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He called me traducir portugués

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He called me a cunt.
Chamou-me vadia.
- He called me...
Ele ligou-me.
In light of what happened to Ambassador Reeves, he called me in to bolster his detail.
Em razão do que aconteceu ao embaixador Reeves, ele chamou-me para reforçar a sua segurança.
Eating a hotdog after all those nasty things he called me at my sentencing.
Comendo um cachorro-quente... depois de todas as coisas terríveis que ele me chamou no julgamento.
He called me Mommy.
Ele chamou-me mamã.
One of the last things my father said to me before he was killed- - it didn't make sense at the time- - but he called me "Champ."
Uma das últimas coisas que o meu pai disse antes de ser morto... não fez sentido à época... mas ele chamou-me "Campeão."
You know, he had a heart attack and he called me up, he said, "Greg, I've had a heart attack."
Teve um ataque cardíaco. Ligou-me e disse : "Greg, tive um ataque cardíaco".
He called me that day...
Ele telefonou-me naquele dia.
You were on a plane, and he called me and asked if we could meet.
Estavas no avião quando ele me ligou a pedir um encontro.
I was surprised he called me.
Fiquei admirado por ele me ter ligado.
He called me last night.
Ele ligou-me na noite passada.
But I'll let it slide. It's funny... it reminds me of that shrink again. I mean, he called me a rigid moralist.
Mas vou deixá-la deslizar é engraçado mas lembrou-me daquele psiquiatra novamente veja, ele me chamou um moralista rígido.
He called me in for questioning.
Levou-me para ser interrogada.
This is the place where I came over after he called me and said, " l got this demo from...
Foi aqui que vim depois dele me telefonar e dizer : " Tenho esta demo do...
He called me up, right, and he told me he was coming home, and then all of a sudden his voice breaks, and he bursts into tears.
Ele ligou-me e disse que tinha tido alta. De repente muda o tom de voz e começa a chorar.
He called me late, and we hung out.
Ele ligou-me à noite e saímos um pouco.
And just before he passed away, he called me over to tell me something.
E mesmo antes de falecer, chamou-me para me dizer uma coisa.
He called me on that phone before Francine...
Ele ligou-me desse telemóvel antes de a Francine...
Besides, he called me that night I was on the bridge.
Além disso, ele ligou-me na noite em que estava na ponte.
He called me at eight o'clock. He said he was on his way home.
Ligou-me às 20h00 a dizer que estava a caminho de casa.
He called me "kid" and... He didn't stare. And make fun of me, or tease me about dating...
Ele chamava-me de "menina" e não ficava a encarar e não brincava ou ficava a caçoar de mim sobre encontros.
Yeah, but he called me first. Warning me.
Sim, mas ele me telefonou a avisar
Well, actually, he called me today and asked me if I wanted to participate in his baby's naming ceremony.
Para que saibas, ele ligou-me hoje e convidou-me para participar na cerimónia de baptizado da bebé.
If I ever talked to this guy- - which I never did- - it's because he called me.
Se alguma vez falei com esse fulano, o que nunca aconteceu, é porque ele me ligou.
I knew something was wrong when he called me a couple of days ago.
Eu percebi que se passava algo quando ele me ligou, há alguns dias.
He called me down to his office, he sat me down, and he said, " Ricky,
Chamou-me ao gabinete, mandou-me sentar e disse : " Ricky,
He called me green, Castle.
Ele chamou-me imatura.
He called me, and we had lunch, and...
Ligou-me e almoçámos juntos, e...
He called me, I bailed him out.
Ele ligou, eu paguei a fiança.
And the translator's called, and he's told me that he's found the elephant Baba.
E o tradutor ligou, e disse-me que encontrou o Baba elefante.
I got more pissed... Next thing I know, I'm on the floor and he's called the cops.
Só me lembro de estar no chão e ele chamar a polícia.
My entire life, he's never once called me that.
Durante a minha vida, ele nunca me chamou assim. Deve ser uma pista.
Anyway, I'll be sure to tell him that you called, and maybe he'll be done by the time you get here.
Me certificarei em dizer que você ligou, e talvez ele tenha terminado quando você chegar aqui.
One tiny arm, kind of withered,... he used to pick me up and threw me down! I was so scared I called for my mother!
Um braço pequenino que parecia tipo mirrado, comparado com o outro, que era enorme com uns dedos, tipo pinças, que ele usou para me apanhar e me atirar ao chão!
Listen, I just checked my messages. It turns out, Frank called me just before he was killed.
Escute, acabei de verificar as minhas mensagens, acontece que o Frank ligou-me mesmo antes de ser morto.
Last week, he called in pretending he was from some sweepstakes and told me that I'd won the grand prize of 50 cocks in my mouth.
Na semana passada, ligou a dizer que fazia parte de um concurso e que eu tinha ganho o grande prémio de 50 pilas na minha boca.
He just called me from my phone.
Ligou-me do meu telemóvel.
Oh, Nick, you know, Ronny here, he just called you his hero couple, and yet he still refuses to dance with me.
Oh, Nick, tu sabes, o Ronny aqui, simplesmente chamou-vos de heróis, e ainda se recusa a dançar comigo.
Valerie called, Did he mention that there was something I could collect?
Valerie ligou-me, mencionou que havia algo para eu apanhar?
- He was there, but he hasn't called me back.
- Esteve, mas teve uma briga.
He knows about my relationship with the NYPD, he just called me to give him some support.
Sabe da minha ligação à Polícia e ligou-me a pedir algum apoio.
He called a few days ago and said it was much bigger than I thought.
Ligou há alguns dias e disse-me que era maior - do que eu pensava.
Besides, Burns called me last night. He said he'd consider not running it if I'd do him a favor.
Além disso, o Burns ligou-me ontem à noite a dizer que não publicava se eu lhe fizesse um favor.
Harley called me that night, said he needed to throw something in my oven overnight.
O Harley ligou-me naquela noite a dizer que queria pôr uma coisa no forno.
I assume Clark told you about his journey through the looking glass. And he just called me about yours.
Presumo que o Clark lhe contou sobre a sua viagem pelo espelho.
He just hasn't called me back yet.
Ele ainda não me ligou de volta.
We were on tour, and he called to tell me about a strange dream he'd just had.
Estávamos em digressão e ele telefonou-me para me contar um sonho estranho que tinha tido.
Your parole officer just called me because he didn't know where you were.
O teu agente de condicional telefonou porque não sabe onde estás.
Some magazine editor called me out of the blue to hire me to write an article on your Prince, and I backed out the minute I knew he was with you.
Um editor de uma revista ligou-me de repente a pedir-me um artigo sobre o príncipe. Recuei assim que vi que estava contigo.
Someone called me from the building and--and told me that Chuck Bass was up here. He was threatening to jump and asking for me.
Alguém do prédio ligou-me, disse-me que o Chuck estava aqui em cima, e que estava a ameaçar atirar-se e a chamar por mim.
Rupert Crane called me yesterday, and he said he needed my help.
Rupert Crane ligou-me ontem e ele disse que precisava da minha ajuda.

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