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A few weeks later traducir portugués

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" He returned a few weeks later and...
" Semanas depois regressou...
Anyway, a few weeks later...
De qualquer maneira, algumas semanas depois...
Maria and I had a fight. And then, a few weeks later, I moved away.
Maria e eu brigámos... e umas semanas depois, mudei-me.
A few weeks later, through the elaborate investigations... of the metropolitan police... the perambulator was discovered at midnight... standing by itself in a remote corner of Bayswater.
Umas semanas mais tarde, com as profundas investigações... da polícia metropolitana... o carrinho de bebé foi descoberto à meia-noite... sozinho num canto em Bayswater.
- Yes, a few weeks later.
- Sim, algumas semanas depois.
But a few weeks later, I ran into Doug.
Mas poucas semanas depois, encontrei Doug.
Well, we have with us tonight one of your films,'Rear Window', which was to become such a success for Alfred Hitchcock a few weeks later.
Temos connosco, esta noite, um dos seus filmes, Rear Window, que se tornou um grande êxito para Alfred Hitchcock semanas mais tarde.
It was a few weeks later that we learned that the ship, the Nora Crainer had sunk with all hands upon the Portuguese Coast some leagues to the north of a porter.
Soubemos umas semanas depois que o navio, o Norah Creina, se afundou com toda a tripulação, ao largo da costa portuguesa, a uma légua do Porto.
A few weeks later, Gilbert gets mistaken for a softball.
Umas semanas mais tarde, confundem o Gilbert com um saco de boxe.
Sold to a man named Philip Orwell, gun dealer, and stolen a few weeks later in a robbery.
Vendida a um homem chamado Philip Orwell, negociante de armas, e roubada semanas mais tarde num roubo.
Umas semanas mais tarde, casamo-nos.
After a week they married, a few weeks later, they were pregnant.
Casaram ao fim de uma semana, e algumas semanas depois ela estava grávida.
Wife and children followed him to Berlin a few weeks later.
A mulher e filhos seguiram-no até Berlim umas semanas depois.
Then a few weeks later, a visitor came to see us.
Umas semanas mais tarde, tivemos uma visita.
This one a few weeks later.
Este umas semanas depois.
You'd be proud. And then, a few weeks later I steal this radio and find a People magazine.
Daí, algumas semanas depois... estava roubando um rádio e achei uma revista People.
But then, a few weeks later, a tramp comes to Villa Geneviève.
Mas, umas semanas mais tarde, um vagabundo chega à Villa Geneviève.
And when Zoey Phillips moved into the neighborhood a few weeks later, you asked her out before her parents were done beaming in the furniture.
Quando a Zoey Phillips se mudou para o nosso bairro umas semanas mais tarde, convidaste-a a sair antes de os pais conseguirem instalar a mobília.
And then a few weeks later they all decide to take another trip on the same day on the same transport ship, under the same Captain and crew.
Algumas semanas mais tarde, todas decidiram embarcar no mesmo dia e no mesmo transporte, com o mesmo capitão e tripulação.
A few weeks later, ghetto Jews were herded together... and marched to an unknown destination.
Algumas semanas depois os judeus dos guetos foram reunidos e marcharam até um destino desconhecido.
His name was David Keegan. Some fishermen found his body a few weeks later. - He's buried in Lakewood Cemetery.
Esse chamava-se David Keegan e foi encontrado semanas depois por um pescador.
A few weeks later, I got something in the mail from Women In The Arts.
Duas semanas depois, recebi uma carta das Mulheres Nas Artes.
And a few weeks later, it got lots worse.
E umas semanas depois, ainda piorou.
A few weeks later, Kyle seemed to have improved.
Passaram-se uns meses e o Kyle parecia ter melhorado.
I didn't... until a few weeks later, when I found out I was pregnant.
Não sabia, até algumas semanas depois, quando soube que estava grávida.
[Falk.] Then, a few weeks later, just as suddenly as she moved out,
Logo, umas semanas depois, logo que se foi,
It was all forgotten until a few weeks later when suddenly his big toe started... curling in.
Foi tudo esquecido até umas semanas depois quando subitamente o dedo grande do pé começou... a inchar.
Bach sent Frederick the "Musical Offering" a few weeks later. The six-part fugue, and twelve fantasies on the King's theme.
Pouco depois, Bach mandou ao rei a "Oferenda Musical", a fuga a 6 vozes sobre a melodia do rei.
A few weeks later, my friend Aziz's son died. He'd poisoned himself.
Passadas umas semanas, na casa do meu amigo Aziz.
A few weeks later, the weapon was launched.
Algumas semanas depois, a arma foi lançada.
She called me a few weeks later.
Telefonou-me algumas semanas depois.
A few weeks later it was my birthday. And I convinced Christa to take Ecstasy with me to celebrate.
Umas semanas depois, era o meu aniversário e convenci a Christa a tomar ecstasy comigo para festejar.
A few weeks later, I answered a call from an old friend of Susan's who did not know she had died.
Algumas semanas depois, recebi um telefonema de um amigo da Susan, que não sabia que ela tinha morrido.
A few weeks later, she was like a new person.
Umas semanas mais tarde, era outra pessoa.
They came back cured a few weeks later.
Eles apareceram completemente curados poucas semanas depois.
A few weeks later, I found a loose brick in the wall.
Umas semanas depois descobri um tijolo solto na parede.
A few weeks later...
Algumas semanas mais tarde...
We moved out to California a few weeks later.
Mudámo-nos para a Califórnia umas semanas mais tarde.
After about a month she said that she couldn't leave Courtney. I was still into the CIA, so we remained friends. Then about a few weeks later, she had a new girl.
Depois de um mês, ela disse que não poderia deixar a Courtney... eu ainda estava dentro da C.I.A então decidimos ser amigas... e algumas semanas depois ela tinha uma nova garota
A few weeks later, he returned with the map.
Algumas semanas depois, ele regressou com o mapa.
But then, a few weeks later, he showed up to declare his love for her.
Mas... então... algumas semanas depois... apareceu para declarar o seu amor por ela.
A few weeks later, I was Felicia's date to Tiffany's wedding.
Poucas semanas mais tarde, Fiquei Felicia Tiffany's data para o casamento.
A few weeks later, and much to everyone's relief, Jason was finally convicted over the King Street brawl and jailed for two years.
Umas semanas mais tarde, e para o alívio de todos, o Jason foi finalmente condenado pela rixa em King Street e preso por 2 anos.
A few weeks later the city came and tore out the fountain to make way for a parking lot.
Algumas semanas depois, a câmara destruiu a fonte para fazer um parque de estacionamento.
and we tried to talk about it and figure it all out together, but... a few weeks later, she was gone.
Tentamos conversar e resolver isso juntas... Semanas depois ela foi embora.
He will pass away a few weeks later.
Ele morrerá poucas semanas mais tarde.
A few weeks later Darlan will be assassinated by a French resistance fighter.
Poucas semanas depois, Darlan será assassinado por um combatente da Resistência Francesa.
She died a few weeks later.
Ela morreu umas semanas depois.
And a few weeks later he returned to the military.
Poucas semanas depois, ele voltou para o exército.
"Opportunity" arrived a few weeks later.
O Opportunity chegou umas semanas depois.
and fires them. A few weeks later, The Doors record their first album in five days.
Poucas semanas depois, os The Doors gravam o primeiro álbum, em 5 dias.

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