and if he were not here, he charged us to do it.
Il a dit qu'il te jetterait à la rivière, si une chose pareille devait arriver. Et que s'il n'était pas ici, ce serait à nous de le faire!
Do you believe what the old man... who was doing all the talking at the Oso Negro... said the other night... about gold changing a man's soul so that he ain't the same kind of a guy... that he was before finding it?
Tu crois à ce qu'il disait, le vieux à l'Oso Negro, l'autre soir? Que l'or, ça vous change l'âme d'un homme et que le type qui en a trouvé, il est plus jamais le même?
I thought from what you said before that she was sweeter than most of the girls.
Vous disiez pourtant qu'elle était mieux que la moyenne.
- You said all that before.
Tu te répètes!
- You have already said that before.
Tu m'as déjà dit tout ça.
You said that before.
- Tu l'as déjà dit.
You said that before.
On connaît la chanson!
But you've said that! You've said that before!
Vous l'avez déjà dit dans le passé.
- You've said that before.
Vous l'avez déjà dit.
What you said before about cream being lighter than milk, that wasn't quite accurate.
Ce que vous avez dit, sur la crème plus légère, n'est pas juste.
You could have said that before Peppone drank the oil.
Tu as bien compris, Don Camillo.
You said that you were in love with the accused before the war.
Vous dites avoir aimé l'accusé avant la guerre. Est-ce exact?

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