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Phone records traducir portugués

1,292 traducción paralela
I checked her phone records, along with Tom Brandt's.
Verifiquei os registos telefónicos, com os do Tom Brandt
And I didn't see you getting all hot and bothered over the bank and phone records Danny stole.
E não te vi a ficar todo lixado por causa dos registos do banco e do telefone roubados pelo Danny!
Cell phone records.
Registo das chamada telefónicas.
We checked their records. The bank records, their phone records.
Verificámos os registos do banco, do telefone.
Names, phone records, financial statements.
Nomes, registos telefónicos, detalhes financeiros.
Phone records show a call from his cell phone to yours at 1 : 30.
Os registos telefónicos mostram uma chamada do telemóvel dele para o teu às 01 : 30h.
Check his phone records.
Verifica os registos telefónicos dele.
According to the phone records, you were the last person to speak to Doug Mcclain before he was killed.
De acordo com os registos telefónicos foi a última pessoa que falou com Doug Mcclain antes de ele ser morto.
Lieutenant Provenza, if you could continue checking through those phone records, please.
Tenente Provenza, continue a verificar os registos telefónicos, por favor.
There's not one common phone call on their cell phone records.
Não há um único telefonema em comum no registo de chamadas
All right, I ran the phone records from Ortega's motel, over the last month, he has made six calls to Richard Griffith.
Analisei os registos telefónicos do motel do Ortega. No último mês, fez seis chamadas para Richard Griffith.
I'd like your permission to get your phone records. See if we can figure out where he could have called you from.
Quero a sua autorização para pedir os seus registos telefónicos, para ver se descobrimos de onde ele lhe possa ter ligado.
This is the thing, Alan. We checked Tom's cell phone records and we know that he was looking for you.
Verificámos os registos do telemóvel dele e sabemos que andava à tua procura.
I need your permission to pull your phone records, is that all right?
Preciso da sua permissão para consultar o seu registo telefónico. Pode ser? Está bem.
{ \ pos ( 194,240 ) } So I found this call here on the Bynums'phone records that was made the day before Lindsay showed up with the cash to Pratt Edelstein CFA.
DESAPARECIDA HÁ 20 HORAS Encontrei um telefonema, no registo de chamadas dos Bynum, feito no dia antes de a Lindsay ter aparecido com o dinheiro para uma tal de Pratt e Edelstein CFA.
- How about the phone records? - Nothing.
- E os registos telefónicos?
Look, I got an ID on Glen's ex-girlfriend off his phone records from school.
Identifiquei a ex-namorada do Glen pelos registos telefónicos da escola.
Did you check all the other numbers on his phone records?
Verificaste os outros números nos registos?
Check the phone records.
Verifica os registos telefónicos.
I hope you haven't beenpoking your nose into my phone records, james.
Espero que você não tenha metido o nariz nas minhas gravações telefónicas, James.
We took the phone numbers We got from the Russian radio program, Matched'em with phone records from D.C.
Pegámos nos números de telefone que conseguimos do programa de rádio, e comparámos com os registos telefónicos de Washington.
They took a look at Griffin's phone records. They saw you called him an hour before this happened.
Examinaram os registos telefónicos do Griffin e viram que lhe ligaste uma hora antes de tudo acontecer.
My phone records are gonna show that we called each other.
Os meus registos telefónicos mostrarão que trocámos chamadas.
I saw his phone records.
Onde está o Bart? Vi os registos telefónicos dele.
Well, at least one of your patients would beg to differ because we checked Benjamin's phone records.
Bem, pelo menos um dos seus pacientes imploraria não ser tratado de forma diferente, porque nós conferimos os registos telefónicos do Benjamim.
Now, we're checking your phone records.
Nós estamos a conferir os teus registos telefónicos.
Phone records confirm that you text-messaged Nick, luring him there.
O registo do telefone confirma que enviaste um SMS ao Nick, atraindo-o para lá.
SANDERS : I ran MoniqueCarter's phone records.
Analisei os registos telefónicos da Monique Carter.
I've got e-mails, voice mails, phone records and the location of the wrecked car- - everything you'd need to put Bradford away for Fey Sommers'death.
Eu tenho e-mails, voicemails, gravações de telefonemas, e a localização do carro vermelho. Tudo o que precisam para tirar o Bradford de ser culpado da morte da Fey Sommers.
My investigator checked her phone records.
O meu detective investigou as chamadas.
Garcia checked abby's phone records, and he called stiles right after I left him.
A Garcia verificou os registos telefónicos do Abby e ele ligou para o Stiles logo após eu o deixar.
Can I have your permission to check your phone records so I can find out where the call came from?
Dás-me autorização para verificar os teus registos telefónicos, para descobrir de onde veio a chamada?
All right, I've got your mom's phone records.
Já tenho os registos telefónicos da tua mãe.
I have phone records to show 36 calls received by the stolen phone after it was reported missing.
Tenho os registos do telefone que mostram 30 chamadas recebidas no telefone roubado, depois do mesmo ser dado como desaparecido.
Isaac, Shaw's phone records and finances.
Isaac, registos telefónicos e bancários.
It seems like more than a fight, from your phone records.
Não foi só uma discussão, segundo os registos telefónicos.
Phone records indicate that you tried seven times in 12 minutes.
Os registos indicam que tentou ligar sete vezes em 12 minutos.
His phone records show that he called your house the day he died.
O registo telefónico mostra que ele ligou para sua casa no dia em que morreu.
the phone records show that you haven't even called him in over a year.
Os registos telefónicos mostram que não lhe ligas há quase um ano.
Cops ran Busby's phone records for the week before he was killed.
Os polícias viram os registos telefónicos do Busby na semana antes de ter morrido.
Okay, I want you to pull up Luol's phone records.
Arranja os registos telefónicos do Luol.
These are Luol's cell phone records.
Este é o registo de chamadas do Luol.
But Mcclain was on the phone at the time of the murder, so Tripp is running the records to see who he was talking to.
Mas Mcclain estava ao telefone na hora da sua morte, Tripp está a correr os registos para saber quem falava com ele.
We checked Christine's phone records...
Verificámos os registos telefónicos da Christine.
CTU can access the phone's records.
A UAT pode aceder aos registos telefónicos.
Cross-referencing building schematics with phone company and police records now.
Estou a cruzar a planta do prédio com os registos telefónicos e policiais.
No, I'm also, uh, running Harrow's phone and e-mail records for the past 90 days against databases of known arms dealers.
Também estou, comparando os registos de e-mail e telefone com o banco de dados de negociantes de armas conhecidos.
No bank records, no phone service, no driver's license...
Não há registos bancários, telefone, carta de condução...
McGee asked me to parse Andre Jones's old phone and bank records, and when I did, I saw a pattern.
McGee pediu-me que analisasse os registos telefónicos e bancários do André Jones e quando eu terminei, vi um padrão.
Okay, Emily's phone records.
Os registos telefónicos da Emily.
- Mmm. Just got off the phone with the C.D.C. The fungal infection we were exposed to from the graveyard... is rare enough that they'd have records of anyone who was infected.
O CCD diz que a infecção por fungos a que nos expusemos no cemitério é tão rara que se consegue saber quem foi infectado.

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