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A few minutes ago traducir portugués

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A few minutes ago I was in Clue's office, and Mrs Dickson was there.
Há pouco, estive no gabinete do Cluett, e a Sra. Dickson estava lá.
A few minutes ago, it was reposing in its tray.
Há poucos minutos atrás, repousava na sua bandeja.
Why you lied so deliberately a few minutes ago.
- A mentir como há pouco...
He went upstairs a few minutes ago, Mr. Hatton.
Subiu há uns minutos.
Took off a few minutes ago.
Partiu há uns minutos.
Just a few minutes ago. I simply can't believe it.
Simplesmente não posso acreditar.
A few minutes ago.
Alguns minutos antes de vocês.
A few minutes ago, I didn't dare do this.
Minutos atrás não ousaria fazer isso.
I just bumped into her a few minutes ago and she looked at me and shook her head.
Topei com ela há poucos minutos Ele olhou para mim e balançou a cabeça.
A few minutes ago.
Há minutos.
- Willy, a few minutes ago...
- Há poucos minutos...
A few minutes ago I met a gentleman.
Mesmo agora, encontrei um Sr. Dowd.
The party just broke up a few minutes ago.
A festa acabou há pouco.
Just a few minutes ago.
Apenas uns minutos atrás.
I was here a few minutes ago.
Estive cá há pouco.
We were married just a few minutes ago.
Acabámos de casar há minutos.
There weren't that many here a few minutes ago!
Não havia aqui tantos a algum tempo atrás!
I almost killed him a few minutes ago.
Quase o matei há alguns minutos.
I think I met your bride a few minutes ago.
Creio que a conheci há uns minutos.
He went out a few minutes ago in his undershirt, hasn't come back yet.
Ele saiu há uns minutos de camisola interior e ainda não voltou.
Only a few minutes ago?
Apenas há uns minutos?
That place was full of people just a few minutes ago, and now there's nobody.
Há pouco a capela estava cheia e agora não está lá ninguém.
Are you quite certain this place was full of people only a few minutes ago?
Tem a certeza de que isto estava cheio de gente há minutos?
Mr. Barton left a few minutes ago.
O Sr. Barton partiu há alguns minutos.
But I'll swear he sat up and talked to me just a few minutes ago when Mr. Bradley...
Mas juro que ele se sentou e falou comigo há poucos minutos, quando o Sr. Bradley...
Lieutenant Cable — my friend Joe — died a few minutes ago.
O Tenente Cable, o meu amigo Joe, morreu há uns minutos.
These are some of the papers you saw printed only a few minutes ago.
HOMICIDA DO MACHADO CHACINADO NO NINHO DE AMOR Estes são alguns dos jornais que viram impressos há instantes.
A few minutes ago.
Há bocado.
I-I didn't even know your daughter was in camp until just a few minutes ago. I...
Eu nem sequer sabia que a sua filha estava no acampamento até há poucos minutos.
I put it on the stove a few minutes ago!
Coloquei-o no forno alguns minutos atrás!
Well, just a few minutes ago...
Mas apenas há uns minutos...
He went into the den a few minutes ago, sir.
Há uns minutos que foi para o gabinete, sir.
Your father died a few minutes ago.
O teu pai faleceu há poucos minutos.
I found this note in my cabin just a few minutes ago.
Encontrei esta folha na minha cabina ainda agora.
You were with him a few minutes ago.
Esteve com ele há uns minutos.
I saw her go into the house a few minutes ago.
Vi-a entrar na casa há alguns minutos.
- Mrs. Lampert, it's me... the man who was in your room a few minutes ago.
Sra. Lampert, sou o homem que estava no seu quarto.
You should have come in a few minutes ago. How do, Judith.
Devias ter ouvido o que ele disse há uns minutos atrás.
Yes, just a few minutes ago.
Sim, chegou há uns minutos atrás.
A few minutes ago.
Há uns minutos atrás.
- A few minutes ago, my lord.
- Há poucos minutos atrás, Senhor.
'An emergency call went out to the Thunderbirds a few minutes ago.
Enviou-se um apelo de emergência aos Thunderbirds.
Well, you missed a very nice photograph a few minutes ago.
Perdeu uma excelente fotografia, há uns minutos.
We had a visitor a few minutes ago.
O ajudante de Muller visitou-nos...
The next thing I knew was a few minutes ago when you reactivated my main power unit.
A última coisa que me lembro foi aqui à poucos minutos ter reactivado as baterias.
- When? A few minutes ago.
Há uns minutos atrás.
Apanhámo-los à uns minutos.
Rodriguez called a few minutes ago.
O Rodriguez ligou há minutos.
Yes, just a few minutes ago.
- Conhecemo-nos há uns minutos.
I left the house a few minutes ago.
Saí de casa há pouco.
- A few minutes ago.
Há poucos minutos.

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