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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ Y ] / You thought wrong

You thought wrong traducir francés

528 traducción paralela
- Then you thought wrong.
- Eh bien, non.
You thought wrong.
Tu t'es trompé.
- You thought wrong, buster.
- Tout faux, mon gars.
Well, you thought wrong, Lieutenant.
Vous avez dû mal comprendre.
I thought you two were having a bad connection, but I guess I was wrong.
Je croyais que vous étiez tous les deux dans une mauvaise relation mais j'avais tort.
You only thought you were wrong.
Tout ça, c'était dans ta tête, hein, petit?
Oh, Marmee, I'd have told you, only I thought it would blow over and it seemed kind of wrong to tell Laurie's poor little secret.
J'ai pensé que ça se dissiperait. Et puis c'était le pauvre petit secret de Laurie!
Well, you thought down the wrong alley.
Vous aviez tort.
I thought when I married you, that I could fill that void. I thought that I could take what was wrong with you and right it.
Je croyais pouvoir combler ce vide, réparer ce qui n'allait pas chez toi.
You thought I was doing the wrong thing, but I've got him.
Cette fois, je n'ai pas fait de bêtises.
And now I'll wait and see! They thought I was some jackass, you know, but they were wrong because I am a...
Et je vais voir maintenant, on me considérait bête comme un âne, mais ils se trompent parce que je suis un...
Just because he didn't know about Jessica's coma... you thought everything he said was wrong... and that mother's story was right.
Comme il n'était pas au courant du coma de Jessica, tu pensais que tout ce qu'il disait était faux. Tu croyais à l'histoire de mère.
If I asked you to do something you thought was wrong, what then?
Et si je vous demande de faire quelque chose de mal?
I thought something was wrong when you didn't come. I'd have come to explain, but I had a date and had to run.
Je voulais venir ensuite mais j'avais un rendez-vous.
You're wrong, Susan, I thought he played a splendid game.
Tu as tort Susan, je pense qu'il a très bien joué.
- Yeah, and I thought you were wrong.
- Oui, et pourtant vous aviez tort.
We thought you was dead. - Well, you was wrong.
Je voulais rentrer voir mes parents.
You know? When my mother died I thought I'd never find another woman like her but I was wrong.
Quand ma mère est morte je ne croyais pas qu'il y eut au monde une autre femme comme elle.
- Oh, please excuse me if I got you wrong but I thought that you were a real man!
- Oh, excusez-moi, si je me suis trompée, mais j'ai cru, que vous étiez un vrai homme!
Just what-what was it that you thought you did wrong?
Qu'est-ce qui vous fait penser que vous avez eu tort?
But do you remember the remote possibility that I thought could never occur... about the frog being wrong?
Vous souvenez-vous de la possibilité que je croyais impossible que la grenouille se trompe.
I thought I went to the wrong deck. Well, you haven't much time.
- Je croyais m'être trompé de pont.
I thought the wrong man was on trial, so I torpedoed Queeg for you.
Je pensais qu'on accusait un innocent, alors j'ai enfoncé Queeg.
I thought about asking you, but it seemed wrong to me.
J'ai hésité à vous demander, mais j'ai pas trouvé ça bien.
You thought I would keep my mouth shut but you were wrong.
Vous vous espériez que je me taise, vous vous trompiez.
You go ahead, Tim. I thought I'd convinced Lew this dress is wrong for me, but I guess I'll have to persuade him again.
J'ai d'abord à convaincre Lew que cette robe ne me va pas.
I was wrong about you, I thought you had a cold personality but you're very sweet
Je me trompais. Je vous croyais froide.
- And should the occasion arise in peace or war, and you thought your superiors wrong, would you rush to the newspapers... with attacks against their behavior?
Oui. Si quelque chose vous faisait dire que vos supérieurs se trompent, vous précipiteriez-vous vers la presse pour dénoncer leurs comportements?
We thought maybe we were doing it wrong, Captain. You see, we haven't had much experience.
On pensait qu'il était incorrect, on n'a pas beaucoup de pratique.
Well, I could be a hundred percent wrong, of course... but... you asked me what I thought about it... and that's it.
Je peux me tromper du tout au tout. Mais vous demandez mon avis et je vous le donne.
Charlie, I thought I dug you, but I guess I was wrong, huh?
Je croyais te comprendre, mais j'avais tort.
Oh, I never thought I'd be glad to see you. - Something wrong?
Je n'aurais jamais pensé être heureuse de vous voir.
If you thought I would defend myself you were wrong.
Si tu attends que je te supplie, tu te trompes. Tue-moi.
I thought I'd found someone who might make me forget you... but I found I was wrong.
Je pensais trouver quelqu'un pour t'oublier. Et je me suis trompée.
I thought I could trust you, but I was wrong.
J'avais donné des ordres précis.
What's wrong? You seem lost in thought.
À quoi penses-tu ainsi?
I didn't ask you what was wrong with you. I wanted to know if you thought I could help you, if you'd let me help you.
Je n'ai pas demandé ce qui n'allait pas... mais pensez-vous que je peux vous aider, m'y autorisez-vous?
You thought I was at the wrong party.
Vous pensiez que je m'étais trompé de fête.
I thought you were a reliable samurai but I see that I was wrong.
Je voyais en toi le meilleur de mes samouraïs. Je m'étais trompé.
I thought I was giving you enough but I was wrong.
Je croyais te donner assez. Mais non, tu voulais plus.
Do you suppose that's the reason Mr. Pomeroy thought there was something wrong with us?
Penses-tu que ce soit pour cela que M. Pomeroy a pensé qu'on n'était pas recommandables?
You don't think that. You've always thought there was something wrong with me, haven't you?
Tu as toujours cru que j'avais mal agi!
I thought something had gone wrong, and you couldn't make it.
Je pensais qu'il y avait un pépin et que tu voulais décommander.
... and it'll be all wrong again after you leave... ... and I just thought perhaps you might change your mind.
Il se produira la même chose si vous partez... et je pensais que peut-être vous changeriez ïavis.
I thought I'd come to the wrong place. - You're from the Northern Chapter?
- Vous êtes de la section nord?
I just hadn't seen you around anywhere so I thought something might be wrong.
Je m'inquiétais car je ne t'ai pas vue depuis un moment.
I thought something was wrong when you telephoned.
Votre appel m'a inquiétée.
If you thought of me as unsullied, you were wrong. I was eight.
Et si vous pensiez à moi comme à une fille intacte, vous devez savoir que c'est tout Ie contraire.
"If you thought of me as unsullied... now you know you were wrong."
"Si vous pensiez à moi comme à une fille intacte, vous devez savoir que c'est tout Ie contraire."
I thought I might have read you wrong, that you really were suicidal, so I came back.
J'ai pensé que j'avais tort, que vous étiez vraiment suicidaire, alors je suis revenue.
Heracles thought you were adventure-seekers. Heracles was wrong.
Héraclès pensait que vous étiez des aventuriers, il avait tord.

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