A few minutes later traducir portugués
118 traducción paralela
Dad went up to the top room And a few minutes later a telegram came for him
Esta noite, o pai subiu ao sótão e uns minutos depois recebeu um telegrama.
The drunk left the hall and came back a few minutes later... and went up on the platform and asked the lecturer to open his eye.
O bêbado saiu e voltou depois... e foi ao palco e pediu ao prelector para abrir o olho.
A few minutes later, I stumbled onto the two bodies.
Alguns minutos mais tarde, encontrei dois corpos.
At half past 9, he was heard calling for help... and a few minutes later he died painfully... before he could be reached by his faithful servant... Andre LaTour.
Às 21h30, viria a pedir ajuda e, uns minutos mais tarde, morreria de forma dolorosa, antes de ser encontrado pelo seu camarada de armas e fiel criado, André Latour.
I called back a few minutes later.
Eu telefonei para cá minutos depois... e atenderam.
A few minutes later, she'd come in with a drink in her hand... for me, just as though nothing had happened.
Depois me trazia um drinque, como se nada tivesse acontecido.
If we'd come a few minutes later, you'd have found out for yourself.
Se chegássemos mais tarde, terias descoberto por ti própria.
And a Miss Walker a few minutes later.
E uma Miss Walker alguns minutos depois.
Coming down a few minutes later, he tells the clerk :
" Ao descer alguns minutos mais tarde, entrega a chave na recepção.
A few minutes later, 365 longhorns ran over him.
Alguns minutos depois, 365 cabeças passaram-lhe por cima.
And a few minutes later, along the road, there came a marvellous drunken car, swaying back and forth, full of happy Germans who'd had a night out in Rome and were staggering back, and couldn't believe they were captured.
Minutos depois, apareceu um carro na estrada, aos ziguezagues. Estava cheio de alemães alegres que tinham passado a noite em Roma e estavam a regressar a custo. Não queriam acreditar que tinham sido capturados.
A few minutes later, you walked out with a United flight bag containing journals stolen from Abner Procane.
Uns minutos mais tarde, saiu com um saco de voo da United... Meu Deus.
A car like this was stolen a few minutes later.
- Um Plymouth como este foi roubado.
Mrs Redfern came a few minutes later.
Ms. Redfern chegou minutos depois.
A few minutes later, I heard a terrible sound...
Depois, poucos minutos depois, ouvi sons terríveis...
He was seen but not identified entering our latrine window a few minutes later.
Foi visto, mas não identificado entrou pela janela da latrina do meu barracão uns minutos depois.
And a few minutes later, a kid was killed.
E minutos mais tarde, um miúdo foi morto.
'... a few minutes later and Police Lieutenant Gelson took charge of the operation.
Minutos depois, o tenente Gelson assumiu o comando das operações.
He got up and a few minutes later we heard the shot.
Levantou-se e uns minutos depois ouvimos o tiro.
They went inside the gate. A few minutes later, they ran out... like their britches were on fire.
E minutos depois, sairam a correr... como se levassem as calças a arder.
A few minutes later, I'd pick someone else.
Minutos depois, escolhia outra pessoa.
Hardin had the directory when he called, and a few minutes later it was gone.
Ele tinha o Directório quando nos ligou. Uns minutos depois, tinha desaparecido.
And then she went out again a few minutes later.
E saiu novamente minutos depois.
You'll pass a few minutes earlier, a few minutes later - - little details, they change.
Aqui neste mesmo passeio.
I bet, right away in your gut, you knew something was up, and then just a few minutes later, you knew for sure.
Aposto que logo imediatamente nas suas entranhas soube que algo se passava, e depois apenas uns minutos mais tarde, tinha a certeza.
- Then what happened? - Ray came back a few minutes later. Dragged Jesse out with him.
- O Ray chegou uns minutos depois e levou o Jesse.
She was seen passing this checkpoint a few minutes later.
Foi vista a passar por aqui uns minutos depois.
He died a few minutes later.
Morreu poucos minutos depois.
So they'd put them in their trunk and then a few minutes later they'd hear this loud banging.
Punham-nos no porta-bagagens e pouco depois ouviam um estrondo.
Uniforms called back a few minutes later, said they checked the area, said it was a U.T.L.
Minutos depois, ligaram vários agentes, a dizer que não havia nada na área. Queres ouvir.
A few minutes later, the police showed up.
Poucos minutos depois chegou a Polícia.
They said in the emergency room, a few minutes later would have been too late.
Na sala de emergências disseram... que mais uns minutos e teria sido muito tarde.
A few minutes later... several more.
Alguns minutos mais tarde... vários mais.
General Hammond said her name, then a few minutes later it happened.
O General Hammond disse o nome dela e minutos depois aconteceu.
When I saw her with Chris... a few minutes later, she seemed perfectly fine.
Quando a vi com o Chris, minutos depois, pareceu-me perfeitamente bem.
Then just a few minutes later, we got to their house, and it was exactly 8 : 00.
Então, alguns minutos depois chegámos a casa deles e eram 8 horas em ponto.
It was, like, a few minutes later.
Era sempre uns minutos depois.
Now to this day, I don't know what happened in there, but when Marshall came out a few minutes later...
Até hoje, não sei o que aconteceu ali, mas quando o Marshall saiu uns minutos depois...
A few minutes later, the back-up arrives, they find the dead guy with handcuffs in the living room and me and the dog in the backyard, endormi en cuillère.
Alguns minutos depois, chegaram reforços. Encontraram o morto algemado na sala de visitas e eu e o cão no quintal traseiro, a dormir "em concha".
A few minutes later, she was walking around like nothing happened.
Poucos minutos depois estava a andar por aí como se não tivesse acontecido nada.
Well, they weren't happy about it, but, yeah. He took off on his motorbike, and then they left a few minutes later.
Eles não estavam contentes, mas sim, foi-se embora na mota dele... e os outros foram embora alguns minutos depois.
A few minutes later -
Alguns minutos depois...
I went after them a few minutes later.
Fui atrás deles poucos minutos depois.
I was just building him up so a few minutes later, I could totally cut him down.
Só estava a deixá-lo ambientar-se para o mandar abaixo daqui a uns minutos.
He cashed out and left a few minutes later.
Ele pagou a conta e saiu uns minutos depois.
This type of things it happened of time in when e few minutes later they said all in the suicide that they were preparing.
Este tipo de coisas acontecia de vez em quando e poucos minutos depois falavam todos no suicídio que estavam a preparar.
And it was raining so I loaned him my raincoat, and a few minutes later he was stabbed to death on the street.
E uns minutos mais tarde mataram-no na rua com uma facada.
A few minutes later that would be.
Uns minutos depois disso.
[Sighs] I got a call a few minutes later.
Ligaram-me minutos depois.
South Arm Fork which in turn caused a tsunami wave to hit the northern shore here a few minutes later.
O que é isso?
After a few minutes of hand-to-hand fighting with the SS, some Sonderkommando managed to escape into the nearby woods, but all of them were later captured and shot.
Após alguns minutos de luta corpo-a-corpo com as SS, alguns Sonderkommando conseguiram escapar para os bosques próximos, mas todos eles foram mais tarde capturados e fuzilados.
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