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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ P ] / Pick her up

Pick her up traducir portugués

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Take the police officer that I left behind with you, and go and pick her up and take her over to CTU.
Leva o agente de polícia com quem te deixei para a ir buscar e levá-la para a UAT.
Your people were supposed to pick her up.
A tua gente ia lá buscá-la.
Sometimes I'd pick her up before school, and she'd always be waiting outside, like a dork.
Às vezes, eu a pegava antes da aula... e ela ficava esperando feito uma idiota.
Is she a pure breed, or did you pick her up at the pound?
É de raça ou foste buscá-la ao canil?
Ross is not gonna pick her up for an hour.
O Ross só vem buscá-la daqui a uma hora.
See, I'm gonna go pick her up, spend a few hours actually being with her, then give her a ride home.
Tenho de sair agora com a Rory. Sabes, ir buscá-la, passar umas horas com ela... e levá-la a casa.
Call her dad. Have him pick her up.
Ligue ao pai dela e diga-lhe para a vir buscar.
Can we go pick her up?
Podemos ir buscá-la?
She asked me to pick her up from the airport.
Pediu-me para a ir buscar ao aeroporto.
Ruth, you can pick her up.
Ruth, pode pegar-lhe.
I'd be a couple of hours. I'd drop her off, pick her up.
Só demoraria umas duas horas, Iria levá-la e buscá-la.
That's why you went to visit, why you agreed to pick her up.
É por isso que a foste visitar, que a foste buscar.
Told me to go pick her up.
Mandou-me ir lá buscá-la.
Sometimes I found an excuse to pick her up after work
Às vezes eu arranjava pretextos para apanhá-la depois do trabalho.
Will you tell her I'll be back later to pick her up?
Dizem-lhe que eu passo por cá logo para a apanhar?
How did you know to come pick her up?
Como você sabia como pegá-la?
You did try to pick her up then?
Então admite que tentou engatá-la?
Grab mum, go to Liz's, pick her up, bring her back here, have a cup of tea and wait for all this to blow over.
Pegamos na mãe, vamos à casa da Liz. Pegamos nela e trazemo-la para cá, tomamos um chá e esperamos que tudo isto acabe.
We need to pick her up too.
- Sim. Também temos de a ir buscar.
So, Maria's going to pick her up from school everyday... and stay with her until you get home from work.
Então, a Maria vai buscá-la à escola todos os dias... e fica com ela até chegares do trabalho.
I told Lauri I'd pick her up at the library.
Eu disse à Lauri que a ia buscar à biblioteca.
I'm looking at her in her stroller, and sometimes I pick her up and stare at her and I realise my only job in life... is to keep her off the pole. Keep my baby off the pole!
Algumas vezes passeio com a minha filha, converso com ela, olho para ela na aranha, e às vezes pego nela e olho-a e percebo que o meu único trabalho na vida é afastá-la do mastro.
Pick her up
I was wondering if you can pick her up from school tomorrow. And take care of her, just from 4 to 7.
Queria saber se podia buscar a Kira à escola amanhã, e tomar conta dela das 16 : 00 ás 19 : 00.
I pick her up every Saturday.
Não, costumo vir buscá-la aos sábados.
- Pick her up.
- Levanta-a.
Chappelle thinks I had someone pick her up, so if he comes up, just keep her hidden.
O Chappelle pensa que mandei alguém vir buscá-la. Se ele aparecer, esconde-a.
She walks to school, I pick her up. That's it.
Ia a pé para a escola eu ia buscá-la.
But sometimes I'd pick her up at the bus stop, buy her an ice-cream cone, and drop her off here.
Mas às vezes, eu ia buscá-la à paragem Comprava-lhe um gelado e deixava-a em casa.
Did you pick her up that afternoon?
Foi buscá-la nessa tarde?
I bought Tessa a bus pass, and that little slut still gets my guy to pick her up after school.
Comprei um passe de autocarro à Tessa. E aquela cabra ainda tinha a boleia com o meu namorado.
Why don't you just pick her up?
Porque não a apanhas simplesmente?
I'll pick up her slack.
Eu substituo-a.
Ask her if he can pick up some ice cream, too.
Pergunta-lhe se também pode trazer gelado.
We're just gonna pick up her stuff.
Vamos só pegar nas coisas dela.
Yeah, we're just here to pick up her stuff. Oh, sure.
- Sim, viemos buscar as coisas dela.
Why? Because she's not in school. And she won't pick up at home or on her cell.
Não desde que vocês acabaram e ela se passou comigo no treino.
If it were me, I'd stick around the area, in case she finds her way back to pick up her car.
Se fosse eu, ficaria por perto, para o caso de ela voltar para levar o carro.
- You tried to pick her up. Anyway, I wouldn't talk to him.
Mas eu não queria falar com ele.
Now listen, Judith is coming by at 5 : 00 to pick up Jake for dinner with her parents.
Ouve isto, a Judith vem cá às 5 : 00 para levar o Jake a jantar com os pais dela.
Well, last week I went to her apartment to pick up some old photo albums.
A semana passada, fui a casa dela buscar uns velhos álbuns de fotos.
All the children pick up her accent
Todos os filhos têm o sotaque dela
I want her to pick me up.
Quero tanto que ela me pegue ao colo!
Krugsby would pick up Clarabelle so he could put her in a home.
Krugsby levaria Clarabelle a um centro.
Tell her to pick up food for tonight's party.
Diga a ela para comprar a comida dojantar esta noite.
Yeah, I keep calling her and she won't pick up the phone.
Sim, liguei várias vezes mas ela não atende.
- You'll pick up her things tomorrow
- Você vai pegar as coisas dela amanhã.
and called my wife, had to get her to ride to work to pick me up and take me home.
Chamei a minha mulher, que teve de conduzir até ao meu trabalho para me ir buscar e levar para casa.
Mrs. Lee's driver will pick up her medication
O motorista da Sr.ª Lee veio levantar o medicamento dela.
I need you to take her to his station to pick up his personal belongings.
Leva-a à estação dele para recolher os pertences pessoais.
OK, we'll work this up together, but I want Division to pick up Jane Saunders so they can continue questioning her.
Trabalhamos nisto juntos e a Divisão vem buscar a Jane Saunders para continuar a interrogação.

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